Raising the level of teaching of history through the employment of the means of education more effective

  The best is what kinds of learning is through experience and direct experience of living and this is what followed Socrates in the education of his disciples as he was out with them to public places to listen to people and Anaakecohm in their opinions and in their lifestyles ". However, over time, complicated life, and the more complicated in the present day, where it is difficult to provide this kind of expertise, there are many obstacles such as the temporal dimension and spatial dimension and the large costs and large size of things to be studied or danger to the lives of students, for all that has become an urgent need to provide other expertise be a substitute for the experience of direct and assist in the learning process appeared the so-called expertise of others directly, and in this kind of expertise is learning by means of communication links between students and between reality without leaving it, and named this means means of communication, "or teaching aids" a varied and diverse as what he hears, including what
Seen, including what he hears and sees at one time. And adopt the educational process in general on a set of elements related to the membership of a coherent and interactions of continuous can not be separated from each other because there is, including the integration constant in the course of the educational process, and can say that the teaching aids are one of these elements is a cornerstone of the educational process, and reference is that educational methods are "the channel or channels with which the message between the sender and receiver, they are short, a channel of communication and knowledge transfer, but as" a necessity for every institution and every teacher, "and here" has become identified and on the basis of selection, use and evaluation is necessary each official in various stages of education. " There are various definitions on the concept of teaching aids, may vary in form, apparently, they are hardly much different in content, there are known as educational tools as "tools and educational tools used by the teacher to transfer content, both within the classroom or outside in order to improve the educational process, which does not depend the words and language. " As you know, teaching aids as "materials used in the classroom or in other educational situations to facilitate understanding of the meanings of words written and spoken."There are known methods of learning as "all the tools, equipment and machinery used by the teacher and student to transfer the content of the lesson to a group of students both inside and outside the classroom or the aim of improving the process and without reference to words alone."Given the definitions above, we find that although it looked different but in fact can be classified into two groups, one: I was teaching aids in the form of the potential which is "being a substance or a tool to clarify the meaning or explanation of ideas or training students the skills" The other: it is known in the apparent shape as a "tool that can help the learner to move away from verbal and symbolic."
The importance of teaching aids in teaching history.
- Use of teaching aids in the teaching of history on a large scale to evoke and to provide new experiences for the student, they reveal the mystery about the past and illuminate the present and send the spirit and meaning of the content of the article read and interpret experiences and it adds dimensions and meanings necessary, which may be difficult for the students clarified and touch it.
- Make the teaching of history the process of sensory rather than the verbal interpretation depends on the language only through the involvement of all senses of the students during the teaching process so that learning is deeper and more lasting result, it can be said that the educational methods, "contribute to give students experience educational integrated by the effects of change in the personality of the student includes aspects (cognitive, emotional and behavioral) as a result of information learned and acquired skills, values, attitudes and ways of thinking and other aspects of learning may be acquired, which gave him the expertise. "
- Raise students' interest and desire to study history, especially if the educational methods appropriate to their level and appropriate to the theme of this lesson and what it leads to increased motivation to study and research, collection and double the effort to engage in any learning activity.
- Provide full opportunity for students to see places far away and watch the historic events took place long ago, but through the vivid and realistic and this is something that makes them more able to deal with and affected by and to learn from them.
- Play a major role in influencing the values, attitudes and tendencies of students, especially radio and television, film and computer.
And supports all of the above study of the "Roe in: Ruef Lune, Lyon :   "Where stressed the importance of using teaching aids in the teaching of social studies, has pointed to the effectiveness of computer use in teaching the history curriculum, on the grounds that the computer is one of the most important educational tools that keep pace with the times, that's an opinion that you should train teachers how to use it, in addition to provide good programs that contribute to attract the attention of students and teachers.
Help educational methods to increase information and knowledge of students at a time far less than the time it takes verbal way.
- Help to increase the proportion of remember facts and information on history, because they provide meaningful sensory experiences of the students, as they raise their interest and self-activity.
- Solve the educational methods replaced direct experience where access is difficult to see, either the gravity or the large size or large expenses such as travel to a distant country or beyond temporal and spatial, and thus increase the efficiency of the teaching of history and support.
- Help students to think properly, because it provides them with the information necessary to determine the problem and the imposition of assumptions that contribute to the solution and test the validity of these assumptions, so we can say that the student many information and knowledge will be better able to think properly of the student limited in these respects.
- Contribute to solving the problem of individual differences among students, whether physical or differences Theselah or mental capacity, because they provide a full opportunity to learn each of them within the limits of its possibilities and capabilities of its own.
And educational tools that can be used in teaching the history curriculum developer as follows:
    Blackboard *     Posters *   Photos *   Models * Samples *   Animation *   Plays *   Maps *  Exhibition
*   Radio * TV *   Movies *   Computer *   Educational trips
Best regards Dr. Salah Abdul Sami Abdul Raziq
Faculty of Education / University of Helwan / Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
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