Installation of management committees .. Method of voting, appointment of members, officials, terms of reference

Chapter 3, the administrative committees shall be composed of equal members of an equal number Of management representatives and representatives of users and have a number of members of the officials and members of the House of Representatives goes with them who may not attend the Committee only when officials absent members.
Chapter 4 determines the number of representatives of state officials and committees in the House of Representatives members by the administrative framework of equal or more according to the following schedule:

The number of employees framework
Official representatives
Representatives of Representatives
From 10 to 20

From 21 to 100

Of 1001 to 1000

Is increased to 1000

Determined by resolution referred to in Chapter 2 above written each committee according to class or the total score and within the limits of the specified number of representatives for each frame.
Chapter 5 appointed members of the joint management committees for six years And justify the renewal of their mandates may be exceptionally reduce the duration of the prosecution or extended for the benefit of interest for a period not exceeding six months by a decision issued by the Minister on the matter, is that if the structure of the wire is changing the issuance of the text of the systems can be terminated on behalf of the members of the administrative authority by a resolution issued by the Minister the person concerned is not taking notice of the period. Upon renewal of the management committee members equal the new members begin their duties on the date it expires - in accordance with the above requirements - on behalf of former members.
Chapter 6 The management representatives, whether they are official members or members of the Vice Commission administrative equal members, make up - as the ruler set out in Chapter VIII follows later - if completed during the three years referred to above their designated for them and that following the resignation of or the granting of a license long term fee Chapter 44 of the Dahir of a general system of public service or following them in the status of provisional arrest or for any reason other than the promotion, as well as, if not Atovrua after the conditions required under this Decree to join the management committee of equal representation, in this case expires on behalf of successors to the renewal of the joint committee.
Chapter 7 if it becomes a member of official representatives of the users management committee is unable to direct his job before the expiration of his mandate to one of the reasons set out in Chapter VI above or because of resignation submitted personally in the case of force majeure and accepted by management, the deputy becomes officially replaced until renewal of the joint committee .
And compensate MP officially named in how the above non-elected candidate in the same list and who was given after which the most votes.
And initiate renewal of the General Committee if it results in the absence of a sufficient number of candidates elected in the excuse to come to the Committee with the path of a ruler to get this in the cases referred to above in the preceding paragraph for the seats of members of the official has the right on the degree.
In the case of the resignation of the list of representatives provided for reasons other than force majeure, the House of Representatives seats that become vacant and, where appropriate seats awarded according to the official ruler set out in the last paragraph of the section (b) of Chapter 21 follows later.
And if there is a official member of the staff representatives on the upgrade in the class remains a certain degree that was created.
Section II in the appointment of management representatives
Chapter 8 appointed representatives of the administration officials and House of Representatives in the fold of the administrative committees of the joint resolution issued by the Minister on the matter following the announcement of the results of elections of staff representatives, and choose from among the employees in the administration concerned, or belonging to wire up and entrusted with control of this administration. And will be including in particular the employee designated by the minister to head the Commission.
Do not require a prescription from a public official representatives of the Department who occupy positions of some recurrent appointment to view the King or the government.
Section III in the appointment of staff representatives
Chapter 9, proceed to the election management committee members have equal before the lapse of fifteen days prior to the expiration date on behalf of its members practicing their functions except in the case of renewal by decantation, and the concerned Minister shall appoint the election date.
Chapter 10 initiate the election of staff representatives in a vote on the regulations, depending on how proportional representation to be later.
Chapter 11 is for voters to the Commission certain administrative staff who are in position to do their job in the history of inventory is the list of voters and in accordance with paragraph 2 beyond the scope of jurisdiction of the Commission mentioned al-Turabi and the belonging of the framework to be represented in this Committee. The staff separated from Sllekem, and those in position so they will be appended when appropriate voters at the same time in the original Sllekem In the wire attached to it.
And edit the list of voters for each wire by the Minister on the matter and comment before the lapse of fifteen days from the date fixed for the vote, the elector may verify the restrictions within the eight days following the declaration mentioned and to provide appropriate complaints about the limitations or types overlook located in the electoral list, and decide Minister on the matter immediately with regard to complaints.
