Definitions of educational .. Monitor values, life, school integration, civil liability ...

Values ​​Observatory: The Observatory for the integration of values, principles and values ​​through educational curricula And training through the space of the institution and make a valuable foundations of the educational system . And includes the Charter of the Observatory of the values, religious and national dimensions, humanitarian, scientific, ethical and aesthetic be Learner guests to satisfy them. Observatory and the central office and Mnskiet regional, regional and institutional .
Dropout: Sometimes we talk about waste and
the school we mean by the leak that is happening in march Child's school that stop at a certain stage without completing his studies. But the same phenomenon is talked about in the writings of some educators that academic failure is associated with the Mostly fumbling school parallel to the procedural delays. Other sources also speak of underdevelopment and Allatkev school and many of the concepts that work in order to make the sociology of Education tool for the development of texture on the internal causes
Of the institution during the production of educational inequality, but we are talking about waste in school as a break College students out of school before completing grade or drop out before completing A certain stage.
School life: can be seen from the life of the school Complementary angles and distinct from the public life of the learner which they live in institutions External parallel of the school First, school life "as a climate and functionally integrated components of the work in the school requires special attention in order to ensure a sound environment and positive help Learners to learn and acquire values ​​and behaviors constructively. The composition of this life of the total Temporal and spatial factors, organizational, relational, and communicative, cultural, And promotional components of the formative and educational services provided by the institution for students ". Second, school life" as normal daily life of the learners they live as individuals and groups within the format of an entrepreneur, and this is the essence of life within the living spaces School in how they live their school experiences, their sense of self by Airspace psychological and emotional. "But the true concept of the life of the school are those Student life that are happy and ensure his rights and duties, and make him a good citizen. That is, Life is a school of citizenship and democracy, modernity and social integration And stay away from the isolation and extremism and delinquency and all other negative phenomena. In other words, The school life is that "seeks to provide a learning environment / learning based on the principles of Equality, democracy and citizenship, "and these principles is the faithful expression of human rights And the maintenance of dignity and respect for humanity. If the concept of school life means a group of Interactions, the His criteria are general representation for all actors in all stages of education . Is determined by aspects of school life in the removal of material and moral obstacles that prevent Learners and education, and provide the best conditions conducive to education, the educational process On the basis of the participation of all parties, and to provide educational services, regardless of any considerations Foreign Affairs, and the achievement of equality between the various regions and local authorities and structures. "If,Feature of school life, quality, modernity, openness, communication, partnership and innovation And creation. Involving all actors and actors, whether they belong to the educational pattern Or format of the ocean outside the socio economic or administrative. The framework of school life Is "the framework of a democratic dialogue between individuals, groups, institutions, and freedom of expression And participation in decision-making and responsibilities. The area is an area of development and the pursuit To participate actively in the establishment of community-based dimensions of modernist set of development goals Rights, and emphasizes the concepts and values ​​that can strengthen the will of the citizens and competencies Industry on their present and future science and creative thought, which holds a community project formulation Moroccan renewed. "Here we should distinguish between the School of life l'école de la vie, life School la vie scolaire ; Because the first school of product conception Albrڰmata (John Dewey and William James ..) which is the way to school and learn life and rehabilitation of the learner of the future Nafie, and this means that the school is within this scenario for them to achieve concrete results in the frameLearner to cope with life's problems and to achieve productivity benefits contribute to the development of society towards Forward through innovation and discovery and building the present and the future. And then, school here is School of physical targets based on profit, interest and benefit and gain self- And community. The second school is "both a homogeneous and coherent combining school And parallel and organizes media guideline, and the project supports the student's will after the citizenship, And activates the representative system and the cultural movement and horizontal themes and supports individual work And enhances its ability to innovate. "That is, this school life are educated human Thzbh and morally, to make it able to face all the difficult situations in life with the building Human relations, social and emotional and psychological. These relationships are more important than the production quantity And cost-effectiveness that are at the expense of the values ​​and the public interest and sincere citizenship.
Integration: the fates of the learner to employ several previous Talmat separate new buildingIntegrated and meaningful, and often is a result of this new learning intersections that occur between Various materials and units of study.
Association of parents and guardians of students is made ​​up of parents And mothers and parents shall contribute to the campaigns to raise school enrollment and reduce interruptions and track The work of his students and contribute to the various activities of the educational institution and cultural, artistic and other And assist in the repairs and urgent repairs
  Civil Liability: liability arises Civil contractual or tort be either done the same person or by reaction of others. In Education subject to the general theory of tortious liability for conditions associated with the act Profile Knowledge and which is wrong and the damage and the causal Ugodalalaqh) in education need to The presence of his students under the supervision / administrative responsibility related to the emergence of administrative error my father Is less dangerous than the criminal offense of administrative errors not to accept the position / not Back to work after filing / disclosure of professional secrecy - lack of respect for superiors.
