Is the educational and skill of the teacher and the characteristics and roles in education

If the language of education is a selection compatibility between verbal language Alfonimih formal visual language and sensory developments for viewing. This confirms beyond a shadow of suspicion that it is necessary to be taken care of (ie, technology, photo) mirror the importance attached to language Alchuklahmn organize and establish, that because the image can serve as the President in directing the message of education and organization of knowledge network, such that teaching and learning Mhartin Vaalten and two within the educational field, because it is characterized with features unique to it:
It raises an interesting suspense learner
Distinguish more precision and clarity of pronunciation
Their ability to arouse the learner and the psychological impact of the psychological and mental
Ability to zoom and Baedmkana time and dive into the Allazemn
Encourage the learner to invest queen of mental observation and reflection and thinking. And thus achieved his knowledge and impart information and ideas has become clearer
The picture has become part of the structure of the text rhetorical (if you book the student had adopted the language and clear and accessible to Talmat, it also has been recruited images and graphics appropriate to the themes of the induction of motivation to read, and which no longer has the role of decoration and entertainment for the eye, but become part of the topography of the text)
Despite the importance of this importance is education in this era in which we live but the reality is the opposite, Teacher and learner alike should share not of them, and dumping is still the tool is the actual control of the educational process. Since the discovery of satellites and computer network, video, Internet and other means has become an important part of and integrated with the elements that make up the communication process. He says one of intellectuals, a good Topchi (not exaggerating if we say that the importance of teaching aids is not the means in itself, but as achieved by these means of the objectives of specific behavioral part of an integrated system established by the teacher to achieve the objectives of the lesson. And takes into account the criteria for selecting the means or production and methods of use and specifications of the place which they are used and Nawatj research process and other factors that affect the achievement of the objectives of the lesson. In other words, the warmest, the teacher to follow a comprehensive approach to achieve the objectives of the lesson and solve problems)
1 -       Is the educational and skill of the teacher:
The deepening impact of the educational process and its success requires the teacher to develop the capacity and skills in order to improve selection and use of educational means, which provide him with mechanisms to assist in the provision of material and discursive route the message to the consignee (ie the learner) within the classroom area to teach the most effective. And thus do not occur the gap between theoretical material and the future. . This can be achieved only if the set up training courses for teachers to grow has a queen learning tool production and use.
The modern scientific studies have confirmed, that the greater the impact on the senses of the learner's success means more educational (photo) in achieving the objectives assigned to the lesson.
The technological revolution in which we live today is imposed and Sertha Report tool has all the elements of effective impact in the recipients of
We try in this topic to look at the education system's roles and the laws of employment.
System is in education (characteristics):
1 -       Image and Memory:
Education is mainly dependent on the memory - the stages in different - whether memory for verbal or visual. Memory feature that is left to the knowledge gained by experience Taatqom effects and adjusts behavior. The track record of human history models that emphasize the role. And is associated with educational animations (movies, television images, transparencies) memory that can store and move to revive what has become stagnant as soon provoke an attitude or image, event or word.
  Is consistent with the senses of hearing and sight:
The picture addresses the senses of hearing and sight at the same time. This is the secret of success in achieving educational objectives because of the nature of this bilateral Allazmih, there can not be separated for the word is in the moving image (film, tapes, videos, etc.). This is confirmed by specialists such as the study of Mark May, it was concluded that (the commentary accompanying the film has a major interest in the use of dialogue between the living characters)
Vallosaút audio visual must fit together (you can acquire the concepts and principles of the new visual display, but to not be feasible if we adopted it fully in the study and education. Words play a role in guidance to the evidence and interpretation of signals, for this purpose you must use the words in the visual aids)
  Autism is the movement:
Education is characterized by their need for movement and dynamism which Aserha psychological characteristics, aesthetic, cognitive, can be translated into the different cognitive activities.
