Most important roles of teacher and activation techniques in the pedagogy skills

Even Now, in the absence of adequate process models applicable to the field, integrated modelsWith the requirements of reality and the needs of modern man in general, and human Moroccan nation Arab-Islamic in particular, aimed at creating an open man on the perimeter of allComponents, contributing effectively to the achievement of comprehensive development, it may be too Has come to open the door to educational experimentation rational to give any opinion, in an attempt To establish a database, may allow the provision required that the existing forms, Samples were subjected to experimentation necessary to achieve the necessary quality for the soul of the body unnecessary . In This general framework, has become the choice of teaching competencies nation, came Try, which hovers around the most important roles of the teacher, and techniques
Activation under Pedagogy skills, and their complementarity to Tlazmanma, the most important feature to indicate the degree of Their importance at the level of performance and pedagogical Aldisdaktica, a modest attempt In any case, but believing that the teacher of the third millennium should be mud The other, and he has to play new roles keep pace with the spirit of democracy and the spirit of the times, Without neglecting the fundamentals and values ​​of our religion, and the specifics of Morna Habib . General presentation : Before Talk about the most important roles that may play a teacher in the management and operation of the quota Educational or vocational training in various activities within the tasks entrusted to him, It should be noted in the contentious relationship between the force of these roles Side, and the methods and techniques of activation of the other, and that target at the end of Giving up the capacity of learners 
(On the grounds that the term capacity in the French language semantics play synonymous meaning the same word play 
Compétence autorité.pouvoir.ressort.aptitude.capacité.qualification.savoir.connais sance.scienc. GiveLearners the capacity of certain capabilities, or developed, or correct, which serves to achieveSufficiently qualified or ruler at the end of a class within a particular substance or Cluster, or the end of the training session, or wire course . So that research Modern experimental about power and leadership and management methods, has enabled scientists to Psychology in recent decades, to identify three main methods for activation in terms of Characteristics of each of them, and the overall results on the effectiveness and the behavior and production of the group, and each Style of which have very different effects on the group, and the consequent introduction of any of themImplications for the work of the group and the cost-effectiveness and progress toward its goals, aGenerally do not come out for the following three forms : 
1 / authoritarian style or orientation : In This method <Activated confirms its role as a leader, he puts all Directives and instructions, and believes in discipline and order, and the group is going according to plan Developed by the group previously had not seen it, so do not be directing the activities and clear Never constant for the group. It imposes tasks, and distributes them, and be Sub-Groups > (Journal of the psychology of education. The first issue 0.1999 . Press the success of new, Casablanca. P. 124-125.), As follows And monitor the achievements and He should work, and take appropriate action in a timely manner . 
2 / democratic style : A Method stipulated by the National Charter of Education and Training, the appropriate Competencies of pedagogy, where <Activated in trying to integrate this method in Group directives of not only the proposals be the subject of consultation among members The group, suggestions raised by the activated and encouraged .. The cooperation is not entirely Identifies activated only much-desired goals to achieve, and then turn to a member of the group Partially activated, or propose an action plan, and how to participate in the implementation of democracy Plan> (Journal of the psychology of education. Number one. 1999. Success Press New, Casablanca. P. 124-125 ..) 
