Human resource management: Upgrade to choose drawing 2000s, 2001.2002

Of the Kingdom of Morocco Praise be to God alone,
Ministry of National Education and Youth in Rabat: October 31, 2003
General Writing
Directorate of Human Resources and Training
Memorandum No.: 903/11
Ladies and gentlemen deputies and deputies of the Ministry of
National Education and Youth
Thread: Upgrade to choose fee-year 2000.2001 and 2002.
Peace that there is an Imam Maulana pro-God,
And yet, in the framework of legal and regulatory texts in force and according to the message of the Prime Minister on re-exploit the potential of advancement in the degree to which the edited result of promotions, special honor to bring you the regulations nominal involving staff and frameworks that Ministry staff on behalf of which bring honor to them, Almtovrun to the terms of order required and who have never benefited from this upgrade fee years 2000.2001 and 2002.
To this end, please you:
1. Invite stakeholders to mobilize the nomination papers and deliver them to their immediate supervisors who monitor and verify the information contained therein with the development of the points allocated to it;
2. Fill out the form at the special work (prosecution, or the institution or training center);
3. Prove the points given to the candidates (points Inspector, Director of points and the point MP) within the spaces provided for that taking care that these points reflect the principle of competence and merit and good conduct and attendance;
4. Fill boxes proposals (proposed or is proposed);
5. Attach these regulations, reports on the roster is proposed for this upgrade;
6. Add staff available to the conditions that have been overlooked the inclusion of their names to these regulations;
7. Attach these regulations, the documents that are likely to be made ​​by those involved in the case does not match the dates (of employment and the label in the class) contained in the regulations;
8. Cards to keep the candidates proposed for promotion in order to refer to it when appropriate.

And because of the importance the subject of great importance, please you personally supervise the completion of this process and follow the stages of taking care of these regulations to send (via e-mobile) to the Directorate of Human Resources and Training before 14 November 2003, and peace.
Director in charge of the Directorate of Human Resources and Training Signature: a nice Abidah
31. Lists of candidates;
32. Table frames and grades concerned.

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Kingdom of Morocco
Ministry of National Education and Youth
Mr. (s) :.........................

Thread: Upgrade to choose the special draw-year 2000.2001, 2002.
Reference: Reference Decree No. 02/04/77 dated May 4, 2004.
Peace that there is an Imam Maulana pro-God;
After that, Vttbaiqa to the requirements of Decree No. 02/04/77 dated May 4, 2004, which defines as an exceptional how advancement in class choice for the staff of public administrations and local groups are available up to 2002.12.31 on the statutory conditions required and who is not promoted by Alhsas legal fee these years, I have the honor I ask you to kindly invited staff practicing the various interests that bring honor to them and those involved in this upgrade cards to fill the nomination and submit to the Directorate of Human Resources and Training after the Taatmimha your comments and suggestions and signed by you before May 31, 2004.
Please accept my greetings purer, and peace.
1. A copy of the Decree No. 02/04/77 dated 4 May 2004
2. Table conditions of selection for promotion
3. Nomination Form card
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Decree No. 04/02/77 issued on 14 March 1425 (4 May 2004)
Determine how to upgrade as an exceptional in-class choice
To the staff of public administrations and local communities
Prime Minister,
Based on the Dahir No. 1.58.008 of 4 August 377 (February 24, 1958) served as the General Regulations of the Civil Service, as has been altered and extended;
And the Royal Decree No. 988.68 of 19 from zero 1388 (May 17, 1968) identified punctuation and ruler of the administration of public promotion in rank and grade, as has been altered and extended;
And on the platforms of the inter-ministerial frameworks and platforms of the various departments of public officials and community groups;
After studying the project in the Ministerial Council meeting in February 25 of 1425 (April 16, 2004),
Fee as follows:
Article I
Can be exceptionally for the staff of public administrations and local groups are available until December 31, 2002 the statutory conditions required to benefit from the upgrade by choice after the restriction on the agenda for promotion without taking into account the ratios Almaúoah set forth in the platforms of the above.
And taken into account for this upgrade standards in force, especially those related to the employee's professional value and performance of the system.
Not be re-exploit the potential for promotion to editor-in-class after exceptional promotion referred to above.
Article II
Is this upgrade from Fatih January 2003, to retain staff Almniohn seniority in the grade is calculated from the date they fulfill the conditions of promotion.
Article III
The disposal of the monthly rent resulting from this upgrade as full of light in January 2004.
The dues fee period from January 2003 to light December 31, 2003 shall go to the three equal annual installments beginning of Light in January 2004.
Article IV
This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and assigns implementation to the Minister in charge of updating the public sectors and the Minister of Finance and Privatization each one with his.
Done in Rabat on 14 March 1425 (4 May 2004).
Signed: Jettou
Signed and countersigned:
Minister in charge of updating the public sectors,
Signed: Najib Zerouali and profoundly lament.
And Minister of Finance and Privatization,
Signed: Fathallah Oualalou.
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Table conditions of selection for promotion

