Knowledge of the objectives of the lesson and identified to ensure its success

The overall objectives / goals / objectives behavioral 
Of the objectives in any business of great importance are summarized in the following : 
1 - directing related activities in one direction, and prevent the dispersion and deviation . 
2 - Find the motivation of achievement, and keep it active 
3 - Evaluating the work to determine the success and failure . 
These three things make the goals of major importance to the teacher during teaching. It is important to determine the objectives of the teacher from teaching, and clearly. Can not be taught successfully without the presence of clear objectives .
And the types of goals, there is a general long-term goals and objectives of private and there is progress. And the relationship between public and private goals, what is a relative relationship for years to below may be special for what it. For example, in the teaching of the doctrine in the post, there are general objectives of teaching the material 
There is general objectives of teaching the material basis, and there are goals without the teaching of the curriculum at a certain stage and the objectives of teaching a specific decision in a given year and finally the goals of special teaching unit or a particular lesson. The teacher's knowledge of these goals is helping to coordinate and make concerted efforts to reach the overall goal of the final decision in education policy .... 
... Specific, which is expected to be carried out by the student as a result of his activity in a particular lesson. When we say that a visible, specifically to refer to a particular behavior can be seen, identified and measured, and was not as internally can not see it. For example, if we say we expect from the student after the lesson to prepare from one to ten. This behavior apparently everyone can see or measure the success of the teacher and the student to achieve. But if we say: We expect the student after the lesson to understand the relationship between such and such, this behavior any mental understanding of the behavior of an internal do not see, although we may see some effects, so it may be difficult to measure . 
Link to all chapter activity of seeking to achieve those goals. Make and prepare you in the first and prominently, but alright to write a brief on the board to ensure that your mind about Sherrod . 
The behavioral objectives, although criticized by some researchers, have a significant impact in facilitating the teaching process the teacher and the learner . 
The most important reasons for the failure of many teachers in the performance of their lessons in the chapter, although they prepare their written preparation is not well entrenched in their minds the objectives of the lesson, so you see the teacher moves from activity to activity and not as unrelated and do not have a common goal .
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