Problems of teaching the Arabic language and the difficulties faced by

Actually there are several problems related to teaching Arabic language and are:
·            Vernacular and its negative effects.
·            Poor preparation of teachers of the language.
·            Not to build curricula on the basis of scientific objectivity.
·            Failure of language teaching methods.
·            Difficulties of writing for beginners.
·            Lack of clarity of objectives in mind.
·            Inadequate evaluation methods.
·            Lack of school libraries (7).
·            Not taking care of Arabic language teachers using the correct Arabic (fluent).
·            Approach to teaching the Arabic language the reader does not come out right for the era.
·            The lack of a modern dictionary of the language in each stage of general education.
·            The lack of objective measurement tools in the evaluation of language education.
·            Low use of assistive devices, and new technologies in language teaching.
·            Congestion as the rules of grammar and turbulence.
·            Lack of methods of teaching reading to beginners to scientific studies.
·            Sudden transition in the education of the child to the colloquial language fluent.
·            Disorder between the level of language written materials, but between books per article per class.
·            Study of literature and texts do not reach the fruit of the student present, and the heritage of his past and shows the impact arrived in his life.
·            Shortage of specialized teachers and lower their level.
·            After the language taught in schools for students fluent era.
·            Difficulties in writing Arabic. (8)
This as well as the technical difficulties we will face when dealing with these intelligent systems (the internet) for example: How can the distinction between words similar in pronunciation, and different in meaning? Such as: (stick) and (sticks), as well as question and exclamation marks, and added and added to it, and so the complexity of the language.
The use of the Arabic through computers is not a formality, and just on-screen display, as is happening now, especially that the Arabic language has the characteristics of self-in architecture and painting, as noted in the example the simple past, so it has to be from the fields to be accessed, such as: document processing, and speech processing operative.
Language through computer challenges, that lie ahead for the achievement in the field of Arabic language and the presence of a strong and Pfnah technology, countless, and increasingly complex and confusing because we're late, even in a serious attempt to find the formulas (9).
(7) d. Mr. Mahmoud Ahmed (in the methods of teaching the Arabic language) - Damascus 1988 - Chapter XV - (p. 647-654).
(8) League of Arab States (meeting of experts in Arabic - Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science - Oman 1974) - Modern Printing House / Cairo - 1975.
(9) Qmq, Perihan (Arabic via Internet) - Arab Renewal - PO (7). 
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