Make the teaching process more effective through the use of teaching aids effectively

When he wanted the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him to show to his companions the meaning of the words of God Almighty: and that this Srati straight, follow him and do not follow the ways ...} line them a straight line and said that the way of Allah and the line of lines, many on his right and on the north and said: This means ...!
When he saw the companions feel the handkerchief of silk and marvel at the soft, smoothness, he said, peace be upon him: Are you surprised by this?! Tissues for Saad in Paradise is better than this!
Of the means of education a significant impact on learning, are:
1 provide the teacher a lot of rhetoric
2 attract the attention of students
3 break the monotony of explanation and dumping
4 show the information
5 illustrate the idea more than mere words.
• Use available means prefabricated or prepared by you or assigned to students before the lesson so well in advance. You can use the share of activity or interest in that art education. :
• Remember that your use of the real thing is much better as a means to clarify the use of his image, and this is direct experience for students, for example, in English class, rather than attend football and bring with you a real football. One of the teachers of English find it difficult to explain the meaning of the word headmaster For students to have to be translated, although this is undesirable, and did not enter his head to take students to a room manager and tell them: This is the headmaster . ! Although this would facilitate the process and will consolidate the information in the minds of students and revitalize the chapter and makes the situation more natural.
• Make sure that the way is clear and that the goal that you want them visible to students, what you see in the way you may not understand students.
• Whenever the medium is far from easy and complexity that is preferable.
• Mark and Celtic interesting and attractive.
• Be creative in Saúlk and moved away from tradition.
• Beware of the means by which there may be a danger to the students.
• Make sure that the place of the lesson set for the use of means, for example: a nail or adhesive tape to suspend the painting, the source of electricity, etc. ... a dark chapter. Vsai very means to bring the teacher and then spend time looking left and right for a place to hang or put in it.
• Do not use a means, not know how to run, this may cause some of the following:
1. Corrupting the device, has affected students or the teacher to do so.
2. Wasting time searching for the correct way to run it.
3. Confusion and embarrassment, which is located where the teacher in front of his students as a result of his inability to run the device.
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