Enterprise Councils: the Council of the measure, the Education Council, District Councils

Article 17: The board is made ​​up educational institutions and public education of the Council of the measure and the Education Council and school boards and boards Forums .
Article 18
Council measure
The Council measure the following tasks: - to propose rules of procedure of the institution underRespect for the legislative and regulatory texts in force and his approval Regional Council of the Academy for Education and Training in question. - Study programs of action Education Council and boards of education and approved
And included in the Programme of Action of the institution proposed by him. - Study of the annual work program on The activities of the Foundation and follow the stages of completion. - See the decisions of the Other councils and the results of its operations and use its data to raise the level ofMeasure the educational and administrative and financial institution. - Study the appropriate measures To ensure the maintenance of the institution and maintain Mmtlkaha. - To express an opinion on the draft Partnership agreements that the institution intends to conclude. - Study the needs of the institution Almwalio of the school year. - Approval of the general annual report onActive and functioning of the institution, which should include data relating to Zuma Housekeeping, financial, and accounting of the Foundation
Article 19: The Board of management of the institution according to levels of education provided inArticle 2 of: a) For primary school, director of the Foundation as president; One representative of the board of teaching for each grade level from the levels of phase Primary education; one representative of the administrative and technical frameworks; president of the parents and Parents; a representative of the collective enterprise that exist within the influence Turabi; b) for junior secondary, director of the Foundation as president; guard Guards by public or foreign; Ranger-General of the Interior in the case of the institution to provide Internal departments or school canteens; one representative of the board of teaching for each substance Seminars; trajectory of economic interests; advisor in the guidance and educational planning; Two representatives from the administrative and technical frameworks; president of the parents and guardians Students; a representative of the collective enterprise that exist within the influence-Turabi; C) For minor rehabilitation, director of the Foundation as president; director of the study If the institution provides sections on preparation for entry into colleges and high schools Or departments to prepare for higher technical certificate; the beholder; head works for Technical institutions; guard or guards, two of the party; Ranger-General of the internal If the institution provides to internal departments or school canteens; one representative from The board of teaching for each subject; trajectory of economic interests; two representatives For students of the institution; two representatives from the administrative and technical frameworks; president of the Association Parents and guardians of pupils; a representative of the collective enterprise that exist within the Turabi's influence. And The President of the Council measure that calls for the institution to attend meetings Council for advice everyone sees the benefit in attending, including representatives For primary school students and junior secondary .
Article 20: management of the Foundation Council shall meet at the invitation of its Chairman whenever necessary, therefore, and At least twice per year: - Course at the beginning of the school year, and allocated To determine directions for the conduct of the institution, and in particular: * Study Program Annual work on the activities of the Foundation and approved; * identify actionsPlanning to enter school. - Course at the end of the school year, and allocated To study the achievements and needs of the organization and in particular: * Consideration of Annual ReportGeneral on the active and functioning of the institution and approved; * Identify the needs ofInstitution of the school year and approved pro .
Article 21: required for the health of the deliberations of the Council that the management of the institution attended at least half At the first meeting of its members and in the absence of a quorum, a second call directed In one week and the attendees have a quorum. And take decisions by majority vote, Drew the most likely side of the President of the Council. Article 22 sets How to choose members of the management of the institution of the decision of the government authority in charge of National Education .
Article 23
Education Council
Shall be vested in Council of the Educational Foundation of the following tasks: - Preparation of draft annual program Of the educational work of the Foundation programs and activities that support and parallel implementation and tracking And evaluation. - Provide suggestions on programs and educational curricula and display The Regional Council of the Academy for Education and Training in question. - Coordination between the Different subjects. - To express an opinion on the distribution of students and Forums How to use the rooms and the uses of time. - Programmed tests The examinations are organized at the enterprise level and to contribute to the different track Operations completed. - Processing of applications for social assistance and suggest students Candidates to take advantage of them and presented to the Council of the measure. - Organization of activities andGames and cultural competitions, sports and artistic .
Article 24: The Council is composed according to the educational levels of education provided for in Article above: a) For primary school, director of the institution as president, One representative of the faculty for each grade level from the levels of phase Primary, President of the Association of Parents of pupils and parents of the institution. B) For High school junior, Director of the Foundation as president; two guards of the party; One representative of the board of teaching for each subject; in the guidance counselor and Educational planning; president of the parents of pupils and parents institution; c) For The secondary school qualification, director of the Foundation as president; director in the case study provides Sections of the preparatory institution for entry into colleges and high schools or departments To prepare for higher technical certificate; principal institution; two guards of the party; One representative of the board of teaching for each subject; two representatives of students Institution; president of the parents of pupils and parents of the institution. Members are appointed Council of Educational born director of the Regional Academy of Education and Training .
Article 25: Educational Council shall meet at the invitation of its Chairman whenever necessary, and the At least two sessions a year, Article 26: The board of education shall be vested in councilsTeaching the following tasks: - study and teaching of subject position and determine Their needs education; - discuss the problems and obstacles that hinder the application of Curriculum and offer suggestions to overcome them; - horizontal and vertical coordination Between the teachers of each article; - programming mode of operations for the calendar Article school; - choose appropriate textbooks for teaching the material and Educational presentation to the Council for approval; - Alhajiatman determine the configuration Teachers for the benefit of employees of the institution concerned; - Proposed program of activities Educational material for each seminar in coordination with the Educational Inspector; - Tracking Results Collection of students in the subject; - Search methods development and renewal Educational practice for each school subject; - Proposed distribution of private equity Each article as a platform for the preparation of study tables quotas; - completion of periodic reports on Educational activity for each academic subject and submitted to the Board and the Educational Educational Inspector of the material .
Article 27: board of education made ​​by each of the subjects of: For primary and secondary school curricula, in his capacity as Director of the Foundation President; all subject teachers; b) for secondary qualification, Director Corporation as President; Director in the case study institution provides sections on Preparation for entry into colleges and high schools or departments to prepare a technical certificate Higher education; principal institution; all subject teachers .
Article 28: Board of Education meets each subject at the invitation of its Chairman whenever necessary, therefore, and at least two sessions a year
Article 29
District Councils
Shall be vested in Forums councils the following tasks: - periodically review the results of the pupils and Take appropriate decisions in their criticism; - Analysis and exploitation of learning outcomesSchool in order to identify and organize support and reinforcement; - decisions Transfer of pupils to the levels pro or allow repetitive or separated in The end of the school year and that based on the points obtained; - the study and Analysis of requests for guidance and re-routing and the broadcast; - The proposal of resolutions Disciplinary against disruptive pupils and according to the requirements of the Rules of Procedure Foundation .
Article 30: District Councils made ​​up according to levels of education provided for in Article 2 Of: a) For primary school, director of the Foundation as president; all The section on teachers; a representative of the Association of Parents of pupils and parents of the institution; b For junior secondary, director of the Foundation as president; two guards Of Foreign Affairs; advisor in the guidance and educational planning; all teachers section Concerned; a representative of the Association of Parents of pupils and parents of the institution; b) for The secondary school qualification, director of the Foundation as president; director in the case study provides Sections of the preparatory institution for entry into colleges and high schools or departments To prepare for higher technical certificate; two guards of the party; all teachers section Concerned; a representative of the Association of Parents of pupils and parents of the institution. And at the Council meeting Khaoh disciplinary section, in addition to its members, a representative of the students choose the section on Among his colleagues .
Article 31: District Councils shall meet at the end of the courses specified by the school system in force.
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