Reasons why the camp to the application of pedagogy integration

Of Problems faced by the educational system in our country - like the other systems Education in the world - the problem of fragmentation of knowledge that characterized the previous approaches; asInclude within them the list of concepts to be learned on the learner, and some Skills he acquired in each of the subjects. The result is an accumulation of Knowledge of the learner without linkages between them, thereby preventing the possession of the logic of Achievement and discovery. In other words, he finds himself in order to learn to learn, not To do something or to analyze the reality and adaptation based on what he learned. The solution to this Problem was the adoption of the approach choice pedagogical competencies designed to Improve the learner, from the premise that this approach is based on an integrated system And integrated body of knowledge, expertise, organization skills and performances, which allow
Of the learner within the status of educational / learning accomplish the task required by theSituation properly
Thus, this approach becomes a pedagogy of functional work To control the course of life in every sense of the complexity in relationships and the complexity of the Social phenomena, and therefore, they can choose a systematic learner success In life, through the valuation of knowledge of school and make it suitable for use in Various life situations. That this approach as a concept and a systematic approach to the process Teaching / learning, based on what has been approved educational theories of contemporary In particular the structural theory, which is a psychological theory to explain the basis of learning and President of the psychological foundations for the construction of the school curriculum, which stems from the fact that the knowledge 
Built spill - Result from the activity - Occur in the context of - Have a meaning in the mind of the learner - The process of negotiating social - Require some sort of control
Of Here, Valmnahj - and through the various subjects - are aimed at developing the capacity ofLearner's mental and emotional skills and to become with the passage of days and stages School full-fledged, able to act and interact in a positive environment Small and large, generally in the life of present and future. In order to be curriculum In the service of this approach, it was necessary to focus on quality rather than systematic Body of knowledge through a system of units which will enable learners to focus on The content of a particular meet the conditions of cohesion and integration enables the learner how to Self-reliance, the bombing of his energies, changes necessary to adapt the same With the needs of emergency. It is an effort will enable learners to acquire competencies in nature Skill and behavioral adapt to contemporary reality, both in the world of work, citizenship Or daily life
This type of Curriculum, pedagogy focuses on the integration, as the path can be a composite ofMobilization of the gains or elements associated with the system in a certain position and function, in order to re- Talmat previous restructuring and adapted to the requirements of the position is to acquire new learning . And then, based on these Valmnhaj pedagogy leads the learner to establishLinks between the different materials on the one hand, and linking the latter experience and valuesAnd competencies and the reality of his society on the other. Overall, the curriculum natureIntegrative work to make the learner: - gives meaning to Talmat which should be In the context of meaningful, and useful for him, and related Bodaaat concrete may Already encountered; 
Able to distinguish between secondary and primary thing and focus Him for being useful in daily life or because it constitutes grounds for Talmat Which will provide them; 
Training on the employment of knowledge in different situations faced by; 
Focuses on building links between knowledge and community values ​​and the world, and between the goals Altalmat, if for example, be a responsible citizen, an efficient, independent people; 
Assesses the links between different ideas gained and exploited in the search for address The major challenges for society, and ensure its recruitment to the actual knowledge and competencies
To enable the learner of the foregoing, required learning activities with the following characteristics 
As learner-centered teaching / learning - Focus on the integration of competencies under review in the activities of teaching / learning - Concern for the development of intellectual activities and control the employment of knowledge - Making the total potential of the learner employs diverse (Knowledge, abilities, knowledge of behavioral ) - The integration of Altalmat measured as the number of activities that interfere with the investigation, and is measured Qualitatively Pkiviat Altalmat organization. In order to achieve the desired level of activity And work to achieve the goal of it, the teacher should allow the learner
Engage effectively, by providing enough time for the learner to secure his involvement in the workPreferences and wants, and feels responsive to its needs, any situation where it is practiced Learn how active, and staff of different energies - Indulgences, through Surroundings such as the provision of means for facilitating active learning Target; - ownership, the sense of making the learner feel that he's learning activity or Result, by virtue of his choice and completion of the activity in the form and content; 
- Modeling; Words enable the learner to see a practical illustration of teacher competency Target; - encouraging response, ie, that the performance of the learner must be followed by a response from the Teacher to feel that they replace the care and attention, and that the response to building and encouraging .. This Education / learning, needs to be active teaching methods, including the teaching of the problem, It is placed in front of the learner and learning situations as complex development activities has The spirit of observation, creativity, action, in other words, accomplish tasks (such as writing a letter Oral or written, problem solving in mathematics, ..) are situations perspectivePedagogy integration : 
- Modes of learning: the learner propose to accomplish the goal of Studied during a special Talmat methodology led to the formulation of a topic, idea, development, Definition, the base, etc. .., and these positions are developed through concrete actions Respond to the needs of the learner; 
- Modes of integration: so as to test out the stops during the Of the learner during the regular Altalmat, this deadline is so-called "moment Integration "where the learner during the recruitment of various knowledge, good performance, On the basis of the moment of integration and the building is the development of behavioral knowledge; - Positions of the calendar: The calendar is similar positions and the positions of integration, since the more Learner has achieved success in the integration process, got what he expresses this success .. Finally, Vosalib teaching and learning have changed, and became Ptgerha role of the teacher based To assist the learner in the heart as a learning system, whereby a Ptalmath Itself depending on the active teaching methods enable him to gain the knowledge to override Self-awareness, the acquisition of competencies, the acquisition of values ​​and Aatjahat, the ability to think Logical, problem solving, evaluation of concepts, self-confidence, independence, and that Is the ultimate goal, which seeks to achieve the various educational systems in the world And from our system.
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