Exploitation of psychology techniques in the development of the educational process

In fact not possible to give a general definition of the term and comprehensive pedagogy, psychology and the definition varies from researcher to another. However, note that both addresses the majors, although from different angles - one theme is a child. Hence the imperative of cooperation between them. 
The development of the learning process - learning all the required components are optimized for psychology techniques, and be more pronounced in experimental pedagogy. 
The classroom is a world full of saturated phenomena, the student, and a past professor Meskunan and actuality. Psychology and the act extends the possibility of educational study and measurement of student conduct and behavior. Through the four perspectives is, reason, effect, duration, frequency, and these techniques are used in experimental sciences. 1 - Measurement Alsosiomitri la sociométrie : The first employed this technique is Jean-Louis Moreno Moreno JL In his book "Foundations of Social Measurement" Les fondements de la sociométrie . Indeed, this measurement is a way to determine the degree of acceptance of the individual in his group and the disclosure of the relationship between him and the rest of the individuals. You can use this technology in the classroom in order to clarify the hidden relationships between students as if we asked the student: I remember who wish to work with him? Or is the student who does not want to work with him? Or is a student who you think it will work with you? These and other technical know the teacher a question or leaders and lonely and rejected and then trying to help to integrate the marginalized and isolated to resolve the causes of isolation. And take the pedagogy of social psychology following concepts: 
1-1 direction: Attitude Mr. Ahmed Ozzie sees that the definitions of different psychological direction converge in one point as the direction a state of psychological preparedness and the potential behind the response of the individual and Slokath. And that this case acquired. 
- If we want to give new impetus to the educational process, all actors in the educational field bound by the directions of individuals and groups. 
2-1 Communication: Communication Communication, according to Cooley Cooley Is: "Almikanzm by which no human relations and evolve, it's all the symbols of the mind with the means of communicating across the domain and strengthened in time. It also includes facial expressions, movements and tone of voice and words.. And technical communication, in our estimation, a technique effective in the educational process. Says Gaston Myyalara that communication between teacher and pupil can be achieved only if the Sunan le code Known by them together. As he says in his book "Introduction to Science Education": "We have confirmed on many occasions the importance of communication in the educational processes. Has raised new technologies and their applications in education this problem again ...." . 
We believe that the act can not be teaching that bear fruit only if the teacher was a master of some initial knowledge and technology of communication that are based on the epistemology of modern linguistics. 
3-1 dynamic groups Dynamique des Groupes : It was Kurt Lewin K. Lewin Founder of the concept of group dynamics that occur on the activity of the group whose members interacting with each other psychologically. 
- The dynamics of groups of branches or techniques of social psychology, which contributed greatly to the direct activity towards the pedagogical interest in collective action and how to exploit it in various fields. This technique can be used in support of students, cognitive and emotional sense - physically. By which it can be for the teacher to correct some of the emotional gaps in his disciples, though urging them to cooperate and participate, or the incentive to work, has pointed Vanueh Francis Francis Vanoye To some communication techniques that can be used to train the students to participate, dialogue and interaction with the modes of teaching. 
2 - Psychometric measurement La psychométrie : Alroaúz and the use of various kinds. 
Alraúz and characteristics: Alraúz accurate measurement tool for certain behaviors and actions, as a procedural tool that was able to silence those behaviors and compare them Bslokat and the actions of other individuals are in the same situation. 
According Alroaúz in shaping the learning process employing individually or collectively to measure the knowledge and school achievement tests. It is an effective technique used by the teacher and the teacher to monitor students' pedagogical development. This is called Broaúz knowledge. There is also Roaúz mental capacity, the most important Raúz intelligence. And reflects the results of either mental age or intelligence by a factor taking into account the demands of the teacher is provided by Alsakojih studies on the growth of children and adolescents and its relation to intelligence. According to Biagi each stage by matching a certain intelligence. The same for Watson and Galton and others.The teacher can develop the pedagogical and educational act when taking into account the results of individual tests with a focus on the Assembly and verbal tests. But the different ladders, and epistemological approaches and weaknesses and formative for the teacher is still difficult to break a barrier between him and the development of the educational process. (Ladder sons - Simon, 1911 Stanford Binet 1917, peace and Kessler, Blfa .... etc). 
Finally, there Roaúz personal, which are measures of the psychological motives of the person and the attitudes and emotions and relationships with others. An effective tool in the development of educational work. I conclude the third axis, with reference to the forms, which greatly help in building a scientific and Disdaktic develop the educational process, especially as Aldisdaktic as we know it in a previous chapter is the problem and the theory and application.
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