The reasons for the reluctance of learners for learning and turning away from the school

Psychologists found that education and the educational process - learning experience for many
Of problems and that many "of these problems due to lack of or low
Motivation to learn and motivation weather everyone is talking about, but one does not work
To change it. And learners justify their failure by saying that the teacher did not urge them to
Learning, and we as teachers take the blame on the learner, saying that lazy and inert,
From here, the subject of this need for further research, especially
It became a scientific level for most students the subject of debate and controversy among all parties to the educational process: management
And teachers and parents, and after the problem of low Onatkhzt Aldafiehmajara him it became a trend Azahrhla
Must stand on their causes and find appropriate solutions to improve the process
Educational learning and raise the level of private students in UNRWA schools that we have
Visited in Sidon and Ein El-Helwa, and sensed the presence of this problem when students are
Wide and large .
This will work in our research to identify this problem, and describe its manifestations, and the reasons and appropriate solutions
Definition of the problem :
To define the problem of low Motivation to learn we must first know "and then the motivation to learn and motivation Then we come to define low or low motivation for learning .
1 - Motivation : Engine power or aim to enable the individual to choose the specific goals and work to Achieve, and we can say as a process internal to the individual and the active-led and Maintain the effectiveness of behavior over time .
2 - Motivation Of learning: is the set of feelings that drive the learner to engage in activities Learning that lead to reaching the goals Alemczudh and is essential for a Learning, and without active learning does not happen, and it must be noted here That there are multiple sources of motivation to learn from them :
A - external sources Kamwalim or the school administration or parents or even peers. May acceptLearner to learn in order "to please the teacher behind and win the admiration or satisfaction "Forhis parents and get to promote their physical or mental .
B - any internal sources It provides the learner himself driven to learn "the desire to satisfy the same internal In pursuit of a sense of fun learning and gain knowledge .
3 - low motivation Of learning: is the behavior that shows where students feel bored and withdrawal and not Enough, and Sarhan, and not to participate in classroom and school activities. And has Many manifestations .
Manifestations of this problem and symptoms apparent to the students through observation and action forms :
1 - Attention Deficit .
2 - others worry the purposes of .
3 - the concern raises disturbing others, where classroom problems .
4 - to forget and neglect of duties resolved .
5 - to forget everything that has to do with classroom learning materials and the requirements of books and notebooks, pens .
6 - low persistence in continuing the work of the duty or the tasks entrusted to him .
7 - commitment to the neglect of the instructions and laws in grade school and .
8 - frequent absences from school .
9 - hated school so that he felt the inadequacy of the seat that sits upon, and complain of the large number of subjects and follow up exams and quotas .
10 - late morning and dropping out of school .
11 - failing grades, and the delay due to the huge effort which is commensurate with their abilities .
12 - Non-interest often "rewards that may provide them .
The causes of the problem of low motivation to learn and solutions :
Reasons for lack of motivation Many, but the beginning of a must emphasize that each grade has its own context And vary the rate of motivation on the stage as well as other different reasons, and these reasons Knymcunnina inventory in the following points: the same student, teacher, family, environment .
Owing to the student himself :
- Not A willingness to learn in two ways: first, as if the normal at the age of less than Peers do not possess the necessary preparations for learning or that its growth is slow Compared with his peers, the second Fajash such as the lack of concepts and Tribal experiences necessary to learn new .
2 - Non-student interest in learning basis in addition to the lack of clarity and orientation plansFuture, where the student does not realize the importance of continued learning, but only caresProfession which gives him his salary of material livelihood as soon as possible .
3 - absence of living models mature mimics for use by students and .
3 - a sense of stress as a result of restrictions and laws imposed from the outside .
4 - not to satisfy some basic needs such as food, clothing .
Solutions :
1 - reinforcing the importance and love of science among students through radio and counseling and guidance .
2 - Activating the role of extra-curricular activities and trips, exhibitions and sports and library .
3 - to give the student a degree of freedom save him from the pressure experienced by .
4 - assist the student in determining the future early goal to be an incentive for him to learn .
5 - to satisfy the basic needs of students .
Reasons of family :
1_ expectations Parents or a very high luxury: when the high expectations of parents Too, the children develop fear of failure and weakness in the motivation register, show Studies have shown that children's lack of motivation to learn skills Reading as a result of excessive pressure on mothers in the collection .