Chapter 12 is elected drawing of a particular committee staff who satisfy the conditions required to restrict them in the electoral list for this committee, but it can not be elected officials granted them a license long-term nor punished Balgahqry or expelled temporarily from office unless issued in right of amnesty or pardon for sentences within the conditions set out in Chapter 75 of the Dahir of a general system of public service.
Chapter 13 should include a list of all the nomination, for each frame or more of the frames you want to represent them, the names of candidates who must number at least equal to the number of official representatives and House of Representatives in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4 above .
And regulations must be filed before the lapse of at least three weeks on the exact date of the election and must provide the name of the candidate qualified for representation in all electoral processes.
The deposit must be accompanied by a list of all permit nomination spent by each candidate.
Chapter 14 can not upload or change any of the list after the date the maximum specified in the previous chapter, and you can not pull the list following the resignation of the candidates only during the seven days following the date.
And if found after the date the maximum specified in Chapter 13 above one of the disqualified candidates for the election regulations, the regulations concerned Considered as not submitted any candidate for the degree of conformity with whether the candidates Almtovrun rest of eligibility for the elections less than the number of official representatives and House of Representatives as specified in Chapter 4 above However, if the resignation had been submitted in order to force majeure or if the positive reaction to the incapacity of the elections had been after the end of the date set for the filing of the list may make up the backside of the candidate should not change the date of the election.
Chapter 15 proceed election by secret ballot on how to directly. However, it can be organized to vote by mail if unable to provide the management offices of the vote close to the headquarters of the work of the electorate. In this case, voters went to the departments in respect of each deposited a list of general legal voting cards bearing the names of the candidates list.
Can not in any way how to combine direct vote and vote by correspondence for the same Management Committee.
The voter may either vote for the full list and either change the ballot within the limits of the number of candidates to be elected for each grade, regardless of names or delete where appropriate compensate the names bound in the general legal regulations deposited.
1. Direct vote occur each ministry office or several offices to vote for all the voters. It is intended Authority electorate voters draw a total staff of all equal members of management committees be introduced to each Ministry, either at the level of each prefecture or province or at the level Amalten or two or more, or at the level of the central interests.
The Minister shall appoint the person concerned or on behalf of the President Office of the vote and two assistants from among the members of the electorate The younger of whom are not functions of the Office Starter vote.
Empowers each list of candidates the right to availability in each office to the representative of eligible voters to track continuously the voting and the counting of votes and this is set representative of a party agent list referred to in the second paragraph of Chapter 13 above by a document certified established the status of a representative. The representative must submit this document to the President of the Office of the vote before the start of polling.
Each office is available to vote on the two copies of the list of voters who receive their votes.
Open the ballot within the polling stations at nine o'clock in the morning and conclude as soon as the vote of the Office of the voters voting at the latest six o'clock in the evening.
Submit a voter when he entered the voting hall to the clerk's office to vote the national identity card or a document definition in the other official bearing his image and of a passport or driver's license or fishing license or Knash definition, civil status or a business card delivered by departments or public institutions, and takes the voter own envelope and paper of every vote is a list of lists of candidates and enter and store these documents in his hand an isolated fit in the room and makes the said vote and the paper inside the cover and then filed the voter himself the cover sheet containing the vote in the ballot box.
Must take care on the health of the office to vote and make sure of the identity of voters and their names marked on the copy of the electoral list is also working on the voters to sign on this list after the deposit envelope containing their vote on paper in the ballot box.
After the vote is counting and set the number of votes won by each candidate and the total number of votes won by each list. Minutes and results referred to the Office signed by the president and his two assistants to vote. A copy of the record in question to the representative of each list.
The President of the Office of the vote to the Chairman of the Counting of votes referred to in Chapter 17 after Alozerfah containing the voting papers expressed and that is sorted by the Office of the vote as directed by the lecturer sorting partial results of the vote direct, as well as lists of voters bearing the signatures of voters.
