Records of educational administration: the use of time - record absences - course schedule

Use of time
Use of time and educational administrative document includes two important elements intertwined: the administrative side: Every employee shall be subject to the management done to control the timeEntry and exit, since the time of the Department's work is set and known to all, Administrative staff are not obliged to Baltoffr the official document to prove it, but For teachers who are not subject to the time of the administrative work of the timing, given the specificities of Work within the departments as a measure of the associated time and place of the institution Education, on the other particulars of the children. They are obliged to Baltoffr Official document proving the entry and exit times and rest, this document Contract that protects the rights of both the state and the Professor, especially in
The event of an accident School or industrial accidents, the state is legally bound to protect the teacher and the maintenance Rights to the time when working, such as an assault or accident, job,In the case of an accident, the first document to include the file is "time use" and therefore The teachers should pay attention to this aspect and take care of during the preparation of all Elements do not lose sight of any one of them (the name of personal and family, no lease, Times of entry and exit and rest each day, school year, the Foundation And subsidiary), and the mistakes that teachers remember 
Document does not contain all the elements The delay in sending to the prosecutor for approval by the Side Education: The distribution of quotas and material on the days and hours of the week, and the error in the This aspect of Aadhar professor of legal terms, and remains the role of the Inspector in Correct errors and modify the important and necessary, and is subject to the general method And distribution of quotas according to each article and the time allocated to each share .
Record absences
Basic document management delivered to the teacher at the beginning of the school year, and retrieve it in the end, to be placed within the archive Foundation This record is used to adjust the names of pupils officially registered, and the periods Missed it. Its importance lies in that legal and administrative document significant in Administration and the judiciary, in the case of accidents for children enrolled, especially if the Incident outside the institution, in the case of an accident to the student, or his acts shall be punished By law, at the time when absent from the study, the recordingAbsent in such cases preserves the interests of the teacher, and protect him from entering into the maze With the administration and the judiciary. Let us suppose for example that the students did not score a certain absent teacher His absence, and suffered harm during his absence, and surprised a few days after he was accused of Professor Harm this child, how will show that this student was not present in this section History
Used Course schedule to adjust the names of students enrolled, numbers and date of registration,And the number of years they spent each level, as well as the date of entry and departure, orDiscontinuity. And are therefore legal and administrative document, required that the teacher adjusts the Accurately the actual number of students who bears responsibility for their care and guard them, and dates Enrollment and departure or interruption, and adjust these dates without a doubt in the interest of Teacher, protect him from getting into trouble is in the indispensable It should be alert to Accept the seriousness of children within the section names are not listed in the table of study, such as Listeners, in the case of an accident, the teacher subjected to administrative sanctions, thisAdd to bear the consequences in court in his personal capacity, because the state in this According to case law does not assume responsibility for a child is not registered in the register of the school.As That the acceptance of students studying in the same institution, in the absence of a teacher,  Better to be approved in writing by the Director of the Foundation.
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