The concept of symbol and myth and symbol types.. Use of the word carries connotations common among the group and to express their emotional experience

Targeted skills: 
Communication: the ability to recruit components of knowledge and language in the communicative context. 

Using cultural knowledge in Deita reception and production.
Cultural: the ability to load drawn from an intellectual phenomenon studied.
Lesson Steps:

a general assessment of the characteristics of poetic language.

Text of departure:

1 He said Badr Shakir Sayab: 
The day is gone 
Here It extinguished Zbalth glow on the horizon without fire 
I sat down and expecting the return of Sinbad Saffar 
And the sea behind you screaming and thunder storms. 
He will not come back. 
Uma learned that his family gods of the sea 
Castle in the black in the islands of the blood and oysters. 
He will not come back.
"Day is gone"

2 He said Adonis: 
I swore to write on water 
I swore that I carry with Sisyphus 
Ckth endocrine 
I swore to stay with Sisyphus 
Subjected to fever and Sharar 
Search the quarries old blind 
For a final feather 
Type of grass and fall 
Poem dust 
I swore that I live with Sisyphus
"To Sisyphus"
- Note the examples 

The first example:
Note the phrase "the day is gone," we find a supercontinent Tagged aversions to "left" act related to an organism and the "day" is intelligent physical phenomenon, and reduce the dissonance construed "the day" which means life and life at Sayab, Valenhar symbol of life.
Also in the Sinbad stories Arabic symbol for the journey and adventure and intersects with the poet in the length of his journey through life, but he will not return to life as he returned from his travels Sinbad the perilous sea.

The second example:
"The Poetry of Sisyphus approaching death, persuaded his wife that the Atdvenh. And now he is dead! Managed to take the permission to return to life, after he promised to return to the world of the dead where Hides the King, to ask his wife to bury properly, but when he saw the light of the sun and the beauty of life, he started cheating and think back! and lived until he became a pyramid and then died. but the punishment was to lift the rock lookout spot for the deception. "
This myth of the generic meaning of the continuing work and optimism and repetition has been mentioned in texts as Adonis with a re-cycle life every morning in the hope of salvation.
This myth reflects the poet for his position in the struggle of the individual life, as the group reflects the position of the Arab nation in its struggle against injustice and occupation.

A symbol is known in the literature using the word carries connotations common among the group in order to express the emotional experience of all accurate, shorthand for deep semantic meanings.
And the icon may come of two types: a single meaning when referring to direct (the balance of the code of justice), or when the boat comes multiple meaning and interpretation requires us to serve, according to the text.
The code relies on multiple sources so common word (the day the balance of a dove), or inspired by thehistory, heritage, religion or myth.
The code seeks in his poetry is to intensify and enrich, and increase the aesthetic dimensions of the art of poetry.
2 legend story that combines fact and fiction phenomena and turned people into objects is a normal amount to superstition.
Has drawn the poet and creative public myths of world history and to transmit them Ozvha of meanings and connotations and symbols to express his experience, was loaded with meanings and implications in line with the new Roaah.
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