Old class
New class
Terms of order
Professors of the second cycle, step 1
Professors of the second cycle Premier
5 years of active service in the degree of Professor of the wire 2 d 0.1 + Class 7
Professors of the second cycle level 2
Professors of the second cycle d 1
10 years in the degree of professor of the second cycle level 2
Professors of the first wire grade 2
Professors of the first cycle d 1
10 years in the degree of Professor of the first cycle of grade 2
Professors of the first cycle Grade 3
Professors of the first cycle d 2
10 years in the degree of Professor of the wire the first Class 3
15 years of active service, including 6 years as a professor of the wire 1 D 0.3
Grade 2 teachers
Grade 1 teachers
15 years of active service, including 6 years as a teacher of d. 2
Grade 3 teachers
Grade 2 teachers
10 years in Class 3 of the framework for teachers
Grade 4 teachers
Grade 3 teachers
Class 7 of the Grade 4
Almtsrvon who excel
5-year degree in acting in + Class 7
Almtsrvon assistants
10 years in the degree of acting in Assistant
Editors who excel
Almtsrvon assistants
15 years of active duty +6 years in the degree Editor Excellent
Editors who excel
10 years in the degree Editor
Writers who excel
10 years in the degree of management Excellent Starter
Writers who excel
5 years in the degree of author + Class 7
Implementation of agents who excel
5 years in the degree of implementation Aoun Excellent + Class 7
Implementation agents
Implementation of agents who excel
Class 7 in the degree of implementation of assistance
Service agents
Service agents who excel
Class 7 in the degree of assistance service
Inspectors of secondary education
Inspectors who excel
5 years in the class + Class 7
Lead Inspectors for primary education
Inspectors who excel
5 years in the class + Class 7
Inspectors of primary education
Lead Inspectors for primary education
10 years in the degree of primary education inspector
Inspectors in guidance and educational planning
Inspectors who excel in
T.. T.. T.
5 years in the class + Class 7

