The profession of teacher is the mission of the apostles and prophets

Education .. Those holy vocation, profession prophets and apostles, which was seen Bxbar and respect throughout the ages, not abandoned them human civilization whatever their level, how can it not a profession that holds the handle with the human mind, which is supervised in it, which develop in man's greatest trait advantage by God which is characteristic of science. Man's body in the right mind. 
Prophets sent teachers to teach the people the book and wisdom and Azakounam, and did not leave behind dinars and dirhams, and God made ​​the scholars are the heirs of the prophets. Yes, yes, inheritance and gene . 
The lack of as much as science and education only after We started to look at education as a function performed for the contrast material, and we look to the teacher number is Imkth of hours between the walls of the school, lost both science and education, sacredness, and Rta in the fever of education is not the people of his !
Education profession, "divine" God taught by the pen, taught man that which he knew not .. And He taught Adam all the names, and sent messengers teachers, and the teacher is dealing with Ashraf in man: his mind, and gives an idea of the product .. Education is the profession that can not be indispensable human.
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