3 / chaotic style : And the Only activated to provide work <And leaves participants free to be completely Do what they do. It does not interfere at any level, not to participate At work, and giving directions, or announce his agreement or disagreement, answers Questions of how vague, and fails to automatically group > (Journal of psychology Education. The first issue. 1999. Press the success of new, Casablanca. R : 124-125.) And often abandon the group also perform the task as a result ofActivated by default . Based on the above, the teacher who purports to perform Reasonable, and to achieve good results at the level of success of his students to achieve skills Drawn upon to play new roles keep pace with the spirit of democracy and fragrance Which has been blowing and getting through the beginning of the third millennium, all countries of this The world at all levels, including the world of education and training . May Some find it difficult these roles, while others may go on to say the impossibility of Implemented on the ground the practical field, but the reality and practice,Confirm it from the drawer by the roles that all teachers in performing their duties Daily on a regular basis, and perhaps the origin of the difficulty that has been subjected to some of them, due Mainly to the new invitation for the transition from education that Morse Bdgmaúah years Number inside the classroom, and sure enough the centrality of the teacher as an owner Of knowledge, as opposed to passive learners, and limited its role in the reception and assimilation automated In preparation for the exam only; to shift to the centrality of certain learning Learner and effectiveness, through his help, the duration of a minimum of knowledge And other skills and it is a sign of what is communicated to reach self-knowledge, and words Other help to build a multi-disciplinary competencies enable it to do so; 
Add to This confusion is noticeable at the level of representing many of the teachers of the nature of pedagogy Knsag educational skills, pace runs primarily on capacity development as an area The functioning of the classroom, for the rule of the tendency toward micromanaging tendencies, and some believe that we We moved the entrance to the goals, to the entrance, the entrance to another independent skills, And are thus excluded any relationship between the two entrances, and those are some of the citizen, uncertainty Which was signed by most of the men working the field of education so far as we see on the At least . After all this, and to shed some light on the models of those The new roles required of the teacher in the light of pedagogy and teaching skills Units and this is ample room for discussion and experimentation Aldisdaktica paper proposes Following some of them, but not limited to, knowledge to take first , And try to field testing, in the absence of a scientific paradigm in this pedagogical , The most important roles is as follows :. / 1 teacher designed and engineered to the learning process 
If With the teacher before the design of the study of the Jma of preparation, focus on Basic steps and stages and their contents, in other words, focus on planning Education, it is today calling for the development of performance that the process Design a comprehensive and general Msart learning as well, to prepare a special file for each unit Study of the units scheduled, so that work on the vision and innovation and stimulating positions And sometimes exciting, provocative and even within the limits of capacity and Altmthleeh class Salutation, and propose mechanisms for simplification and guidance, and preparation and organization of learning space, And the formation of working groups, in light of the required skills or competence to be Achieved, should also have a perception of a probabilistic measure of how the status of the failure Also; is designed and port in the same now, which is the basis of these tasks Course Based upon . And can include file Aldisdaktica Referred to, along with Jmamat lessons, all documents, papers, The means and instrumentalities of learning, of Chwevat, and illustrations, and text Code on the chip, for example, and news clippings, and Mbianat, or statistics, etc. To that which can be invested in addressing the vocabulary units of study prescribed 0.2 / teacher stimulus 
Of the most important roles in a pedagogy of teacher skills, the activation : The mean By all the methods, techniques and tools or media that will stimulate learning, And move it to the fullest extent possible, through the approach and methods to stimulate lure Learners to participate in the learning and activities, The teacher is directed to the helm Altalmat ordered through the lesson of the unit of study, or across the entire unit . And activation Educational tutorial is to guide the learning paths in order to achieve sufficiently or Competencies required, and may lead to the discovery of the successful activation capabilities of the constructive Learners, can be invested and used to Reach beyond Enough, a Altmher . This should not be considered as important as the stimulus Teaching aids just put forms in front of pupils beginning of the quota, and wait Responded to say that the stimulus has borne fruit, but the teacher must realize that Stimulus meaning <Create the conditions surrounding makes students ask themselves questions , And then become the problem and find solution to a personal matter for pupils, not Just a response to the request of the teacher > (AbdulKarim Gharib. Skills and strategies Acquisition. The world of education publications. Am i 0.1 1421.2001: 197 ). 3 / teacher facilitating the learning process 
If The capacity to translate the tools skills, as is now the same tools in the link between Components of different materials, wires and educational nature of the extensional That can form the subject of a call by the learner at every moment, as long as may Become integrated into the strategic expertise .If so, the most important Roles in a pedagogy of teacher competencies is exploration, explore the capacity of His disciples, including the innate and acquired, and work to correct the wrong, orPromote the proper, or developed for the better, which helps the learner to use And harnessed to achieve a sufficiently competent or targeted at any moment of His life of study and public . More than this, which should be emphasized Here is that the teacher's pedagogy in the light of this, the binding enables the learner Work tools, methodologies and techniques, and methods, and strategies, and all that would Helps the learner to do a good turn in the learning process fully, And even facilitated in the face, enabling them to pass through it, and trained them Tstdmj experience even within the process, and thus make it open to him to take advantage Them when invited to a farewell circumstantial 0.4 / teacher directed learning process 
