Employment data in the psychology building Disdaktic scientific

He looked Ybla Hans H. AEBLI To Aldisdaktic from the perspective of psychology, namely angle of the pupil and its ability, mental and psychological impact on Te willing to learn, and therefore investment and employment of the capability systematically take into account the learner's physical growth and mental development. The Aldisdaktic is the science of assistant to the pedagogy, and has to rely too much on psychology formative says Ybla in his book "Aldisdaktic psychological. The Gaston Myyalara sees that Aldisdaktica interested in language and terms of communication and contact with the outside world and the ocean, is also interested in the problems of learning which is the linchpin in the act Educational , The study of learning is the study of incentives, interests, needs and desires ... and Disdakticah these problems can be overcome only by the Takrigadtha psychology. 
We believe that building Disdaktic "scientific" useful and appropriate data necessarily require the employment of psychology that contributes to the Solve some general problems of Disdaktic. The various branches of psychology, provide education with data relating to mental capacity and individual differences and characteristics of physical growth of the learner, and motor skills and stages of growth mentally, socially, and emotional ... The following are the contributions of each branch: 
1 - Experimental Psychology La psychologie expérimentale : It is simply psychology that has been built thanks to the experimental method, the goal of its application to animal and human is to reach the laws are universal, and has a strong relationship with the psychology of human nature.The Font (Wondt ) The first founder of this science through the establishment of the first laboratory of psychology at the University of Leipzig in 1879. 
- His contributions to pedagogy: it is the question whether adult or child-Sheikh, the experimental psychology looking for laws generally conform to the fixed relations of the phenomena of note, and so the teacher provides information and data about the sensation and motor and position of the living body. And also the laws of evolution in human life. 
Due to the employment data of experimental psychology and experimental pedagogy emerged Aldisdaktic pilot. Also helped the results of this science to develop research Aldisdaktica provide data on the number of tendencies which the learner does not know the work that only tastes. 
2 - Psychology Alvariqa: the subject of this section is to study the adaptation of individuals and groups with the ocean, and because there are individual differences between individuals and social differences between the groups, and the laws controlling these differences is the goal of this science. 
And data Istouhaha Aldisdaktic of Psychology Alvariqa variety of data related to the differences mentioned above and the intelligence and special abilities. As well as applications and tests and Alroaúz to measure mental abilities, thus making the teacher knows what could be his learner's effort in a particular place in the status of specific learning. The Psychology Alvariqa useful to know what works for one level of study without the other or to a child without the other or of a substance without the other. Based on the facts of this science and other sciences that belong to the trunk of psychology, or fields of knowledge other Calcosiologia, economics, history and demography - Based on all this - directs each student to specialize, which suits him and is building curriculum from the perspective of difference and the duty to respect the local particularities and the adoption of approaches to macroscopic. (Le macroscope ). 
3 - Social Psychology: La psychologie sociale Despite the recent (1930) This science has led us to reconsider our perception of the asanas and the educational methods of analysis and process of education. Thus it became necessary for the researcher and teacher to Aarafa workings of the group and its development process and the structural members and their money. 
The behavior according to social psychology is the product of a dynamic relationship of the individual interaction with the possibility of the physical environment, social, moral, and cultural rights.Moreover, this knowledge allows to know the levels and thresholds of interaction and integration, for example: How does it affect the group in the individual, and how individual attitudes imbued collectivism and how receptive the individual systems of social control, or reject. We have employed the school education in particular, these data Alsakoajtmaih order to satisfy the needs of the pupil of social relations. This saturation is achieved by learning. In this context, between Maisonneuve that the study of the individual are in dire need of social psychology studies the person KMAT interacting continuously with the center of social and cultural, have the social psychology of the farmers and the researcher that a group of learners of any size, large or small, are the relationships are complex and interactive and it should not be considered merely a compilation of individuals (Juxtaposition ). 
