Functional approach to the sociology of education .. Community coordinated a social one

Consider the functional to the community as a "socially and one pattern, each element which performs a specific function," and also emphasizes "the need to integrate all parts of the framework." So, you see the functional society as pattern socially integrated, each element of the function of certain of keeping the balance, pattern and stability, and balance of community and continuity, and to address the imbalance without prejudice to the existing social order, through agreement on the criteria of social organization, which must undergo it, and to participate in the values ​​of social life, which must be adhered to for the maintenance of the community, and the consolidation of stability and continuity (Adel diabetes, 1999). There is therefore a class of school career ideological trends within the province.
Under the influence functional, the interest in the study of mutual relations between the community such as construction, education system, school
As a social institution associated with the social institutions of other, and interact with them in identifying their functions and achieve its objectives. And was, therefore, focus on the relationship between society and education and the economy, in order to adapt elements of the social system and its functions, so continue to stay and work in orderly manner; Vtm link between education and the social environment , through the selection and distribution, training and preparing the workforce for the labor market; and focus, as well, to monitor all kinds of bugs that hinder the education system to perform his job in training personnel, and classified, and they, in their social status, they are entitled according to their mental abilities and achievements of the school. Proceeding from the functional approach, the interest in addressing the imbalance in the educational system by focusing on the study of the education system itself, or in relation to the other sub-systems in society without referring to the imbalance in the system of public social (Adel diabetes, 1999).
We also find that some of the studies classified approaches to the functional approach to the functional classic approach and functional technology; where the approach is functional classical idea of individual differences, genetic that makes the individual born with the amount of almost repented of efficiency and intelligence, so when the school education function selection and hierarchy of the pupils as their accomplishments and prepare them to take the social centers of varying, this approach is that as something natural and normal, because the school education make up through socialization, which helps the individual to Astdmar values ​​and standards of society as a whole, and divide by selection, because it works on the development of competencies and achievements of the individual, provided The selection criteria are objective only. The period was characterized by the emergence of functional technology (1950-1960) the existence of new needs for qualified manpower in the western industrial society, which knows very rapid technological progress and economic growth significantly. The technological careers intersected with the theory of human capital in the fact that education investment product at the individual and social, so must the individual investment skills to the maximum, according to Matsmah its capabilities and the needs of the community, in order to Atahedr precious human resources. Has prevailed in this period, as well, Qnaatan essential: the first political, says that the explosion and the high prevalence of Education is the best way for the country that wants to be democratic in order to limit and reduce the distinctions flagrant, and the differences Alsosioaqtsadah; and an economic, believes that education contributes to economic development and the rehabilitation of labor and preparation of appropriate frameworks (theory of human capital) (a series of educational training, number 3).
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