Human resource management.. good conduct of a public official, the synthesis of life management and consolidate the culture of public service

Kingdom of Morocco
Ministry of National Education and Youth
Memorandum Number: 46
Ladies and gentlemen of Inspectors General
Director and managers of the central interests
Director and managers of regional academies for Education and Training
High school principals to teachers
Subject: Charter of the good conduct of a public official.
Reference: Contact the Ministry of Public Sector Modernization number 3341 dated March 16, 2004.
Peace that there is an Imam Maulana pro-God,
After that, building on the correspondence ministry in charge of updating the public sectors Mouma to in the reference above, about the work the Charter of the good conduct of a public official within the departments as a mechanism of reference for laying the foundations of modern management and responsible citizenship and close to the concerns of citizens, on the basis of the strategic role given by the Ministry of National Education and Youth for the synthesis of life Administrative and consolidate the culture of public service, which is one of the mainstays of the system reform measure matter of administrative, educational, and seeking to establish a modern way to deal envisages the adoption of working with codes of good conduct of a public official within the administration in an atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration and discipline to the rules of professional ethics, I have to tell you that it was decided to activate the Charter of the good conduct of a public official in accordance with the objectives and terms of reference and the following actions:
1 - Objectives:
1. Synthesis of life and the consolidation of the administrative culture of public utility;
2. Discipline rules of professional ethics and to strengthen transparency;
3. Entrench the culture of public service values ​​and to strengthen preventive legislative architecture mirroring the spirit of the legal requirements in force;
4. Raise the quality of services.
2 - references:
The authorities that controlled the strategic adoption of a charter of good conduct of a public official is based on the following:
5. Directions of His Majesty's efforts to consolidate the new concept of authority;
6. Devoted to the rule of law;
7. The government program in part on the modernization of the public sectors;
8. The Charter of good measure;
9. The African Charter for Public Service.
3 - implementation procedures:
It should be noted that the Charter of the good conduct of a public official is a set of rules of general legal binding and naked and in force, envisages the knowledge of the employee of his duties and obligations towards superiors and subordinates, colleagues, and in his relationship Bmrtfiqi management and requires the commitment of Bmoaqat work and courtesy in contact with the surroundings and with dealing with him Ptfath and open-mindedness and balance, and responsibility.
Taking Bmtbua enclose a code of conduct of a public official, to request you to invite you to the interests of the adoption of content and general rules enshrined in this Charter in accordance with the following procedures:
1. The organization of awareness events and news for the benefit of staff interests and institutions of you;
2. Charter circulated to all staff and agents;
3. Assure the process of signing all staff and agents on the text of the Charter;
4. Ensure that follow the rules and implications of the Charter in the behavior of staff;
5. The inclusion of the Charter signed by each employee, or born in the Public administrative assistance as follows:
1. At the level of the Directorate of Human Resources for the interests of employees with headquarters and central regional academies for Education and Training Training and educational centers;
2. At the level of academies for staff working with headquarters Prosecutions;
3. At the level of prosecution for staff education institutions and public education.
And to provide conditions for the success of this process it is hoped that this Charter took what is worthy of its care and attention in order to achieve its aims.
It should be noted that it has been the text of the Charter of the good conduct of a public official at your disposal site management of human resources and peace.
Minister of National Education and Youth
Habib al-Maliki
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