4 - Psychoanalysis: (La psychanalyse ) Is a theory in psychology and the way in the treatment of mental disorders, neurological and psychological research contexts deep. The Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939) a pioneer in this area. However, the research developed by the analysts, psychologists subsequent times: Young (Young ) And Adler) (Adler And analysis is concerned with the psychological behavior, feeling, and unconscious, and has hired his data in the interpretation available to partners in the educational process has become the teacher is able to learn the history of the child and Mkpotat unconscious, and derived Aldisdaktic of psychoanalysis guidance many belong to a teacher who asked to be standing on the types of internal conflicts and disclosed so as not to projection exercise. As belonging to a child who carries with him a great deal to the department of family relations. Discussed Hanoun (H-Hannoun ) Conflict with the child the center recognized the importance of the various components of the data and the psychological implications of the unconscious and of repression and frustration-and-drop transfer and imitation and counterfeiting on school achievement and the educational process. 
- As for the learning, the analysis by emphasizing the psychological effect on the interference of self and social factors that belong to the "sphere of the unconscious - the concept fur hands - because learning is not confined only to the mental capacity, but the job Allebedeh (la libido ), As confirmed by the research after Freud, intervene in mental function, he sought knowledge is inseparable from the principle of pleasure and play. " 
Generally, contributions can be summarized in the educational psychological analysis the following points: 
- Analysis of educational relations between the parties concerned. 
- Monitoring the movements of the unconscious and the conversion from the center of another (family, school, for example) 
- Disclosure of the psychological reasons for defaulting school to support the struggling emotionally, not only cognitive 
- To provide the professor Ckshafah techniques (Techniques heuristiques ) 
5 - Developmental Psychology (child and adolescence): The problem of determining the stages of growth among the problems facing the psychology of the child. Therefore Nlfa different theories mainly concerned with growth Alndjanih psychomotor, and behavioral growth of interest and its relationship to the environment, and structural growth of knowledge concerned with the child and adolescent, and psychoanalytic theory, which focuses on the emotional and family. Here we do not want the history of this science or that talking about Darwin and his contributions and Fallon H Wallon And disagreement with Biaggi and the positions Rokhlan Reuchlin M And others, but we want to monitor data that can be used in the educational process and the following data: 
- The idea of setting: the effect that a child while playing adequately trained on the difficult tasks entrusted to him when he becomes an adult. 
- The idea of venting: and see that the child plays in order to vent Mkpotadth. 
The function performed by the children's play is give the child a different physical skills and provide information related to its surroundings. Thus the child acquires the ability to understand himself and others. In this context, linked by some psychologists between playing and turn it in order to diagnose and understand the disorders and mental illness, known as the manifestations of behavioral abnormalities and educational formed by the play, the child also sees "Willard Olsen, 1962" when he taunts the game or Altmha or be tender or arranged it but tells observed on the story he has to absorb. 
- The psychology of children and adolescents may be at the pedagogical and Aldisdaktica of the choice of methods and content appropriate for each stage of growth, and awareness of the breeder of their specificities are required to teacher to be knowledgeable of capabilities mental child and adolescent as it must, in the initial stages, diversification of methods and Alutirat between the shed and explained and exercises. The teacher's knowledge of the specificities of adolescence, emotional, sexual and material make it able to adjust the mechanisms to engage and understand the basis of faltering. Many are those who worked to raise awareness of the importance of playing jam (bronze, Vrobl, Montessori, Clapared, Rogers, Tolstoy ...) 
- Conclude by talking about the psychology of growth is to confirm the fact that the search Aldisdaktica can not do without the achievements of Jean Biaggi Ballashaour own knowledge, which consists of mental constructs - knowledge. The mental development has benefits in terms of teaching aids which distinguishes between four major stages: stage sensory motor, and pre-thought processes that begin at age, and stage processes sensory macroscopic starting in the eighth and then the stage of operations the formal logical starting at the age of ten. In parallel with this by familiarizing himself with the truth, we say that the theory of Biaggi been exposed to several criticisms, which is really positive, but it can not be generalized because the specificities of each society and the cognitive development approach should be systemic.
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