Of The most dangerous and the most important roles in a pedagogy of teacher competencies, thereThe process of directing his disciples to learn, so as not to deflect or deviate from what was planned and drawn her In advance, it is directed at the helm Talmat his disciples, is responsible to achieve and consolidate They have, by taking all measures and means and the reasons for the promotion of those Altalmat, and progress towards the proper verification, payment of all the unwanted stimuli , Or confused, and promote the positive, and when acting in the management of error with the properDisposal 0.5 / teacher GDP 
It is an ingredient of the items scheduled as a whole, and resident Each unit of study and the achievement of competencies associated with them, and each resident is a lesson Each module separately, diagnostic, and progress, and the total . That in all this Assesses Talmat his disciples, and assesses skills and the extent achieved, and monitors the difficulties And barriers that may prevent achieved, and to assess the contents of study as a whole, Reflected in the vocabulary of the units assessed by levels ascribed to teach, it is Researcher in this account, as well as being tested .Overall, the calendar issue Efficiencies of a vast subject and creamy, and not offer the domain to be put right, and we Although we certainly see the sticky topic at hand, we favor the allocation Paper special importance, and that is what we will soon be upon Allah's leave, . Methods and techniques of activation 
Skills in pedagogy 
Starting , It is worth defining the concept of the way in teaching, with the way the steps are not intended Methodology can be adopted to make the lesson as it is known in each of the articlesSchool, but are also intended to, the method of work, and how they can The organization and suggest various positions A'erah, in order to achieve the capacity That enables the target in the end, or enough to achieve the required skills , Which requires the teacher a lot of creativity, innovation and diligence, Not only to break the inertia and red tape that may be generated with time, but because this Is the method that achieves the target more than others, It is obvious that the teacherOn adequate knowledge of effective methods of activation, and dynamic groups, as well asKnowledge of the specific competencies within the curriculum, and capabilities that branch Them, and that efforts should be directed, either to achieve the learner, or those that Should be corrected, or that are in need of improvement, as long as the purpose of education is not Limited to <Transferof knowledge, but also to the development of intellectual skills, And socio-emotional, and the sense of mobility, which means helping learners to collect Efficiencies are in service throughout their lives> (D. Harushi Abdul Rahim, pedagogy Skills, a mentor of teachers and trainers. Translation of a good beard, Abdul-Ilah Hariat . I. 2004. PO: 17 .) Build on that and from which, we should It is desirable in light of pedagogy skills to enjoy a more global vision , Due to our choice of the appropriate way to provide the contents of the lesson, within the Unit of study, without renouncing to the absolute perception of procedural been acquired under the Pedagogy of targets known dimensions, to mention a number of objective considerations Including : 
ü we have not heard yet declare the existence of a rupture between the two models only occasionally . 
ü to judge the adequacy of what they have achieved, not only through the inspection reflected the achievement of a predetermined allows observation and Calendar . 
ü achievements in reality it is a series of objectives process procedural Behavioral, mental, or emotional, emotional, or motor skill, combine with each other And be integrated, to appear in the end, in the form of completion . The choice of the appropriate way As a method for activation, it remains important in light of pedagogy skills, and Must be represented in the components of a holistic approach and a practical approach thoughtful, And the level of methodology, methods and tools involved, and taking into account the time and Otheirh Learn the target group, and the nature of learning space, as well as evoke the margin of error Possible, and pre-visualization of the ways to deal with, sites and links within the calendar The process of the lesson, etc., which must be taken into account when choosing Method in teaching . It would be naive to think the door of independenceEach way for the full sister of the famous and effective ways other, or stand Literally and stages proposed, might stop analyzing the content, or the development of skill, Or provide a specific cognitive strategy, or otherwise, on the use of more than One way to become the experience of the learner experience permanent, accompanied throughout his life , Taking his hand to the players in the building society, and contribute to its development . In Pedagogy skills, does not exclude any effective way, all the way Ensure access to achieve the building, or correct, or the development of targeted capacity of all Types of learners, can be adopted in whole or in part, that the success of No way be guaranteed only two conditions : 
1 / teacher to know the most important methods for learning Mtalmah . 
2 / know some of the most important differences, including encroachment on existing and Akedzaba. And these two elements can be summarized in the following Alambgesan : Models of learners 
Different Learners as individuals, including differences in the level of capacity, preferences and preparations, in Methods and strategies to acquire information and understand, as they beat them feature of Following features make learning easier and smoother, or vice versa; that has to be Here to distinguish between these features Kmmizzat public to gain knowledge and experience, And the general methods for people to learn a strategy based on the nature of the configurationPsychological, and social conditions and environmental center, etc., is what distinguishes them For some. To the circumstances and a number of objective reasons . The models referred to Many of the studies, there are three ways or, rather, characteristic of each learner or Group of learners are as follows : 
1 / Albesrion learners: those who are Who rely primarily on their learning in the sense of sight, and what they see Visually, Kalmktop, and Illustrator, maps, and other Alambianat, comes Audible and tangible in the pro ranks, and this model is the prevailing rate includes Large number of learners . 
