Individual's behavior and its relationship to the community .. Individuals as sources of strength of Lloyd working to reform the society

Characterized the behavior of the individual in general instinctive subjective and selfish love of self and a self-Hui love to stay and is characterized by the ability to control and control of optional preferential in guiding behavior according to the experience gained from handling social because the individual is the foundation of any society can not achieve social goals, but the interaction and cooperation and help individuals and some other.

The community depends on the individuals as sources of strength of Lloyd working to reform the society and as a result of this interaction community expects from each individual action or a task or function or role to participate in achieving this goal, and defines the community to all its members appropriate behavior is expected to perform this role in the form of the duties committed to the individual its performance according to standards performance expected of the community regardless of their motivations and desires is an individual and personal abuse in the case of non-compliance or by neglect, specifying the terms of this society has Role and functions and the nature of his performance and the expected advantages and disadvantages and provide him with all the data and assistance necessary to the success of this role or function and which result in the success of society as a whole the more successful individuals and investigators to the expectations of society.

It is this concept and for this objective, the community rehabilitation of their staff, by all means possible before the performance of the role and provide the assistance needed for success while on the role and provide appropriate rewards after performing the role as a reward for success and an incentive for future generations, and that allowing or waive Altgosaiar by individuals in carrying out these roles The contribution of the negative forces of attraction to the community in the way of weakness and retreat, and the lack of goals .. Apart from the value of this role in society, whether or secondary Raisa because that was not planned to achieve the goal there is no need of the original, but it is a defect of the disadvantages of the approach to planning the social basis.

  There are many methods, systems and scientific plans to ensure the largest amount of success with regard to the social roles of individuals .. The social role is the main concern of the individual and the society he must have the duties to account for the social and the greater the number of roles and functions, tasks, increased duties, obligations and raising the profile of the individual in society and the increased influence the better and for worse, according to joins it from the success of the exercise of those roles as well as the greater the success rate of the individual in commitment to duties greater the rate of enjoyment of rights and was able to set individual goals on the basis of social trust in the system, and vice versa.

And social roles can be divided according to time and space, value and social impact to the departments in many, but the division according to the priority of the individual to exercise them, which may be explained and closer to imagine .. And as such, can be divided into major roles are characterized by a dimension of time and the order and priority and achieve the objectives of basic social and secondary roles are characterized by temporal dimension and achieve the objectives of basic individual and social roles of secondary and achieve goals associated with individual

Major social roles

According to the chronology of which is (the Son - the student - worker - a husband wife - Mother Father - the president - the world - Commander - reference wise adviser - Allekel retired and elderly - guardian sponsor - the witness). These roles are characterized by direct effect in the community, either the short or long term and therefore seeks the community to provide all the resources and means available to the planning of it, qualify them and prepared them for gaining all the expertise and assistance necessary to perform their roles successfully, and imposes a regulatory regime constant, active and resolute and effective in order to prevent individuals from negligence in the performance or lack of commitment to the role of behavioral standards, or failure to exercise the role to protect society from the negative direct effect on it. And result in failure or defect in the control of the behavior of individuals in the exercise of these roles to injury, community behavioral phenomena sick unwanted.

The main role is the role exercised by the individual basis to achieve personal goals and usefulness and according to his choice and the degree of membership, but it is effective direct impact on the community and the more enthroned the individual it and achieved the highest level in performance and maintenance of the duties has the greatest possible benefit and personal goals for himself and at the same time contributed to the paper society and to achieve his goals.. If the conflict between individual and social goals for any reason Vtkon prevail individual's personal goals, but if any regulatory system prevents him from exercising has achieved per capita one kind of roles or a set of roles at the same time. The community must therefore not allow members to exercise social roles only after ensuring their rehabilitation and they gain the experience required any form of evaluation that, of course, according to the nature of individuality and self love that can not be self-control in them, turn the individual automatically for the exercise of the social role to achieve the desires and personal goals, even if He knew not to acquisition of skill required in the hope of acquiring this skill by doing personal or hope not to discover his order or out of adventure and the expense of its personality to bear the losses and the consequences of failure in the role, but the social costs are much higher and is calculated to not appear in the near term most circumstances arise or not materially significant to society ...
For example, the case of failed marriages in the same family in the community may lead to add approximately three children were deprived of the rehabilitation of social roles, or people with some mental illness and that can produce the three families may have failed after twenty-five years if the community does not qualify them at the same time may lead to the negligence of the husband and wife to social roles other for some time, which may lead to hostility and conflict between two families and concern for a number of security officers and the judiciary to resolve this conflict has been the general interests of the disabled that was one of them Msaal service in the absence of administrative control .. Of course, this example is the output expected in any society is no dispute in this, but the lower the rate of thousand new cases for example, to five hundred case was the best of society and this decline is the result of direct and tangible, and perhaps in the long term can be achieved only through the rehabilitation of social roles and measured on this example all other roles with the different nature of the social and conceptual theoretical if he can a community of rehabilitation of individuals for the roles of basic social and gained those individuals skill of choice and preference and skill of communication and expression of emotions according to community standards and March guardian control system of social scientific and firm and just ... Reduced the failure rate in the exercise of the role and the rate of growth, progress and achieve the goals and say the rate of delinquency and behavioral diseases, behavioral, social, and say the rate of the external impact on the behavior of society and keep society on the qualities behavioral desired amendment or change is not consistent with the evolution and stages of growth of normal social expected social roles secondary.

According to the chronology of them (brother, sister - friend - near - neighbor - colleague - comrade at work - volunteer for service - the seller - -..... owner, etc.) and these roles are characterized by the achievement of key targets for individual members through direct dealings with each other and less impact on society as a whole as long as the system exists, set a just social and firm is able to maintain the rights of its members may leave the conditions to exercise the role and nature of the individuals themselves to select according to the contractual terms set forth the rights and duties of each of them, but they affect the community if the conflict between the goals of individuals with each other and produce for the disputes and conflicts have been raped right of individuals within the community and in contradiction with the objectives of society, which is to protect the rights of its members and therefore Agae community system rehabilitation indirect, advice and guidance is exercised by the rules and control systems and control the behavior of individuals and help them to achieve their goals without being contrary to their goals and each other and the separation them as resulting from conflicts with justice and the law and the individual in this role is on himself to exercise and does not force it has the right to choose between available alternatives, and not to the community the right to control or enforce the behavior of a standard or the power to intervene only at the request of one of the parties in the event of a conflict of rights.. And must be characterized by this intervention strict neutrality between individuals and the equality of all individuals and the ability to protect the rights and adjust the behavior of the abuse in accordance with the standards of individual conduct agreed upon and with the social norms expected in the absence of the contract otherwise among the parties and not lose a right of individuals or society social roles associated with and represented in all positions interactive exercised by the individual through his dealings individual, personal, and that benefit or loss on the individual himself and is on the individual self to improve performance in which to achieve the greatest benefit possible (such as the driver of the vehicle for - the shopper - the lessor - the user of the public road - the wayfarer - The user of the public service -.... etc.), and these roles that benefit the individual has the full right to self-exercise in accordance with the desires and goals of individual and according to agreed rules and social norms imposed Alsloch Almsaal a means for self-learning skill.

This kind of roles does not impact on social behavior as a whole as long as the exercise in accordance with the rules and social norms, and therefore only the community in most cases to impose control officer for this type of roles according to fixed rules easy to judge where either conformity with the standards and rules do not oppose and has full right to practice and either offense deserves punishment or behavioral control or isolation and the community is not required in these violations rehabilitation of the individual..
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