Evaluate the educational objectives and competencies essential to measure student learning

Any goals we? To answer this question, it should be identified to:
(1) levels of the objectives underlying the White Paper
(2) the level of goals represented by the basic skills
(3) background reference on which the assessment of basic skills
1. Levels of the objectives underlying the White Paper
  The reader in the White Paper notes that there are three levels of objectives:
 The level of the educational objectives are connected to the specific goals (such as language or Arabic mathematics, etc.) and a specific task (use of present tense Almdzom, collection integers ...).
Achieve this type of goals or evaluation is out of context and fill out the gains through the fragmented mobilization exercises.      
   The level of general objectives such as writing text without specifying the race (or a descriptive narrative or orbicular ...)  
   The level of what is known as a spin-off APC targets that are not connected to the certain specific task, such as observation or analysis to prove or design (design of a topic to write texts for example)  
2.        Level goals represented by the basic skills   
There is another level of goals, find it in the curriculum beyond content knowledge and skills to integrate knowledge, skills, behavior and learning skills at the spin-off and during the calendar. It is held on the curriculum as a core feature of efficiency out of each unit at the end of a period of learning. And know enough, under the pedagogy of integration, of being an integrated set of knowledge, skills and behavior skills and occasional mobilize to solve a problem within the status of a vehicle or the production of a text in the status of what continues.
Featuring basic enough that it requires: (1) is a complex task (the production of a text or solve a problem) (2) within the context of (3) and within the status of a vehicle.
Can enrich the decision of what this level of goals. This explains the initiative of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Staff Training and Scientific Research, under the workout pedagogy integration in a first phase: (1) the formulation of basic skills in Arabic, French, mathematics, and openness (2) and building positions integrative in order to learn the student's integration of its gains in the status of the vehicle.
And this decision is available on the levels of goals achieved, in learning and in the calendar, three dimensions. Are: (1) a wider range of content (such as text, for example) (2) most of the contextual (Status) (3) and the largest amount of structural (task)      
3.        Evaluating student learning: Assessing the educational objectives or basic skills or both.  
1. Evaluating the level of pre-defined educational objectives for the review of resources or support or recognition of the success or Badmh (Calendar Alahhadi). In this type of calendar, employs student knowledge and skills gained in fragmented to answer a series of production exercises (short or long) or exercise of choice or fill in the blanks or link equity ...
2. And evaluate the skills to recognize the degree to verify the adequacy of basic, or certification of treatment success or not. In which the student employs integrated manner, and without exclusion of any type of the objectives referred to, and in particular, the educational objectives and competencies-offs, in order to produce a compound, through the status of the vehicle.  
4. Background underlying the assessment of basic skills  
Assess the degree of control the adequacy of core falls within the authority taking the decision so that the ingredient: (1) collect (combinatorial) number of appropriate information and data, reliable and honest production of the learner (2) and examine the degree of compatibility with a range of Almaiier and indicators pre-defined or modified in Meanwhile (3) in order to take the decision (to address errors in the event of structural evaluation or Approval of success or in the event calendar Aakhvaq Alahhadi).
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