Functions of the central directorates at the Ministry of National Education

Directorate calendar and the organization of school life and the common formations between the academies
Shall be vested in the Directorate of Evaluation and organization of school life and the common formations between the academies of the following tasks 
Supervising the organization of study programs -
Total coordination of educational assessment carried out by the interests of the ministry at all levels and synthesized Developing methods and tools for evaluating learners in different wires education -Developing methods and tools for evaluation and education units and training - - Overseeing the evaluation of school programs and training programs and teaching methods
Follow the calendar systems of supervision and monitoring of regional and provincial and tools Albsekitguenih -
Track and measure the effectiveness of information systems and school guidance and career -Supervision of the games and professional examinations -
- Stimulate and organize the participation of learners in national and international Curriculum Directorate
Shall be vested in the Directorate of curricula the following tasks 
Specification of learning - Participate in the preparation of school curricula and curriculum frameworks in the composition of the various literary, scientific and technical Adapt and modify school curricula and training methods Organize the preparation of textbooks and ensure the updating Contribute to the development of strategies of education and training in the total wire education and ensure the consistency Framing and / or perform the necessary studies for the introduction of educational innovations - Identify quality standards means and media teaching aids and educational National Center for Educational Innovation and experimentation
Shall be vested in the National Center for Educational Innovation and experimentation, the following tasks 
Promotion and development of technological cooperation programs with the construction -Encourage the upgrading projects means teaching aids, development and maintenance Workout programs and methods of education and training Supervision of the research and documentation of education and ensure its publication - Upgrading of educational technologies and multimedia resources and communication techniques Development and testing of media techniques, school guidance and career - Preparation of projects for the configuration after the use of new technologies of communication The National Center for Educational Innovation and Experimentation Directorate in the governance of the central administration 
Directorate improve school sport and the organization of sports competitions, school
Shall be vested in the Directorate of improving school sport and the organization of school sports competitions, the following tasks
Promote sports activities in schools and public and private organization; 
Representing the Ministry of the Royal Moroccan sports school; 
Preparation of data bank and a special lectureship athletes followed; 
Linking relations of cooperation with various national sports organizations, international and privateMoroccan National Olympic Committee and the Royal Moroccan universities for sport In coordination with relevant government sectors; 
Ensure continuous training for athletes Maatri lectureship
Directorate of Strategic Planning and Statistics 
Shall be vested in the Directorate of Strategic Planning and Statistics, the following tasks 
The preparation of prospective studies on the educational system and its integration in economic and social development of the country - Prepare a national plan for the development of school and ensure its application Coordination of regional plans for the development of schooling and to ensure consistency with national priorities and goals Completion of investigations and statistical analysis Tracking and evaluating programs to integrate graduates of the educational system -Follow the requirements of the application of reform - Propose criteria use of human resources, material and financial Directorate of Information Management system
Shall be vested in the Directorate of Information Management system, the following tasks
Develop and establish and follow the system of statistical information of the Ministry Completion of organizational studies -
Contribute to the preparation of Master Plan and Almalomyata to the Ministry and the regional academies of Education and Training
Directorate of Legal Affairs and Dispute
Shall be vested in the Directorate of Legal Affairs and disputes, the following tasks
Supervise the preparation of laws and regulations in the areas of intervention of the ministry and work on updating To express an opinion in the laws and regulations of a general nature before the eyes of the ministry - Provide Expertise and assistance necessary in the legal field interests central to the ministry And regional academies of education and training and foreign interests and to ensureMatching administrative decisions and partnership agreements and contracts with the laws and regulations In force
Provide Legal advice and the dissemination of knowledge related to the field of legal educationInterests central to the ministry and the academies and interests of foreign partners Social workers and associations working in the sector of Education and Training 
Linking relations with the social partners of the Ministry Representation Ministry in disputes in which a party, and tracking disputes Interests subject to the guardianship and in coordination with the concerned departments 
You may follow the industrial accidents and incidents and accidents school interest; 
Completion of studies of a legal nature and organizational -
Directorate of Public Affairs and Budget and property
Shall be vested in the Directorate of Public Affairs and Budget and property, the following tasks 
Preparing the annual budget of the Ministry and ensure their implementation; 
Distribution of annual grants of financial support and tracking; 
Overseeing the accounting for the interests of the Central; 
Oversee the management and maintenance of the property of the Ministry; 
Track and monitor expenses and investment management; 
Measure the fold of cars; 
Hesaat control expenses; 
Managing agents and subcontracting of works and equipment; 
The organization of archives and archives management of the Ministry; 
Implementation of procedures for the conduct of central interest; 
The preparation of the administrative account of the ministry; 
Track records of movable property and immovable property of the Ministry; 
Setting standards for construction and equipment of school; 
Tracking and implementation of program contracts concluded between the Ministry and regional academies of education and training
Directorate of Human Resources and Training
Shall be vested in the Directorate of Human Resources and Training, the following tasks
Recruitment strategies and life management of human resources development; 
Setting the general policy of the Ministry in the field of human resources and the implementation of the rulers and the rules associated with the measure; 
Ensure the administrative management of the integrated educational frameworks, administrative and technical; 
Ensure a good spread of human resources; 
Ensure the management of the database on human resources management and tracking of life; 
Do all the necessary studies to improve cost-effectiveness of human resources policy; 
Contribute to the upgrading of social work; 
National educational policy development in the field of composition Alotraltalimah operating in the national education sector; 
Supervising the organization of training in institutions Alotaraltabah formation of the national education sector; 
Ensure the implementation of strategies for formative and continuous training for different categories of staff of the Ministry; 
Encourage and track educational research institutions in the formation Alotaraltabah to the national education sector; 
Supervision of the measures to contribute to the kiln to facilitate the integration of trainees in professional life 
Directorate of cooperation and enhancing education private school
Shall be vested in the Directorate of Co-operation and upgrading of private school education, the following tasks 
Development cooperation programs in consultation with other departments of the ministry; 
Tracking the implementation of cooperation programs and prepare annual reports; 
Ensure the upgrading of private school education; 
Track And keep up with work programs in the field of teaching Arabic language and Moroccan culture Moroccan children living abroad in cooperation with government authorities and institutionsConcerned; 
Track partnership projects with the associations .
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