2. Vote by correspondence puts voter card vote folded in four in the cover of receipt by the administration, and should not carry this cover any marks outside only Altansasat printed in advance and make the voter the cover closed by in a matter of a second he took to it as well as management carries on his back the following data:
1 - First name and family of the voter;
2 - degree and place of residence;
3 - signatures.
This circumstance legally closed in his face carries the marks under the "election of staff representatives" is the title Head of the Department communicated to him through the post office by the voter.
And must reach this circumstance to the head of department at six and a half of the third day of the previous direct election day at the latest.
Are collected and the votes cast by correspondence and counted and sorted according to the provisions of chapters 16, 18, ​​19 and 20 after.
Chapter 16 The electoral votes, which holds the collected management intended in particular progress on the eighth day of the pro-Date set for election to the Chairman of the Commission on the vote count and handed to him at the same time the regulations set out the names of users can participate in the vote and could be of this Committee, either general jurisdiction of the ministry concerned and restricted the jurisdiction of either on a single wire or several wires in this administration.
Chapter 17 The Minister shall determine on the matter of forming a committee or committees of statistics, which should include three staff And may be candidates to attend the census, and they should then be Istkhbroa places for these processes and the days and time of testing.
Chapter 18 is counting on each of the wire according to how the following:
Know at first the names of voters in the Tora nominal regulations, and opens after this process the external conditions and be unwrapped cards containing vote in the ballot box.
Chapter 19 is incorrect unwrapped that does not carry a Zervha outside the following data:
The family name of the voter names and personal as well as the degree and gone ahead with.
If there were several conditions under the name of one staff member to the Committee on Statistics to open the external conditions and decide whether existing unwrapped as a true inside as well as the issue whether the outer envelope of the correct form contains several covers of the Interior.
And canceled by circumstances on the cover containing an internal custom card vote canceled as well as conditions that do not contain any internal Zervha card. Is not counted as an employee of any name or loss eligible for election each name written on how to not read the cards for the feedback, then it is correct.
Not included in the calculation of statistics as a result of the white cards and cards that do not contain enough to assign a name or sounds that may be known by the voters themselves, as well as many different cards placed in the cover of one. The cards placed in the casing and one in the name of one list there is only one vote.
Chapter 20 appoint a committee vote count, the number of votes won by each candidate and the total number of votes won by each list, and the average number of votes won by each list.
And gets the total number of votes won by each list by collecting the votes won by each candidate submitted his application drawing this list.
The average number of votes won by each list by the department will collect the total number of votes gained by each list the number of official representatives and deputies to be elected in order to represent the wire intended.
Vtaan Statistics Committee Moreover, outside the electoral road section the total number of valid votes by the number of official representatives to be elected with the total wire.
If one of the regulations include a number of candidates exceeds the number of seats should be occupied by the official representatives and House of Representatives, the votes obtained by each candidate registered in the personal account for each one of them, do not enter in the account in order to establish the total number of votes obtained by each list under the conditions specified in the preceding paragraphs only up to the votes obtained by the maximum number of candidates which is equivalent to the number of seats and official representatives of Representatives to be filled.
Moreover, the identification of candidates who are considered only for the account of the votes cast for them is in the order of the number of votes they receive.
Chapter 21 official members shall be appointed in the manner set forth in this chapter:
A - total number of seats given to the official representatives of each list
Empowers each list in the right number of seats equal to the official representatives it involves Qasim electoral votes obtained by these Regulations .
And gives the rest of the official representatives of seats to be filled at the appropriate rate depending on how powerful it is to exceed the number of seats given to the official representatives of the list is half the number of candidates submitted.
And require the strongest base rate granted seats respectively to the list which the Department of the number of votes won by the number of seats that had been granted by the increase resulted from a stronger result.
B - grading in which the official representatives of the regulations
The list, which has the right to the most number of seats to choose the degree to which you want to give the seat the first claim of entitlement, and the regulations pro which also has the right to seat you choose after that the order declining the votes obtained by each one of which is the degree to which you want to give up her seat first be limited to this choice on the degree to non-selected previously, except in the case that can not be on the list of what to proceed with that choice in the degree of grading is that it has chosen.
