New method to evaluate the rows of early detection capabilities of the learner, and to identify what had hampered by difficulties and psychological study

Under the list of calendar student new to be a calendar collection of student in grades three first primary is different than in the rest of the ranks of general education, and considered the list of those rows (rows early) a basic rule based on the fact that a student at the beginning of joining the education needs special care, learn to disclose his abilities, and to identify what may be hampered by the difficulties of a psychological study and can affect it over the years of public education. In addition, the weakness that is noted on some students of public education in some subjects but is the result of lack of focus on key aspects of skills, knowledge and expertise in the rows of early elementary school, or be the result of a teaching method relies solely on memorization, and focus on the stated information and repeating it without real understanding.
To help to solve these problems, the list included a number of principles for dealing with student assessment in the first three grades of primary school was the following:
(1) Focus on providing students with the skills, knowledge and expertise essential in each subject.
(2) Follow the methods of teaching leads to understanding the real embodiment of the content of the subject.
(3) Care aspect of the adoption of practical performance evaluation method that is able to ensure the student's skill or knowledge.
(4) Avoid the negative psychological effects that might be exposed to students and relate their experience of study such as anxiety and fear.
(5) instill habits and positive attitudes among students towards education.
(6) Find the positive motivation for success and progress so that the motivation for education and going to school is the desire to succeed and not the fear of failure.
(7) Spare the children the psychological effects resulting from the emphasis on competition and the feeling that the degree of assessment tools is the goal of education.
(8) The involvement of a parent in the student calendar, and that providing information on the difficulties of his son, and his role in overcoming them.
(9) Detection of disabilities and learning difficulties in students early and work on the treatment and treat it as an educational correct.
However, the focus on these foundations in evaluating student grades early elementary school does not mean the use of tests it remains a tool of assessment tools in addition to other tools such as Note teacher, and participate in lessons, and doing exercises and activities for the school article.However, the tests and other assessment tools in these other classes focus on skills, experience and basic knowledge that the student should acquire in each of these three rows, and its use is constant throughout the year.
The teachers in these classrooms demands of teaching all components of the subject assessed as usual with a special focus on the essentials, if the student studied the status of prayer in the subject of jurisprudence, for example, he focuses on the performance of prayer in practice the right way is not enough at all to know the status of student prayer Once saved and repeating the written description in the book.
In the spelling is not enough to distinguish the student forms the letters of the pictures in the book, but the teacher should make sure that the student can distinguish in a variety of situations ... and so on.
And the importance of informing family of the student over the offer to acquire what is required in different subjects and the difficulties it faces. The statute identifies a mechanism for cooperation between the family and the school to monitor the process of solving the student may object to the student of the difficulties first hand, so that the decision to move a row up or staying in the description at the end of the year based on continuous efforts and follow up the minutes throughout the year.
Because of the extreme importance of integration of the teaching method with the method of the calendar, the list refers to the importance of using teaching methods based on taking into account individual differences among children.
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