Aldrameon has invested in the interpretation of this evidence and to clarify the picture in film production and mechanisms read by the viewer. And reached a dictionary of visual motor is:
* Vertical upward movement reflects the hope and freedom
* Vertical downward movement reflects the bottleneck, destruction and wars
* Diagonal movement reflects the joy and self Almstbashrh
The movement in education is targeted primarily cognitive side, not the psychological aspect of aesthetic contrast to other types. They include the elements are:
1 the natural movement of something photographer
2 fastest movement of reality
3 slow motion
4 traffic density
The movement is natural that we see in the image of education, as it maintains the characteristics of self-temporal and spatial picture of the material. The exposure times violent in faster or slower according to the purposes for which the destination of the product and exit. The heavy traffic Virad the time to intensify the knowledge to invest in a number of tutorial education. The picture sums up our mobile intensive - for example - long open rose in one minute given to the actual time you open a day. This is achieved Pffl Tthbyt camera in front of the test site and adjust the speed imaging to capture one image every half hour. The teacher determines that the planning of supply and organized so that it is appropriate Strategic conscious moment in which the image
Image and the immediate impact:
It is characteristic of the subject / target. It is the viewer / receiver that is going through the same experience that was in front of him, and this helps to speed up the installation knowledge, and to examine the note. It may make sense of the importance of what they see and Bhaddatth. These things attract the attention of the future and pay boost to know it. Being an example of the documentaries that carry the life of the characters or perception of historical wars.
The picture is the educational Veneman Modern Art, Art Zmkane realistic, based on the link and familiarize yourself the following three dimensions: the sender - the speech - the future.
Valmrsl is a teacher who improves the selection of technical education, which takes as an educational tool to guide his knowledge and make it interesting.
And the future is the learner who responds to the educational program of the viewer and get excited by the
And the teacher there are gaps in the display until the viewer moves the experience, mentally Vichark in the formulation of the picture by finding the gap and complete. This kind of display speed in the delivery of knowledge, as long as the viewer participates in the formulation
Is educational and time
The time in the picture before moving his educational dimensions:
- Play time
- The time of the event, which spin the experience to be photographed - and any sense of perception time the recipient sees and interacts with the events of the experiment and then extracted Almtosma of the results of the show how fast, complete and accurate.
2 -       Roles in education is:
The image of the teaching, whether photographic, film television, Snimaúaa CDs or the Internet of great importance in the course of the educational course. It also confirms Firth:
  * Provide the scientific facts in the form of audio-visual information
  * Provide the learner opportunities of comparison and reflection, provide him with ways of thinking and reasoning as well as a cognitive basis for those unable to conclude from reading only direct
*    It's element of suspense, with the contents of the letter and explain his thoughts and facilitate understanding and simplify information for children
Therefore, attention should be educational images published in textbooks and business education for children because of the educational role of the serious (The task of technology education is not only to provide material and production of information, but learning the material and ensure that it reaches for the future).
*    The picture of these educational roles can be renewed mental activity of the recipient. During the presentation the future becomes aware of the previous information already stored in his memory, and compares them Vistdeiha modern scenes. If the picture (is the process of linking successive knowledge in the life of the individual social, cultural, psychological and aesthetic
*       The image of teaching - a job unique - role in the development of mental abilities of the learner / future of creativity, perception and thinking and remember in the long run. Remember that this depends on many factors including time of View, purity of light, color, and provoke the viewer and Tchougah memory so you can later revive and recall information over time
Not only the impact of mental / psychological on this area only, the picture in the technology of contemporary learning, can make an amendment and a change in the behaviors of the individual is undesirable, and is motivated to acquire new patterns (as confirmed by the study of language, James Brown, has found a relationship between the sequence View animation (the movie) and Taataba complex behavior, as the behavioral goal has been achieved in stages with successive Ttzlsl film.
We have noted this on our children through educational television quotas that were presented, such as the share of Open Sesame, or city rules. That children / students to acquire the grammatical skills thanks to the permanent follow up and live for such programs
*       Be able to understand the relationships between things
*       Help in building new concepts of sound
In order to reach the moving image to achieve the functional roles, which are required to be:
1 * clear
2 * to help achieve the objective of the lesson, and facilitated by
3 * that the information the learner develop and open the horizons of knowledge
4 * be able to focus on important aspects of
5 * to be a modern, accurate Avchllantbah, an exciting debate, the main carrier of information, including any content of the message rhetoric.
If the Mahtoyalsourh taking into account the capabilities of the learner / viewer and proportionate to their capabilities and language, cognitive and psychological, they will actually achieve the educational goals and educational.
Educational picture - if - essential in the field of education. Therefore, it is necessary to activate the educational process and consolidate the image of different shapes and sizes, so you can reinforce the learner in the memory of what you can not craft the language to keep it formal.
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