  Professional secrecy: The confidentiality of the professional duties of each employee in terms of business and news brief Them through the performance of its functions. And it prevents the misappropriation of interest papers and documents or communicated To others in violation of the system.
Licenses health: come and status of licenses in exchange for a position to do The job is a right of the employee under the law. The types of licenses, permits an annual administrative Licenses and special permits or licenses, absenteeism and sick, we find that fall within the second section : Which in turn are divided into short-term licenses and medium-term and long-term licenses, and because of Illnesses or injuries due to conduct business.
  New technologies: This term is associated Modern, which appeared a valuable field of education in the field of information and communication. And generally refers to Various media and assistive devices that help the exchange and transfer of information, a sound or a picture or two Together. It goes through the video, computer and camera and Muslat and Internet networks, in a variety of areas, including the various parties (administration, teachers, students .) And has been identified in the National Charter for Education and Training to the use of new technologies in the tenth pillar of the third area devoted to talk about quality.
  Ability And preparedness: The concept of capacity in many of the concept of willingness to do an action. But the difference lies in the fact that the first acquired from the periphery and linked to the possibility of success in The work of any subject or skill for the note, in the time when the second internally any innate, Also be linked to the circumstances which govern the individual. Readiness is a capability in the case of Latency. When the transmission capacity of the case to the state of latency to appear is called skill. Skill Demonstrate the ability to master procedural act of knowledge. San Arabs know the capacity and linking it to "To the extent evidencing own reside and capacity, and the amount: of strength and power over the thing" Pedagogy, is the ability to serve as targets near or medium term, approaching the level of Alsnavah generality of objectives in three areas: the cognitive domain, and domain sense Motor, and affective domain. "The ability is to develop a certain type of behavior and intellectual development of attitudes And a certain emotional virtual concept is not for the note indicates that the internal organization The individual (student) grow through the configuration process. Through the interaction between mental processes And methods of behavior, created by the training activities, from recruitment knowledge and content Certain "
  Educational situations: It is all the "problem is a challenge for the learner and able to Engage in the process of learning an active, constructive and receive information and to find rules to resolve the systematic And reasonable to elevate the level of learner knowledge better "
Status issue: It refers Generally to the various information and knowledge, which should be linked to solve the problem or situation New, or for a mission in a specific context. It, therefore, characterized by the integration of knowledge and their ability To solve in different ways by the learner. And not necessarily the status of teaching. It is also linked to School level and the context in which they were received and of the activities and the desired employee. And aids Teaching aids and work under the guidance of the stated and implicit.
  Configuration baseline and configuration Continuous: winning requires acceleration in the field of knowledge in general, to be frameworks of Education Configuration and informed of the various developments. And develop their performance and knowledge in the field. Are Talk about the configuration of the two approaches in European and Anglo-Saxon, the secretion of the concepts of configuration Supplementary or rehabilitation. Configuration means "special education to give the person or group, Knowledge Theory and the process necessary to practice the profession or activity. "Refers to the concept of continuous training Continuity and extension and not on the configuration Almnaspti. It is a moment of reflection exercise Review the concepts and experience. It is the configuration of the practice facilities for tender Better future. A rejection of the rigidity of the intellectual and professional development. It is a new arrangement and shaping of the structure The former. Can Nmoukah Hzta between pre-and post-training. This process needs to Address the systematic and procedural and calendar, in order to be able to follow the path mechanisms kiln improvement And development
Education Fitness: I say that there is confusion as clear and blatant ignorance of the names and their meanings of (Such as physical education, sports, physical education) and an explanation of what is meant to say that education Sports intended knowledge, skills and science-related games and individual sports And bilateral and collective such as football, basketball, athletics, etc. It is certainly And necessity is not intended nor required for our daughters with the exception of recreational side of the practice of some Of those games. The physical education is that part of the original system of education Of man but of other nations and civilizations may have outdone them, that is not justified Our ignorance of them and Astinkava Perhaps the most comprehensive and accurate definition of physical education in this place It (raising the body through the body and through the body) and to explain the previous statement we need to What the reader does not imagine the time and space and very briefly, it contains the body and carries the mind And the heart and emotions, feelings and sensations and vital organs and he must raise its own For the maintenance and continuation of the males and females
  Pension: is the amount of money received by the employee or the User formal and exerciser following the end of his service in a systematic or permanent disability and construed To his heirs after his death. And compared to the amounts deducted from the interview and contributions State or local community or its public institution.