Moreover, the regulations, which received more than one seat call by the same order for the processing of the second seat is that the application of the rules developed can not be allowed to list as to prevent the selected list of other Neil the number of seats which have the right at the stairs that had submitted candidates for which as well as respect for all seats to be filled.
If the ruler described above did not allow for only one or several regulations to occupy the seats that had been granted, these seats given to the rules, which have taken place with regard to the grades that remained to appoint its representative on the most number of votes.
In the event that did not provide any list of any candidate for a degree in the intended context, it should hold elections to choose representatives of the staff concerned and draw a class within the order does not exceed three months from the date originally scheduled for a vote. If not provided any list of any candidate in the second time you must choose the representatives of this class by lot from among the officials of this class. If, however, did not approve staff selected in this manner of their appointment, the vacant seats of the staff representatives assigned to management representatives. And until the election or selection of staff representatives in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply the last paragraph of Chapter 28 after.
C - the appointment of the official representatives for each grade
Every one of the grades asked for a list of what the representation which declares the election of the candidate in this restricted list and who got to class destination on the most number of votes.
If equal number of votes obtained Almmathlon employees in the class and enrolled in the same statute, the appointment of the candidate is elected by the order of presentation in the list mentioned.
D - the requirements of privacy
In the case of whether the two lists the same rate that was left filled only one seat, this seat is allocated regulation that received the most number of votes and if also received Allaúhtan spokesman them the same number of votes, the seat is allocated candidate restricted in one of these two lists that received the most number of of the vote, and if several candidates of the two lists have received the same number of votes who shall declare the election of the older ones.
Chapter 22 dedicated to the list and for each degree the number of seats in the House of representatives of equal number of representatives elected officials draw this list to represent the class in question, and declared candidates for the election of deputies as representatives decreasing order of votes obtained by each one of them.
Chapter 23 is placed a record of the electoral processes of the Party Committee Counting of votes and presented to the minister concerned.
Received a copy of this record to the candidate list as soon as the representative to edit immediately after sorting.
Chapter 24
Submitted to the Minister on the matter of disputes about the validity of the electoral processes inside for five days from the announcement of results, and that except in the case of recourse to appeal later on, when the administrative chamber of the Supreme Council.
Part IV
Terms of reference
Chapter 25 The management committee of equal members consulted under the conditions prescribed in the regulations in force regarding the demarcation of the staff interns, and consulted on matters of individual set forth in chapters 33 and 58 and 63 and 65 and 75, 78, 81 and 85 of the Dahir of a general system of public service.
Writing and acting as the representative of the administrative committees of management can not be a member of the Committee. And put the minutes after each meeting.
Chapter 26 Committees meet administrative notice of the competent minister determines its agenda and to express their views by a majority of the members present.
If the vote is located started this vote by show of hands, and must be shared by each member of the Committee.
Chapter 27 does not have management committees, public hearings.
Chapter 28 meets the administrative committees in the form of mini-If you have uploaded to the matters referred to in chapters 33 and 63 to 75 and 81 of the Dahir of a general system of public service, in this case is open only to members of officials and, where appropriate deputies who represent the class they belong to the staff member concerned ,
Members and officials or deputies who represent the highest degree directly goes with them, as well as a number of management representatives.
If an employee presented his case to the Committee belongs to the highest degree in the corps, the representatives of this class would have taken in contrast to the appropriate final chapter 4 of the deputies, who then have them right in the debate.
If the staff belonging to the wires of different right and access to one degree in a table for promotion joint, the joint committee entrusted with preparing this table include two representatives of the staff carrying out the administrative committees of each wire Oslakem representation of all degrees of stairs involved.
In this case, shall not engage in the debate only official members and, where appropriate deputies who represent the degree to which belongs to the employee perspective in the promotion and members of officials or members of Parliament who represent the top class directly.
