Some people believe that the causes of depression (narrow - mood - crying spells) are the results of psychological problems and emotional, but only the truth to be linked also to the nature and quality of food and how people suffer from bouts of crying have been thinking of suicide changed to change their diet ... sometimes we need is little awareness and little change.
** Sugar Blues: (sugar blues):
Control the weak in the level of blood glucose is often the main factor behind the depression.
Symptoms include fatigue, nervousness, insomnia, depression and loss of activity and bouts of crying. Since the activity of the brain depends on glucose is not surprising that sugar has to do with symptoms of aggression, anxiety and depression. Rely on a diet rich in sugar (white) and refined carbohydrates (such as rice, pasta, white bread and lots of food processor) depletes vitamins and minerals stored in the body, particularly the consumption and depletion of vitamin B. (A previous article: the effect of sugar on children )
** omega 3:
In eight tests to people who were given fish oil capsules containing Omiqa 3, six of which gave improved results for the cases of depression better than that tests conducted on antidepressants alone. Also found that people in areas that contain food for fish is to have less depression.
** Vitamin B complex (B vitamins):
In the study showed that more than half of patients with severe depression was found to have a lack of vitamin B and folate.
In another study, women who have a deficiency in vitamin B-12 prone to depression vulnerability of women who have a delaying making it.
Many of those who have depression need the amount of vitamin B-more.
In derivatives of animal and plant such as eggs, liver, milk, and sources of protein other animal in addition to the types of bacteria and legumes, cabbage, bananas, oranges, lemons, seeds, lentils and wheat germ. And destroying the cooking of folic acid in varying amounts and decompose when exposed to light for a long time.
** Chromium (chromium):
Important: that the insulin does not work properly without this metal (Insulin is responsible for the stability of the level of sugar in that it removes glucose from the blood.) Also helps in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
Many who are unfamiliar with depression, which is characterized by an increase in weight and the desire and yearning for a sense of carbohydrates and the desire to sleep standing chronic fatigue or excessive sensitivity showed significant improvement with 600 micro grams of chromium.
In the liver, brewer's yeast, eggs, meat, whole grains, bran, wheat, potatoes, nuts,
Difficult to obtain the 600 micro g. of the food unit.
** Sun:
Some studies have shown that exposure to sunlight, especially at sunrise has a significant impact on the improvement in mood, psychological, and especially those who spend most of his time inside the house.
** Exercise:
Studies show that 30-60 minutes of exercise three to five times a week reduces the depression better than using antidepressants alone.
In conclusion:
Remember that the sins of the most frequent cause another proof of the narrow interpretation of the meaning (and introduce him is a life ofhardship) and more pleasant to pray for forgiveness of your chest.