2_ very low expectations: parents have estimated their children low estimate and convey to them Mistoytmouh Low, and parents in this situation does not encourage the child to prepare and make the effort And good performance in exams because they believe that he is not capable of doing so .
3_ lack of interest: Parents may take their own affairs and problems do not express any Ahtmambaml child in school Add to that ensure long-term home in the absence of control that lead to late morning .
4_ family conflicts Or marital Acute family problems may distract the children and do not leave theirThe desire to succeed in school and can lead fights severe or high tension To the depressed child is missing any tendency to work in school. Moreover, this child does not exist Has the motivation to please the parents Allvenadrickhma as a continuing source of tension for him .
5_ rejection or criticism Repeated: children feel disempowered and hopeless inefficiency and anger are engaged Weak grades and neglect as a way of revenge on the parents .
6_ economic and social situation (Low family income significantly ): Absorption Head of the family in the collection "a living", and therefore does not follow up his children in the Schools, "the father does not know his son in any row," says one teacher, and "the father does not Familiar with the certificate of his son, "said another. The economic situation is causing frustration The student and his family, and the other hand, the current situation inhibits the determination of the student To pursue his education, where someone said "all look at him, I will say why If you take the certificate, "and another said, citing a student" I had a brother holds a Did not work out, why I am studying to get? "
Proposed solutions :
1_ accept and encourage the parents of the child: Parents should encourage their children Of An early age to try and make every possible effort and to withstand frustration, and are Show parental acceptance of children through trust, respect and listen to him when Talking about. Also, avoid criticism and ridicule. And help the child to bear the frustration in All cases, the child must feel that his parents Atqublana even if not able to The performance of some tasks .
2_ changing expectations of the adult child a fundamental change : To fall for parents of high expectations for their child becomes at the limit of capacity Child, and stresses the principle of Islamic education through the Holy Quran and Sunnah Prophet as saying the Almighty (Allah does not burden any soul beyond its power) and says Our teacher first Muhammad peace be upon him (Aklfoa work as you are able, for the best Work as long and less ).
3_ bonus interest Learning and academic achievement, the real: that the adult behavior that Imitdhawwa Children directly and Akavioh. Success in academic tasks and the characteristics ofAssociated with positive personal all directly linked to interest the House of accomplishment And was keen to reward parents .
4_ use A strong incentive system: The rewards of parent classroom performance impact and the clear Students' low motivation, and even the attention of teachers and parents can Be very strong motivation if used properly and honest. Therefore, the use of Rewards lead to better academic performance to the maximum .
5_ parental interest in learning their son: Perhaps the availability of opportunities to talk with the child about what Being at school and asked the father or the mother of the child that the new knowledge Azodahma Learned and show Farahthma and were pleased to offer, including two of the most prominent and the most important phenomena The attention of parents learn their son is the most important factors that raise the motivation of the child and moved .
6_ take care of And state associations and civic organizations (civil) and poor families Impoverished, and in order to raise the standard of living for them, and help them live Together in a way in terms of economic and social .
Reasons of the school community :
The school's important role in Strengthen or weaken a child's motivation to study, learn, school, sometimes do not meet the Needs children or orientation of, and may not find the school what attracts Ashidhm their attention to it and leading to lower motivation to learn .
1 The school environment: with the school environment from the school building itself is part Of responsibility, in addition to pointing fingers at the school system, with its lush Of the table stakes, frequent assessments, and follow up exams and prescription methods, and the lack of marginFreedom available to our students in the exercise of activities or to express an opinion on the The system and methods as well as the monotony of the atmosphere and sense of school as a student inWithin the prison walls and control, making it all of the leading causes of low motivation Students in academic achievement .
Appropriate solutions :
Expand canteens School so that students receive comfort during meals and drinks during the Space and must cancel the Almmqasf narrow and poor, and increase the times so Glades Resting from the fatigue of the student quota successive .
Activating the program of activities in school sports field for instance, can the introduction of air sports school where the student who practices his favorite .
Bring the thrill of students, lured to the school through activities and competitions and the margin of freedom-oriented and fueling the spirit of competition among students .
Linked to the curriculum and daily student life and social curriculum that reflects the aspirations and hopes of students and keep pace with scientific developments .
