Literacy skills and basic knowledge and its role in determining the criteria for judging the level of learner

Indicate the list of student assessment that the standard to judge the student's level is not the total scores obtained in the written or oral test, but is the extent of his knowledge of basic skills and knowledge that have been identified in the comprehensive lists of the items of the curriculum by the Ministry and made ​​available to the teacher.
The power transfer student from row to row up, it is built on its ability and the acquisition of a minimum number of science and basic knowledge and skills specified by the Ministry, and the mean minimum - as noted earlier - that in order to move the student to the row above it to be able to familiarity with a range of skills and knowledge which in turn are the basis to enable the subsequent skills and knowledge.
For further clarification could be given a hypothetical example in the subject of reading in first grade.
The Ministry has identified a list of science and knowledge and skills - and not a shortcut list (skills) in reading on the assumption that a separate article and are as follows:
Skills assessments
Minimum skills
(1) the distinction between reading and writing letters.
(2) pronunciation of the letters deduces three and tranquility.
(3) read the word, with the understanding
(4) read the installation or sentence with the understanding

(5) analysis of the word to the sentence to the letters and words

(6) installation of several letters of the word or phrase from the installation of several words

(7) reading between the forms of discrimination or special characters.
(8) the tide of discrimination between different kinds of spoken
(9) Discrimination in reading between the (L) and solar (the) Lunar
What is required of the teacher teach all the contents of this list during the school year, and make sure the assessment tools possible for all students to acquire these skills and to communicate with their families for cooperation in order to solve the difficulties Iatrdahm through detailed reports on each of them. At the end of the year for the purpose of judging the success or Rsoppe the student is able to ensure the minimum of the skills described in the list, namely, (1,2,3,7 8.9), where success is determined if all of these acquired skills and determined survival if not the purest acquisition of one or more of them.
The difference between this new method and the method used previously that the standard to invoke him for the success of students and their failure - and according to the new method - united in the Kingdom, but in light of the previous method, the standard varies from teacher to another, as is every teacher a test of its own, and ask questions particular may not be comprehensive for the student or the basics of Vingeh back, according to receiving or not receiving the short end of the subject, based on fulfilling or not fulfilling passed a note or a secondary skill may not be influential in school performance in the future.
Since some students will not be able at the end of the transition to the next row, there will be no "test the role of a second" because the students at this early stage of age are not aware of the requirements of testing the second round of recalling and re-learn and prepare for the exam at the end of the year, with need to leave for rest and recuperation and to gain some of the talents and skills that do not have time to acquire during the school year. It is also not able to the student and his family failed to solve the problem of educational school for solving this problem during the full academic year
In addition, it is expected that efforts can be made ​​to the student's education and make it as prescribed it must have lasted during the school year through continuous assessment.
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