The reality of Moroccan school under the reference of past and future challenges

The educational system thermometer growth is anticipated among the people, and that the purpose of school is not as it was previously working on a settlement between the fortunes of all children, but to ensure that each child is given his chance for success and advancement .
To meet all local and global challenges has the human capital theory on the integration of education in the perspective of progress. 
Taking the education sector is the most active sectors of development, we find our ultimate irony lies in the distance between the goals of education and the status of the society and the deepening between reality and the reality of life in school. 
\ "Education must evolve through the expectations of this community education \." 
The fact that the school is only a component of the community as a whole, can not for this element alone to re-
The total formation of the Charter of Education and Training angle only to consider the issue of national educational and expanded its ambitions underlying the strategy of the educational system based on:
- The principle of democratization of educational opportunities and keep Palmtmadrsin long as possible.
- Linking the quality of liquidity.
- Reduce the rate of wastage and leakage (early interruptions).
- Considered good configuration of the right of every child and every young and thus take into account the principle of equal
Opportunities to provide appropriate conditions for schooling such as provision of necessary means
The configuration requirements.
On the line as if it were circular, quality, starting from the fourth year to the fifteenth year on the horizon of action to achieve a quantitative nature, such as universal school enrollment and literacy.
National Charter for Education and Training consists of two sections, which decides two issues, and important Alzamtin Oadhtin:
\ "Declare-era (2000-2010) decimal and national education and training.
Education declares the primacy of national unity after the first dirt \ ".
The first section deals with the fundamental principles (pillars fixed, major targets, the rights of individuals, groups and duties, national mobilization for the renewal of school).
The second section includes six areas tend toward the pillars of innovation and change, including: (deployment configuration and linking economic environment, pedagogical organization, raise the quality of education and training, human material, governance and management and finally the partnership and funding).
Taking The Charter is a comprehensive vision of education reform, as an act of political and pedagogical and administrative as a system and a new compromise \ "is implicit in its terms of reference and terms of methodology, which enabled the Tglath and crystallized. Those references conjunctivitis prospects
Petition and demonstrator with the thought and science of cosmic \ ".
To approach these perceptions, which envisages the lifting of the pace of progress of Moroccan society through the rehabilitation of its members to fight the global competition in the context of pairing between the local and globalization, asking several questions on the school and the system Altalimahaly the basis of objectivity and self-criticism in a speech challenges in the Charter of Education and Training.
- Is the school institution in the sense that the ideology of the institution shall ensure the sustainability and continuity of the dominant class? 
- - How can the educational reform that ensures the independence of a nation within the international community does not believe in only the logic of force? 
- Is it correct sector reform (education) in the absence of a holistic perspective of this reform? 
- Is the reform of our educational system is subject to the logic of the revolution within the overall development of the most important features high-speed? 
- What is the purpose of the composition of the citizen, do you want a good service to his country or efficient enough to be accepted by the international labor market (the giants)?.
By invoking some of the answers, and the world drowned today what Alvin Toffler called the B \ "third wave \" of this wave, which is a combination of technological progress and the information revolution high.
In the context of the development of an international violent and international competition for the invasion of the markets and what can be known to the world of the reversal of globalization and its failure, after the entry of the United States and Britain a crusade third Balkhleih on Iraq (March 2003) which identified the failure of globalization (as we have seen) to abandon the struggle for markets and consumers and return to the struggle for primary raw materials and colonies (Oil nerve raw materials).
In order to measure and document the fact that the National Charter for Education and Training historic event in terms of educational and political to be measuring the presence or absence of the four principles formulated by the reform of 1959. 
Through what was expressed in the Charter in items 24 and 26 of compulsory universal education and hope for the success of the school rate up to 100%, but the lack of seriousness of the imbalance of these two items note to item 28, which institutionalize the waste of education where the sacrifice of 10% of 
Moroccan students at the end of primary school and 20% at the end of middle school and 40% at the end of high school. 
Valtamim the National Pact and in the absence build it on the basis of analytical minutes you will find the return of some difficulties in application as defined by the charts earlier that spawned the education elite do not teach citizenship also produced huge numbers of illiteracy in Morocco, which Staralmithaq as a target for treatment and reduction of the overall percentage with 20% by the year 2010 (item 20), year of expiration of the National Charter for Education and Training, which provides complete erasure similarities to this dilemma (illiteracy) in 2015. 
The ideas and opinions of the Charter lacks the applicability of this we had before going into the rhythms of cash for him to Nsaúlh once again to highlight (in the range Almsalh) on his palaces in the answer to the hopes of the Moroccan people in obtaining Alyamtdad his community in his documents educational Contemporary
- Why are alarming illiteracy rampant amid the poorest groups? 
- Why millions of children remain in school age outside the educational system? 
- What prompted the educational system, to the level of tragic waste, school failure, where 13% of the school attendance of children only have access to the baccalaureate degree? 
- What is the relationship of academic failure of structural adjustment policy of winning? 
- What is the outcome of the policy of Arabization in place yet and the reasons for the decline of the Charter for? 
- What are the real reasons behind the spread of unemployment among university graduates and professional?
The National Charter for Education and Training and the inability to answer, what is in fact a translation of a World Bank report which put an end to the official discourse about the economic and social conditions, which was behind the Akabbar document educational principles prepared by the \ "National Commission on Education Reform \" in 1995, which provided a clear on the principle of free education and the state's responsibility to guarantee to achieve the principle of equal opportunities and principles of mandatory and generalize. 
The provision of nutrition for the child in school canteens or for books and tools \ "free \" or support level mental \ "low \" does not prevent the continuity of belonging to a culture of the oppressed and to their economic and socio - professional, within this framework becomes compulsory schooling to age specific effective , but not to stop the innocent ambition and deprived of access to the highest degrees in education. 
The term \ "the democratization of the school \" or the term \ "equal chances \", we note that they succeeded in filling into a wide range of consumer propaganda \ "school \" may be here consumption positively on the quality of individuals and groups, the extent of varying fortunes of children and access to schools and Scoring top grades of school success, but it is true to say that the democratization of school recognition impossible under a system of liberal feeds and lives and breathes at the expense of differences. 
That seems to be the education crisis in Morocco, \ "the crisis of the format \" the entire mix of political, economic and cultural, educational, etc. .... And bear the responsibility of all parties ... The first step should be achieved by talking about education reform, is a synthesis of public life to restore confidence in the state administration and the judiciary on the pictures the state lean: administrative corruption, theft of public funds, lack of accountability and control, buy the votes of the voters, encourage prostitution and drugs, to adopt favoritism in the assignment of the upper and lower positions ... etc.. 
All of these outstanding problems make us ask the question on the nature of our independence, is it political? Or economic? Or cultural? Because the foreign penetration is still present in many forms within the infrastructure of our society, in addressing the economic and cultural area that has been made ​​the epicenter of the frame of the neo-colonial control of the peoples of the Third World. 
Margins of the study
1 - d. Habib al-Maliki, a dialogue conducted by the magazine world of education, Rabat 
30/04/1997, No. 5, Fall 1997, p. 16. 
2 of the National Charter of Education and Training, the full text, publications center 
Moroccan media, the legal deposit 2001/1706, the first edition, April 
2001, page: 
3 Abdul-Karim Gharib, \ "harbingers of educational modernization in the Moroccan education \", 
Education World magazine, Issue 13, Year 2003, p. 233. 
By Researcher Abdel Nour Idris 
Member of the editorial board of education 
This article is part of a study published journal Education (educational disputes, Morocco, bet the past and future) the first issue in June 2005 issued by the Regional Academy of Education in the region of Meknes / Tafilalt.
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