Practices of teachers :
Teacher education is the important mediator interacts with the students longer hours of their day ,And therefore can make changes and adjustments in their behavior more than any other personAnd, hopefully, be an active, active, planned, organized, facilitating, and exciting for their motivation to learn . But there are certain practices by some teachers contributing to the low Motivation, including :
1 - not to the teacher preparation for students to learn in every experience offered to them .
2 - the failure to determine the educational objectives that he wants them to achieve .
3 - overlooked determine the types of enhancements that have responded so that activation of this practice to feed the learner .
4 - the neglect of student activity and vitality and effectiveness and focus on the experience as a learning center of attention .
5 - rigidity and dryness in the classroom , Both for the appearance of the year or for classroom management .
6 - rigidity of the teacher in the class, and passivity, the absence of dynamic interaction between him and the students .
7 - Some teachers neglect students' different learning styles and diverse, and education Manner and only one, which derives about what he saw the teacher, and often the method of Rote .
8 - marking a method used to punish students, causing a decline in their scores
9 - the use of harsh punishment such as beating of the severe .
10 - a focus on grades instead of ideas and to benefit students .
11 - Failure to follow the teacher's methods of teaching and learning, raise student thinking, love of the surveyed .
12 - control of the mood on the actions of some teachers with students .
13 - lack of use of teaching aids that raise vital in the classroom .
14 - The Low level of scientific expertise of the teacher shortage has a negative impact on the adequacy Educational, and can not of course ignore this experience in the field of teacher attentionPromote students' motivation .
Proposed solutions :
1 - Find the needs of individual students and planning to fulfill .
2 - to raise learners' curiosity and curiosity have: This is done through multiple Activities such as asking questions thought-provoking, the ambiguous position on them, or Skepticism in a statement that they know and need to supplement what they have .
3 - to give financial incentives Such as grades or a piece of candy or a pen or balloon, decoration cloth, And moral, such as praise or praise or status on the board of honor, or charged with throwingPassword morning .
4 - employ technological achievements of science to raise the learner's curiosity and suspense, as his assistant Learning through structured play, or interact with computers, they are Methods contribute greatly to increase the motivation to learn .
- To The link for the subject matter to other subjects such as stress The importance of understanding the collection process to understand the process of subtraction, which we shall consider later .
6 - emphasis The importance of the subject matter in the lives of learners: for example, we are studying in Science phenomena like rain, lightning and thunder, eclipses, and eclipse, light and shadow, and That the events had been worshiped in the past to human ignorance of them, let us learn So as not feared in the future .
7 - linking learning to work: as it raises the motivation of the learner and motivated to learn as long as it involved manually activities that lead to learning .
8 - to increase educational opportunities leading to success .
9 - reminder That learners are always seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim man and woman, and that God had preferred Scientists Abidin, and cite the Quranic verses and HadithsProphet Muhammad .
10 - closer Thabibhm for learners and the teacher, learner likes the material and increase of motivation to learn if I like her teacher .
11 - the establishment of special courses for teachers to raise their academic level and provide them with appropriate expertise and information on the psychology of learning .
Classroom practices for students or their behavior :
1 - air classroom and Of peaceful relations and friendly, neutral, or hostile among students, and thus the atmosphere becomes Aggressive classroom drudgery of learning or stay in the classroom or school .
2 - high variability among students in their levels of economic or realizable .
3 - the contrast between them in ages and races .
4 - regulation which restricts the student's classroom and prevents movement
5 - overcrowding of students in the class which will reflect negatively on the students deal with their problems and feel .
Solutions :
1 - The Department is working to provide the teacher and the classroom atmosphere is somewhat appropriate to teach students .
2 - students in the classification of people based on their level of academic grades .
3 - give the student a degree of freedom-oriented .
Reasons related to the external environment of the child :
Can be returned to the two factors :
A - The economic situation and social : Observed That this kind of problems (economic and social situation) cast a shadow on the Other problems, as most of the other problems accrue more or less to the situation Which in turn generates economic and social status Mtkhalkhala, and will certainlyAffect students' motivation to learn .
B - Means Information: have significant impacts on student motivation to learn because of what heInteresting films to attract students is related to it very much not interested in what is offered His school .
Solutions :
1 - take care And state associations and civic organizations (civil) and poor families Impoverished, and in order to raise the standard of living for them, and help them live Together in a way in terms of economic and social .
2 - employ the media in the teaching-learning process or customize the part to be educationally.
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