Pedagogy integration .. The problem situation and provoke the desire to learn

Of Features of pedagogy competencies, it opens the way for the learner to learn Himself, and develop abilities related to creative thinking and intelligent, and make it center Activity in the process of teaching / learning, and The positive role during the learning within And outside the school. And learning is not to collect and add information in the memory Learner, it is a departure from the structures of knowledge in his possession and the ability to Transformed whenever necessary. Then, the child learns that when the To the position where he can apply his expertise and converted by the response they received on the Work. This calls for encouraging self-learning according to the possibilities of the child and level of Hand, and building activities on the experience knowledge and skills owned by the child On the other hand, achieves the desired learning. As the learning process of building construction Contributes to the learner himself, according to Meulath and expectations, knowledge and goals, the Required to provide a school environment
Educational investment that allows the different intelligences Associated capabilities, and through the activities of the Foundation of the merger. Perhaps the most important action To arouse the desire to learn, is to turn knowledge into a puzzle; as the task of the teacher Is to awaken this desire by Tgheiz knowledge, that is, by depicting Situations / problems and are difficult to overcome, raising the possibility of learning as Position Disdakticah suggest where the learner is not the task can be performed by an achievement Well without learning is the real goal of the situation / problem, and this is achieved Aim / learning only slide the obstacles during the job done. Therefore, knowledge is not Embodied through the accumulation and storage at the level of the mind of the learner, but what is expressed Is a task that can mobilize the resources that effectiveness depends on their suitabilityAnd function in overcoming the biggest obstacle that contained situation / problem. To achieve thisThe objective must be: - organized around the problem situation to overcome an obstacle by section (obstacle Predefined); - include position enough persistence, the learner makes siren Knowledge is possible and Tmtlath led to reconsideration of the ideas and build New. For your information, incorporation in the educational field, is the link between the study subjects Different from a particular area or different areas, and integration is the activity that helps To remove the barriers between the material and re-investing the gains of the learner school The status of meaning, and this is what is called the integration of acquisitions or integration Contextual. And the teacher when building an educational activity / integrative learning with a dye that : - Limit the efficiency target; - set to be included Altalmat (capabilities, Content); - choose the status of significant give the learner the opportunity to integrate what is meant by integration ; - Specifies how to implement the activity, and ensure that the learner at the heart of this Activity. And the teacher must realize that building the situation / problem - which is an opportunity To test the learner's ability to integration - requires him to determine what he wants to achieve Closely with the learner, meaning the full awareness of the impediment which would prevent a learning The learner - and overcome the obstacle evidence of the feasibility of the resources that the host of the learner And then to learn a new acquisition - or that the obstacle has objected to the learner in the position Precedent, and in light of the aims which it works to achieve them. In addition, not Must pay attention to the teacher's degree of difficulty of situation / problem, which puts in mind Not be a problem is not overcome by the learner (ie, above the level And abilities). Overall, Valodaah / problem, is the situation of the learner needs to be addressed in To a logical path leading to the result that where the track together and the resulting new Or at least one. They call it attempts to build hypotheses, put forward Questions, search for solutions and intermediate in preparation of the final solution, and finally compare the results And evaluation. It should be a situation / problem and the status of any function: - the meaning of Collapse Of Talmat; - involve the learner and appreciates his role; - with dimensions of social and other Ad valorem; - enables the learner to mobilize its earnings and employment; - allows the learner Choose the paths and the appropriate techniques; - as close as possible modes of Real; - contains the data necessary to solve and the other is necessary; - measures the ability of The learner to the merger; - be familiar to the learner; - are nature Fusion. And see, "Rogers" that the situation does not acquire a specific meaning, unless Available on the following specifications: - express a certain meaning for the learner of In their ability to induce the latter to recruit the various gains and appropriate . And give him a certain meaning to learn. And worthy of his efforts to deal alert With it. In this sense, the situation involves a kind of challenge to be faced in Time. Hence, the word associated with the problem mostly with the concept of status; - belong to the A certain class of positions, to include some shared components. According to "De Keitel, "the of the situation / problem is to distinguish three components: the physical means : It means the teaching aids such as text, graphic, model, book, photograph, Audio, video ... etc.. And defines the means to: - identify the context of Environment in which they exist; - among other information that will be adopted by the learner, has This information is complete or incomplete are appropriate or inappropriate, according to what is Wanted (degree of complexity) - and highlights the objective function of the completion of a specific production. Activity Required: which expresses in fact the activity is expected; Tips: means all Guidance that required the learner taken into account during the implementation of the work and must be Characterized by clarity and precision. Draw from the above: First, the situation is the problem A model for the organization of teaching through: - awaken the curiosity and motivation through the question, a story, Ambiguity of what ... etc.; - put the learner in the status of construction of knowledge; - structuring tasks so Employed every learner mental processes in order to trigger learning. Secondly, the Status / lead problem: - function as a stimulus is seeking to raise a puzzle Creates a desire to know; - function Disdakticah acting for the opportunity The learner has the puzzle; - an evolutionary function allows each learner to gradually crystallizes Effective methods to solve the problem. Card technology and related pedagogical scheme 1 - Teacher: Display Topic 2 - learner: a personal reflection: thinking, expressed in writing and briefly For a fee, etc. .. a; - the formulation of the problem: with looking? - Proposed elements of an answer, questions The other, control; - to experiment: the distribution of a business card on the elements of the learner cohort 3 -Teacher: a cohort of 04 learners 4 - Teacher: the distribution of instructions on the cards Regiment, and make sure to read and understand; 5 - learner: Working within the cohort - the Each learner explain his proposals for the three others; - formulate joint proposals regiment; - Male Names on the leaves 0.6 - teacher and learner (Unification) - displays all the Regiment Proposals; - proposals are recorded in a list or table, if necessary; - messages 0.7 Teacher - Teacher: (outcome) - the distribution of synthetic card; - read and Taaliqjdol Building lesson in pedagogy integration (the approach of the problem) links the goals of Link the role of the teacher Doralamtalm means and Aduatalouselh 1 Determine The problem - raising incentives; - extravasation problem; - formulation of the problem. - Creates a circumstance Position or help the learner to a sense of the problem and put it; - looking for links between The goals that he wants to achieve the objectives of the curriculum and the learner to solve the problem; - suggests Sometimes a problem if students did not reach it (the problem-based) - helps Formulation of the problem and determine their characteristics. - Expresses the sense of the problem; - discusses the limits of And the characteristics of the problem; - collective drafting of the problem. Link 2 the formulation of hypotheses - Development of the ability to think; - develop the ability to abstract and derived relations Principles and concepts; - develop the ability to determine the variables a particular subject and the link Between them. - Listen to the answers proposed by the learner to solve the problem; - helps Identification and formulation of the hypothesis (recorded, not underestimate the simple answers, to express Attention ...)- help to develop the debate about the assumptions and the formation of Groups. - Manage the problem and think of its elements and their properties; - speaks his mind And exchange views with colleagues; - consulting, inferred, to debate ..; - formulates the hypothesis, it is proposed Solution to the problem; - give up the hypothesis or solution if it turns out to him during the Discussion. Link 3 test the hypothesis - usually the acquisition of experimentation and the search for Evidence; - the acquisition of the spirit of self-criticism and permanent review of ideas ...- training To complete the experience by creating and using tools; - possess the ability to link Between the theoretical and applied. - Provides the tools and means to help achieve the Experiments or directed to the references, specific sources.; - Note how the learner works And merges with him as a participant on an equal footing; - support groups and found Difficulties in their work; - responds to requests and queries of the learner; - listen to the results And conclusions reached by the learners. - Imagine the means and tools to work And thinks about it; - looking for these tools and think of them; - looking for these tools or Invent and manufactured; - Ersen design work and research in the form of steps and stagesTravels; - helps his colleagues, consult them. Link 4: The announcement of the results - the acquisition of The ability to self-criticism and collective governance objective; - gain the ability toOrganize specific data and link them to the conclusion summaries and results; - gain the ability To express the idea of it and pass, defend; - gain the ability to circulate And the transfer of knowledge from one area to another. - Make observations learner to pay Review and modification and re-experience; - helps to communicate between the groups; - Assess the results in the light of the objectives of the lesson; - make a decision or amend or correct Jump to another lesson on how to achieve goals. - Organizing data and looking Relations between them; - the results and formulates conclusions and solutions, general and final; - judge Results and compares them to do other work; - circulate the results and explains the other data.
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