If it is not true of any presence of the representative of the staff representatives in the case provided for in the first paragraph can be applied in this circumstance, a ruler ballot provided for in paragraph (b) of Chapter 19 and if not able to apply this solution, especially because of the number of staff of the degree concerned, the Commission Taatmimha can add the same conditions as members appointed from among the elected representatives, or when Admanm from among members of the Aloaliyn Altzlsilyen containing the immediate stakeholders.
If this is not an absolute composition of the Commission under these conditions, the vacant seats allocated staff representatives with representatives of the administration as much as necessary to form the Committee of three members present.
Chapter 29 meets the administrative committees in the form of a general meeting if it raised issues other than the matters referred to in chapters Dahir as a general system for the job of Morocco and the public provided for in Chapter 28 of the decree.
With regard to staff interns raise issues to feedback to them the relevant joint committees with respect to wire the staff who belong to it after the demarcation, in which case the Member representatives to attend the start of the wire so the top step and directly as representatives of the staff.
If the staff of the official status of apprentices in the wire so they will be last in terms of discipline under the rule of the Administrative Committee of the joint competent authorities regarding the last-mentioned wire.
Chapter 30 administrations must be given all facilities to the joint administrative committees of the legal terms of reference.
Moreover, each document or a document of what is necessary to do the job should be provided with them, and is subject to Zuma, members of management committees to professional confidentiality in respect of all documents viewed as such.
Chapter 31 is not valid deliberation management committees took into account only if the rules of establishment and management under the Dahir of a general system of public service as well as in this decree.
Moreover, the three-quarters of its members at least must be present if a quorum did not realize sends a new call for eight days to the members of the committee meetings shall be valid if attended by half of its members.
Chapter 32 If there is difficulty in the conduct of the Commission, the Minister concerned shall take the necessary measures after the approval of governmental authority in charge of the civil service and can in particular to resolve the question, and then proceed in that case for two months and by the ruler normal formation of a new place to renew the conditions set out in Chapters V and IX above.
Chapter IV bis
Management committee of equal members of the central
  Chapter 32 bis exception of the provisions of Chapters 25 and 28 of this Decree cost of central committees stemming from the management committees of each updated under the various prefectures and regions or at the level of central management to consider the promotion of choice in the frame or degree.
Occurs the central committees of the decision of the Minister on the matter and has increased the official representatives of two representatives of two Vice-management, official representatives of two representatives of two Vice-employees in the fold of the administrative committees of the joint special frame the meaning of the prefectures, regions, or in the central administration elected by all representatives of the staff members of the committees listed according to the method specified in this Decree concerning the election of staff representatives.
Appointed by the Minister on the matter of the Chairman of the Committee between representatives of management.
And how the conduct of the committees be updated under this chapter is how applicable to the management committees of the joint Balamalat or regions and the central administration, and apply them as well as provisions for the appointment of members of these committees, where appropriate.
However, the administrative committee of equal members updated in the departments, which is limited by the representation of staff at the level of central management exercise in addition to the terms of reference approved by Chapters 25 and 28 of this Decree, the terms of reference set out in the first paragraph above.
  Part V
The requirements of privacy and transition
Chapter 33 members of the committees shall not receive any compensation from the administrative order and jobs that can be accorded to them Soaúr for mobility and place under the conditions set forth in the regulations in force.
Chapter 34 can change the various deadlines prescribed in section III of this decree by the resolutions establishing the committee that will represent some of the staff who hold regular positions in foreign countries.
Being Chapter 35 of this decree on the first day of the month following the publication with regard to the departments or interest not provided for in Chapter IV of the Dahir as a general system of public service.
However, it generally includes a transitional administrative committees of the joint staff of elected or appointed as representatives of employees under the conditions set forth in the regulations in force before until 31 December 1959, the date on which the renewal of the administrative committees of equal members.
Extends as an exceptional staff on behalf of the delegates referred to in the previous section until March 31, 1960 and that, due to the departments that did not begin on the date of December 31, 1959 renewal of the joint management committees under the conditions set forth in Chapter IX above And peace.
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