Old class
New class
Terms of order
Guidance counselors and T.. T.
Inspectors in the OT.Ot. Educational
10 years in the degree of adviser
Specialists in the OT assistants. T.. T.
Guidance counselors
And T.. T.
15 years of active service in the degree +6 years
Assistants in guidance and educational planning
Assistants who specialize in direction Ot. T.
10 years in the degree of assistants in the direction Ot. T.
Inspectors economic interests
Inspectors who excel economic interests
5 years in the class + Class 7
Inspectors economic interests
10 years in the degree of supplier
Economizers who excel
15 years of active duty +6 years in class
Economizers who excel
10 years in the degree of frugal
Book of the economy who excel
10 years in the degree of economy, excellent writer
Economics book
Book of the economy who excel
Class 8 in the degree of economy Starter
Aides economic interests
10 years in the economic interests of the rank of Assistant
Media specialists
Journalists who excel
5 years in the class + Class 7
Media specialists
10 years in the degree of media
Analysts Organizers
Analysts organizers who excel
Class 7 in the degree of analyst organizer
Programmers Analysts
15 years, including 6 as a programmer analyst
Msero machine who excel
10 years
Programmers who excel
Class 7 in the degree of programmer
Msero machine
Msarwalalh who excel
Class 7 in the degree of trajectory machine
Technicians of the first degree
Technicians who excel
5 years in the degree of technical grade 1 + Class 7
Technicians from the second division
Technicians from the initial class for me
5 years in the degree of technical grade 2 + Class 7
Technical assistants
Technicians from the second division
Class 7 in the rank of Assistant culminal
Assistant technical specialists
Technicians of the first degree
Class 7 in the degree of a technical specialist
Foreign guards of grade 2
Foreign guards of d 1
15 years of active service, including 6 years in the class
Foreign guards Class 3
Foreign guards of D 2
10 years in the guard of State Class 3

Old class
New class
Terms of order
Foreign guards of Grade 4
Foreign guards
Of 3-D
10 years in the degree of external guard D4
Public officers of the first category
Public officers outside of class
5 years in the class + Class 7
Public officers of the class II
Public officers of the first category
5 years in the class + Class 7
Public agents of Class III
Public officers of the class II
5 years in the class + Class 7
Public officers of the class IV
Public agents of Class III
Class 7-in-class
Lead Engineers
General engineers
6 years as an engineer major
Key architects
Architects general
6 years as an architect major
Premier Engineers
Lead Engineers
Rank 4 in the degree of Engineer Premier
Bailiffs Laboratory Grade 4
Bailiffs Laboratory Grade 3
10 years
Bailiffs Laboratory Grade 3
Bailiffs laboratory grade 2
10 years
Bailiffs laboratory grade 2
Bailiffs laboratory grade 1
15 years including 6 years in grade 2
Premier Architects
Key architects
Rank 4 in the degree of architect Premier
State first-class engineers
State engineers Premier
Seniority of at least 3 years at level 5 of the degree of engineer D.1
Architects First Class
Premier Architects
Seniority of at least 3 years in degree of level 5 of the architect D.1
Application engineers
Application engineers Premier
Seniority of at least 3 years at level 5 of the degree of application engineer D.1
Kingdom of Morocco
Ministry of National Education and Youth
Model card nomination for promotion selection
Degree ........................................
First Name :........................ t. :.................. T.
Family name :............................................... ......
Date of birth: ............................................... ..........
Family status :............................................... .......
I Administrative status of the person concerned

Date of employment :............................................... .......
Class :......... Date of appointment in the class :.............
Rank :......... Date of Appointment of Class :......................
Tasks responsibility :............................................... ...
Workplace :............................................... ...........
II A detailed statement on the tasks undertaken by the concerned
.................................................. ........................
.................................................. ........................
.................................................. ........................
.................................................. ........................
.................................................. ........................
.................................................. ........................
  III President's opinion about direct attendance and the presence of the concerned
.................................................. ...............
.................................................. ..............
.................................................. .............
.................................................. .............
.................................................. ..............
IV Elements of the numerical point estimate of the person concerned

Appreciation of the elements
Assessment of the elements of appreciation
Partial point
1 - career information
..................... 5 /...........
2 - Cost-effectiveness and efficiency
..................... 5 /...........
3 - Conduct
..................... 5 /...........
4 - attendance
..................... 5 /...........
- Numerical point: 20 / ....             
  V - Estimate the President direct the concerned to promote in-class
.................................................. .................
.................................................. .................
.................................................. .................
.................................................. .................
.................................................. .................
  VI The general view of Mr. Director about upgrading the concerned class
.................................................. ................
.................................................. ................
.................................................. ................
.................................................. ................
.................................................. ................
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