Organization of the examination and correction preparatory education

Immediately after the start of start of the school are busy professional staff in the work of continuous monitoring, his main concern most is to prepare students for exams that require tightly structured, and a special approach in order to pass in an atmosphere of education properly and impartially, to achieve this we must create the scientific program accurately identifies a set of operations for the organization of the examination and correct them:
The organization of the exam:
1 - the composition of the Examination Committee (educational administration and some professors), two weeks before the test date
2 - create the comprehensive plan for all stages of examination identifies accurately the various processes the following:
- The division of the exam center to determine the number of wings and the crew in charge of each wing;
- Appointment of members of the writing exam, and the distribution of responsibilities and tasks;
- Viewing a test on the stages of the examination committee at a meeting convened for that purpose and the duties and responsibilities of each member;
- To ensure the cleanliness of the institution and provide the appropriate atmosphere to take the exam;
- Completion of calls and their distribution to students;
- Tell the students the tools that can be brought during the examination;
- Urging students to attend a half-hour before the exam;
- Facilitate the identification of students by the halls of signboards and figures show clearly the halls;
- Distribution of students to halls: one candidate each table arranged according to the numbers and not according to exam regulations sections;
- Examination rooms numbered in the order according to their presence;
- Preparation of examination rooms and numbering tables;
- Organize the guard (two observers per room) taking into account not assign any professor guard during a test substance of specialization;
- Completion and delivery of the summons to attend as observers and their demands for a half hour before the exam;
** Preparation room or rooms to write the exam and divided according to the wings of the center;
** Maintenance organization appointed professor for each substance according to schedule the exam with setting the scope of intervention
** Determine the halls of the observers prior to the examination of each article;
** Be careful not to enter the examination center by each person to not have a specific task, and if an institution or a foreign person for each institution.
3 - during the examination:
- Open the door of the Foundation for half an hour before the exam.
- Bell quarter of an hour before each test causing students to fill theaters and publications related to editing papers and make sure to set the exam number, etc. ...
- Open the envelopes after the exam to make sure by all the participants of the appropriate timing to open it and take adequate precautions to ensure the speed and effectiveness of distribution;
- Provision of editing and scratch papers and minutes of the distribution of students (record attendance) for each room;
- Alert observers that students are not allowed to attend the signing of the minutes until after the extradition papers and editing to make sure of receiving the exam with a control number;
- Receipt of papers accompanied by liberation of observers with the record of attendance and the need to verify their number and compare it to what is contained in the record of attendance;
- Placed in sealed envelopes with a notation on the record the process;
- Compilation Alozerfah sealed in envelopes and large Chmaaha for each substance.
The organization of the patch:
1 - the composition of the committee writing the patch status of some professors and educational management frameworks.
2 - create the comprehensive plan for the various operations of the patch specifying the exact tasks and responsibilities.
- Viewing a correction during a meeting with the Committee to write in order to determine the functions and responsibilities of each member;
- Do not allow any foreigner or someone else does not have a specific task to enter the institution during the period of correction;
- Completion of calls graders;
- The division of the institution to the wings (when possible) and the allocation of each wing to correct the material under the supervision of an inspector and one;
- Facilitate the identification of site for the halls of the patch by signboards;
- Receipt of editing papers every morning in the days of the patch from the headquarters of the prosecution, starting from 6.45 with the signature of the minutes of delivery;
- Receiving envelopes editing papers is urgent and very well and put it in a safe place from all of the risks: theft, fire, water, etc. ...
3 - the process of debugging:
- Received envelopes papers editorial supervisor of the inspector to make a correction within the halls allocated to it gradually according to the Otheirh correction;
- Organize the patch and the distribution of tasks within them so as to correct the same sheet by all members of the workshop (part of the exam for each corrector) and each corrector Ptnqat part that corrected, and should Eddleh signature while the last corrector of each workshop to collect the points of partial and prove the final point (in figures and letters), attached to his name and signature.
- A meeting with the committees of the patch to examine the elements of the answer and peace punctuation;
- Control of the absence of correctors and handed over certificates of attendance and tell the prosecutor Blaúhh absent;
- Receipt of corrected papers Liberation of workshops patch, monitor and verify the points installed it and then delivered to the President of the patch center within their original packaging arranged in ascending order according to numbers of confidentiality;
- Counting the leaves and return them to Ozrvatha original and tightly closed and sealed and signed. And spend minutes on the process.
4 - in the case of the discovery of fraud or forgery Yun report on the subject handed over to the inspector supervisor, who shall refer the patch on the head of the center in order to open an investigation into the matter and take the necessary decision.
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