  Salary of invalidity: If a Employee during his work of sacrifice for the common good (floods, fire, earthquake) or to save the life of One or more persons, following an incident on the occasion to engage in employment, this Employee benefit of the license of the total disease conducted by the salary with the invalidity pension that admitted Him with his inability to work may also benefit from the invalidity pension conducted with Ida returned to Working with a percentage of the deficit is estimated at 25 percent at least.
Custom: custom source Legal rule is no different in that one. The practice is inherently specific to the time needed Long to say his presence and stability and then it is realistically difficult to say thatCustom reference from the references of constitutional jurisdiction. An example is the last of the enrolled customs Management in education.
Retirement: The retirement of the concept of modern concepts, which took By all States, and originally appeared as a result of a transformation of industrial society, and envisages that it Be a way to lift the injustice and cruelty to the staff and workers who were working for hours Their days, but throughout their lives, without any warranties or any rights, and they were expelled from their jobs , And dispense with their services simply because their low productivity due to the deterioration of their health or Old age. The staff agreed to most of the laws in various countries on the necessity of a certain age Then the service ends and the employee shall be referred to retire, but they differ in determining the age at which At the age of the individual deserves a pension, though most of the countries selected between the ages of 60 years And 66 years and because the possibility exists and it is agreed that the productivity of the individual and its decreasing At this age. Valthad is a social process include the abandonment of the individual optional And compulsory work for has been doing most of his senses, and therefore withdrawal from the workforce in Society and its transformation to rely at least in part on the particular system of the adequacy of the material is Social insurance system, eliminates the pension is replaced as we wage a relatively recent phenomenon, Therefore, the definition of a retired researcher to put the problems of a troublesome question is retired? Is any person to receive a pension? Or is it someone who does not work throughout the year? Or is it someone up Age determined by the community?
Resignation: Group is to provide a written request to be attributed to an exemption from theService
  Isolation is the administrative action taken by management in the employee's right to an administrative error and the result is divided To the isolation of non-arrest of the right to retirement; isolation coupled with the arrest of the right to retirement. Without consulting the Disciplinary Board sometimes
Moroccan university solidarity: Explanatory Note Solidarity Organization Moroccan university was established solidarity Moroccan university In 1934 by the French teachers working in Morocco, as an extension of the central The menu in France : Federation des Autonomes de Solidarité with independence, he founded the Moroccan Association of Solidarity Moroccan university, though in fact not only quoting Responsibility for the conduct of the Assembly to the hands of Moroccan •
  Objectives of the Assembly: Assembly derives its spirit of The idea of solidarity, the solidarity of the Authority, including welded family education and makes them stronger and more effective forMission to do the noble and influential role in shaping our society and industry Moroccan human The fact that a member of the Authority, in turn, educational and mission as required, require the provision of Protect their rights and create the appropriate conditions for the exercise of his work, both material and moral  In this context, solidarity contribute to an effective contribution to the Moroccan university are:
1 - the defense of Members whenever they engaged in a suit as civilian officials for incidents againstStudents or because of them under guard •
2 - as well as defend them when they are victims or followers. For misdemeanors such as insults, slander, threats and assault and battery and false denunciation, whether committed Those misdemeanors in the exercise of their job or have an exercise or because of •
3 - adopt Files are members of the professional administrative disputes before courts concerning administrative and Characterized by drastic decisions in the use of power, arbitrary transfers, denial of promotion, Disciplinary decisions defective • • • etc.  Solidarity Moroccan university are available on the network Lawyers are distributed to other regions and cities of Morocco are the functions of support involved And defend their interests before the courts at all levels  In the interests of the profession's reputation And its members, the Assembly seeks everything in its power to resolve disputes that may arise between members of the Of the board of education, so Bgaah contain the problem and resolve it within the family by teaching Commission reconciliation • In this spirit, we do not support the members of the board of education against another, regardless of the Reasons and motives, that we do our expenses related to each conciliatory settlement or judicial  Solidarity leader believes in telling the Assembly effectively and benefit of the members to make BgaahEducational body was aware and unaware of their rights and duties, solidarity has been the Moroccan university Since 1968, a version of "Leader of solidarity," a practical guide can be engaged to keep abreast of all Finds and develops especially in the legislative field, so we are working to explain the key texts Targeting two main elements: - the dignity of a member of the board of education as a factor <- Respect the rules The assets of the public administration of education and raising awareness of the rights and duties of members of the family educational  Solidarity Moroccan university is not eligible by virtue of legal status to intervene with management to resolveEducational problems of the members of the Authority, a subject of the jurisdiction of the unions, but they give Information and guidance and provide moral support and human warmth that is indispensable for each of the Exposed in his life to the problem of what • • •
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