2 / Alsamaaon learners: they who have their accreditation Hearing and significantly in the acquisition of the bulk of knowledge provided to them, and a sight And touch and movement aids come in the rank of pro-order of importance, This category is less than its predecessor of learners . 
3 / learners Amcin: and rely in the acquisition of knowledge and experience to touch or taste, Any learning by placing the hand in the dough, as they say, they are of course Few among the educated general . 
4 / and adds some of the students, people who Gets their learning through movement, a movement of the body where an essential part of The process of learning them, so of course taking into account the levels of growth Physiological, and age levels and mental . Of learning styles . StillEducation scholars today spend a lot of effort and money in an attempt to standardize Methods that are being realized on the basis of the learning process in humans, the nature Physiological complex, multiple components of his personality, and thus multiple methods And strategies adopted to achieve this, and through all these efforts And studies, can be derived Kmizzat the following methods can be adopted to classify Learners, in terms of their tendency to put the method on the other, a development approach to Subject is not too much else, otherwise it can not be categorized learnersThey are with this method without the other, without standards, not the total negation of the differences Possible within each individual chapter on Unit, and these methods are : 
1 / learner College-minded: a learner who learns best when provided him with information As a whole or one-time, it absorbs subject in its entirety without attention Bdziyate . 
2 / learner with analytical tendencies: towards criticism, and inquiry, And show the logic of things, it is the learner who learns more easily provided the information Consecutive steps in a short and logical . And here we can not exclude the case of learner Which combines them, and they Atafa tinge of wisdom increase, and not Alinvhat Lord Bmstbadh as well, which is more: . So, consider these facts And others when planning for any practical implementation of the lessons, and taken into account as a kind of Types of individual differences among learners, in order to achieve the best results and performance, from During handling and interaction with those differences positively . And of course here, There are many tendencies multiple learners. And then came the importance of teacher knowledge Methods of implementation of plans to activate the lessons in the classroom efficiently and cost-effectiveness, Expansion of the field of his vision for the interaction with the general skills . Of the most important techniques and methods of activation 
After This approach, we should note that there is no one particular method, it can be Adopted and no one else from the other methods, but should enjoy the outlook Inclusiveness that takes into account the complementary nature between each Methods that we will have a following, and therefore, we can say that one of the most important Methods known in the pedagogy of skills, it can be, for example, but not limited to, Reference to the following methods and techniques 1 / the way the issue status 
(Situation problem) is Months by the methods applied in this area in many subjects, And based on the development of the learner before the problem, or problematic in light of the status of educational Certain, and paid for through indirect assistance and guidance, for analysis to Basic elements, and the use of different knowledge and skills, with the use of Tools and means available in order to find a solution. And this method does not differ With a way to solve problems only in the fact that the situation is often a question of problems Partial correlation with studying or a specific unit, while the second may include problems Deeper and more comprehensive, so you may include a set of modules; can Representation of the first lesson in special statutes such as putting forth Confusion about the order of the League, or Those assumptions, or to determine the heir of the heir is the subject of censorship, for example, As for how to solve problems, can be put in forms including state or Cases (obligatory) on the subject of complex inheritance, and the learner to find a solution The basis of his earnings, which trains them in part, cases include all the components of Planned lessons in the subject. And the nature of the issue of partial status, And associated primarily with the status of specific learning from a range of situations Diverse educational, they often take a significant set Dokettel Rogers As <Collection of information that should be Tmvsalha and link them to do The task in a given context> The sense that they are based and listed in the process of organization Altalmat.Valodaah issue is not necessarily the status of learning, it proposes to issue and positions for the calendar, as can be suggested for the support and the installation also. The more specific tasks of the status of the issue stimulating and interesting for the student, the more significance and relevance of education for him 0.2 / how to solve problems The competence or skills is not a process of behavioral pure, in the sense that we do not look at the perspective of behaviorism, which gives understanding of behavior on the human person, cool or interpretation of the learning and teaching the law of the exciting and the response, but competence is a system, a system of knowledge and practical skills that can be planned within the operations procedural, end qualifying learner to improve levels of adaptation with the surroundings in which they live, and interact with him constantly, and by enabling tools and mechanisms that allow and help to identify the various problems in studying his surroundings, and thus enable him to gather and harness all the knowledge and mental skills and the process previously acquired to find a solution or solutions to these various problems and the like, provided trained in advance to address the class or classes of them in positions educational precedent, and therefore be able to solve the various problems that will face in public life, and so was the way to solve the problems of the effective ways in give and gain skills, and can not under any circumstances be separated from the training to solve problems or class of problems in learning situations in advance, and can not in any exclusion of individual differences, in terms of quality of past gains, and differences between individuals in the preparations. 