Educational status: the components and features .. Consensus and harmony of the individual with himself and his society

1 - the definition of educational status: the educational situation is the framework which is a group educational actions aimed at achieving consensus and harmony of the individual with himself and his community. Gaston Myyalara see that the situation is characterized by being the educational and humanitarian situation complex. Therefore it is essential to study the conditions psychology of each act educational Kalzca, memory, and nutrition ... the psychology of education is, after all, a group analysis, we do, from the perspective of psychology, institutions and methods and structures of the school system. And to create the status of education must be from the interaction of two people at least, in addition to the interaction, location and timing. The educational situation is the sum of the interactions that occur between these elements as a pattern is characterized by open and dynamic balance in a state of anti-Ontorpaa Néguentropie There summarizes all of the external factors affecting the educational situation in the ocean any
Family, peer, school, the parallel and the media. 
The education of my Lord and studied the universe. It is the conscious practice and scientific learning to do, whether a family or an institutional or professionally. The said practice is what is termed mean Balbidagoggio, teaching and action can only be achieved within the educational process. 2 - the educational process - learning: Most of the definitions that have been formulated on the learning did not take into account all the variables. Fjats (Gates ) Linking learning to solve problems and satisfy needs and Guilford (Guilford ) Learning is a change in behavior caused by raising it. It is therefore proposed another definition of a more dynamic and comprehensive is that "learning is the acquisition of behavior or certain conduct (knowledge, movements ....) is the acquisition of the status of specific and through interaction between the individual learner and the subject your learning. " If the educational process is the sum of the activities and actions aimed at learning to occur, the psychology of learning play a prominent role in this area as it is useful in ways to avoid incorrect or time-consuming to teach us and guide the learning of others. Summarizes Fouad Abu Hatab (1981) for the importance of psychology to the educational process are as follows: 
A - excluding what is not true about the educational process, 
B - to provide the teacher the correct principles that explain the learning school, 
C - give the teacher the goals of educational psychology that do not differ in essence from the goals of the teacher, a description, explanation and prediction, Nevertheless, the qualification means that the teacher brings the student a wealth of data and information, and the explanation is the teacher's ability to explain and analyze the behavior of the student, and the prediction is guesswork, and for several decades appeared specialization that seeks to make the specialists and teachers understand what is going on within their departments. This specialization is Aldisdaktic. 3 - concept Aldisdaktic: "there were many definitions of multiple researchers, some of them considered Aldisdaktic thinking in the subject in order to teach, and some of them felt that a science in itself is facing problems related to the material and structure, and problems associated with the individual in the position of learning, the problems of logical and psychological . 
The study of Jean Klodgaon J-C Gagnon Issued in 1973 under the title "Disdaktic the article" a serious attempt, because it suggests the following definition: "It is the problem of total and dynamics of three elements: a - to reflect on the nature of the subject, and objectives of teaching, b - the preparation of hypotheses from the data of renewable and varied continuously of psychology and sociology, c - a theoretical study and practical to do teaching on the teaching of this Article. Despite the nature of epistemological this definition it is Baltnasis on the employment of psychology at the Aldisdaktic. The latter two types in general are: - Aldisdaktic General: The care of all problems and difficulties and the ways in teaching that common to all teaching materials and training. - Aldisdaktic Private means necessary to teach the material. 
Overall, the study researcher Aldisdaktica tendencies, characteristics and qualifications of the learner and the susceptibility psychological and mental health, and the reflection on the willingness to learn.Here is implied the need to use psychology to take the psychological data on learners.
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