The correct way to deal with the exam half way to success

Presented by: Although the exam and the plight share Achtqakie and Tagged in the square root of one, and although he can not win in any work was done without effort, there is no inspiration to come down from heaven on the inactive who do not know. Despite this it is very possible that the exam turns into something like a picnic to test the possibilities of self; especially when it is setup properly. While the composition of the solid gives to his companions, from the candidates for the exams, matches, anything of excellence on without them, this does not guarantee them success is not necessarily adapt their training and knowledge as required here. It is not surprising that fail the test, his encyclopedic culture while Atovq in the test itself is the least of it have increased. The lesson here in the differentiation between the quantity and quality, well-organized Cape is better than a head filled with good, says Modern educators.
How to be a convincing answer: 
We must realize that many of the answers, even if true, may not be convincing enough. The aim here is beyond persuasion techniques employ heuristics and prove, to engage in the language and control of mood and self-rein in what might these qualities give him opportunities to highlight the added value that are available to the owner of the answer.
The candidate has to remember always that the answer sheet should be a positive image of its owner, and to uphold its value before the debugger or the Commission on the exam. The correct answer alone may not succeed, sometimes, in achieving this objective were not backed by what may provide the language and style of the services of this matter. Services, which makes the illusion and to suggest means of persuasion and the formation of good impressions.
It is possible investments in this context: 
- Organization of the answer sheet: 
The external appearance of the paper answer may reflect in some way, a copy of the owner, during which it can be concluded over the organizational sense to him. 
- Line: The line is considered as an additional factor increasing the value of the answers, it is certain that if it was unread Saatr negatively to read the answers. Therefore advisable to have a candidate line is beautiful. Since this requirement may not be possible for all, the publicly available for all handwriting is clear and readable, the adoption of the pen is back, and over the line, leaving spaces between the lines and the acceptable margins on the right and left. To the spaces left by reasonable at the top of the paper and the bottom.
- Punctuation: 
As much as a regulation of the speech is written, as it is also a sign of failure to regulate the organization or its owner. Vchks provides answers correct punctuation marks is controlled closer to impose his personality on the debugger.
Training in writing: 
There is no doubt that writing well is the purpose envisaged for each candidate in the exam, be sure to prepare well of knowledge, mental and psychological foundations of achieving this end. However, the preparation remains incomplete unless it synergize the collection exercise which people write. In the sense that not only prepare for the conservation and collection of information, but also be accompanied by a continuous exercise and hard to write. Without undergo repeated this training will not be the candidate's written answer to complete the elements at all. And until this process well, the candidate to give up two characteristics are Zmimitan vanity and modesty, and humility and presentation of these attempts to colleagues or specialists for evaluation and discussion.
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