3 / the way the debate: a <Technology in the activation divided the group into>> alliances>> All of them defend the idea of ​​opposition on a particular topic, and aims of this form of discussion learning to argue and debate, and the development of critical thinking, a sense of relative> and set off debate in this technology on the basis of forms, and <raises confusion in this technical way that enables learners to defend the position>> pro>> or>> Exhibitions>> (d. Abderrahim Harushi. pedagogy skills: Leader of teachers and trainers. translate good beard, Abdul-Ilah Hariat . publication of funk. Casablanca. June 2004. p. 173). Can be formed both groups the method for selecting partners, each team of their own volition, it can also be imposed specific configurations by the teacher, who confined his role during the debate on the direction formal without interfering in essence, taking care to distribute the word among all participants in order to provoke reactions, and a setting of tribal opportunity for each team to collect data and prepare arguments and evidence, before starting disputatious and discussion, to lead the debate to not diaspora issue, and drawn to the conclusion shows wrong views is the approval of the laws of sharia law and common sense, and strengthen and Avgahma them. 4 / storm mind: also called a way of brainstorming, a form of debate that focused on a particular topic, and aimed to produce the greatest number of ideas that are relevant to the subject wrought without the curb of views whatever the nature, so as to encourage the expression of ideas without fear or shame, and can draw inspiration from the ideas of others in order to enrich them. In this technique, there is nothing forbidden (you can say anything and dare anything, because it is not there to criticize or judge what people are saying a) .. The more ideas were formulated many, whenever there is a chance to show the appropriate ideas. And can be used this technique in situations teaching and learning are different, and should not be at the same time to take the discussion and formulation of ideas, the entire quota, but to be allocated periods for other activities from the activities of the lesson, and stop the efficacy of this technology on the quality setting, and the quality of the choice of subject, style display. This technology is the easy implementation of technologies in the field, if they respected certain conditions to help make it a success, was cited by Dr. Harushi set of such conditions in his book Pedagogy of skills can be referenced. And limited the role of Professor tonic in ensuring that a set of conditions, Kahars good measure turnaround time, and proper functioning of the debate, and create an atmosphere of trust so that everyone feels comfortable to participate in the debate, with neutrality, and assist in the drafting of clear ideas emanating from the discussion, and appropriate intervention to avoid the monopoly of the word, and help refute the extremist ideas and the statement of non-rigid correctness and Mjavadtha to the teachings of the law, logic, common sense, values ​​and customs of ... Of course, as we pointed out that in the beginning, there are methods and many ways, can be used and tested at least in addressing the various topics addressed by the vocabulary of courses in the field, and can recall from this topic methods, the case method, which allows the study of situations or problems of procedural and factual or imaginary, in order to find or propose solutions, devise, or rules or principles are valid for application in similar cases, which can develop expertise in the field of solving problems. There style of play roles, which is feasible in some situations learning, a method that enhances the capacity of communication with learners, to closely related field psychological, emotional, and the formation of attitudes and trends in the relations is obvious - personal, and enable them to automatic acquisition of the positions recommended socially, and awareness Bahsasat others, perhaps this method is feasible with lower levels of study. It's a way <stimulating significantly, and readily accepted by the learners, it does not cost much, and also because the share of role-playing games require only a tonic one (is a teacher in this case), educated and well prepared.> (D. Harushi. Op.cit.) The focus of the discussion following the completion of playing the role on the content of the dialogue, and the reactions of the players, and the quality of communication, and advice by the activator, and draw conclusions .... There are of course, the workshops focused on the Works of applied and methods of presentation of the spirit of the subjects associated with the vocabulary of the decision, and there is also a round-table style, intense exercise, and other methods and techniques The other does not have the space to display the entire.
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