The relationship between home, school, society and the role of each of them in the process of integration

Thread :   Education integrative process, the individual gradually introduce the theme of the group is invited to be a member, and invoking the beliefs, customs and feelings, and patterns of activity. In general, determination. But this external integration, and this adaptation between the individual and the group is not possible, however, by internal integration, that is the subject of education is to coordinate and focus all the varieties of power possessed by the individual .
Analyzed and discussed this view.
There is no doubt that the relationship between home and school and community is an important educational issue, because it is an educational process requires close cooperation. The child moves from the atmosphere to the family
School atmosphere, is the transfer of personal relationships, based on the emotional connection and intimacy to relationships based on norms and social controls. 
In this context, family education and play an important role in the school of social reintegration of children in the community, and in the process of adapting the child with the standards of the group.And presents the text that we are going to analyze the relationship of education to the integration of the child within the group and normalize its system at the level of conditioning with the terms of the social environment, and also shows the conditions of child care from a young age, ie at the stage of the first years of his life, and the requirements of this care from the integration of an internal level of coordination and the concentration and consolidation of different abilities the child has.
And can analyze the two fundamental issues Atrhama text by addressing the following points:
1 - What is the role of family in the process of integration of external?
2 - What is the relationship of this process of inclusive school?
3 - What is the responsibility of the teacher in the internal integration?
1 - start the process of integrating the child in the group since the early years of childhood and the task can educational family, and this process of inclusive, in fact socialization by parents and aims to provide a way for the growth of the child's personality developed an integrated line qualifies for the role that will exercise in its environment. According to many researchers that the family plays a critical role in this process, because the child in the early years of his life be able to be affected, easy Altaattaba, great ability to learn, inexperienced, fast to tradition, and this is childhood a crucial stage in the formation of personal, because what during which the child habitually of the customs and beliefs, and consists of the same emotions and difficult to change.
Characterized the period between the third to sixth, at particular, as a character building, where the child at this particular stage is extremely sensitive to environmental factors surrounding it.
It is noted that the child at this stage, stimulates a lot in the business character group, and this should train children to integrate properly in the groups of children who Ikarbonh age, and with adults other than parents, so the child becomes capable of integration and compatibility with the group, peer and consistent with the Air School related to his different, so learn to obey adults, and the acceptance of social controls.
And family can support the efforts of the child through the process of integration, they play an important role and great in the upbringing of the child, and help him to continue to skip the stages of education successfully, and is the responsibility of the family help the child develop his abilities and his skills, and in the development of his personality and make it experiences and different experiences. It is clear that any disruption or dismantling of the structure affects the family (death, divorce, conflict .....) should affect the children ... and can lead to disturbances or obstacles that stand in the way of growth and open up their personalities. The developments that have caused the family as a result of the development of society as a whole, have the pressures and the impact on the psyche of children and reflected the level of their thinking and behavior patterns.
And I knew the family as a result of the development of civilization and scientific progress and technological changes at the level of several functions in the social and educational function, economic and other. This development led to the reduction of the functions of the family, The rise of educational institutions, religious, health, trade, economic and other, eased for much of the burden of the family and workers.
And so remained for the family and the two basic functions: biological functions, which ensure the conservation offspring and the continuation of the human species, then the job of raising children and caring for and preparing them for integration into the community, by providing economic and social support and psychological for them, and by providing them with the means and methods to enable them to adapt to social life, especially in stages of childhood, which is of the utmost importance in their lives.
The researchers concluded on the subject of the evolution of the family that the declining position currently occupied by the community as a result of pressures exerted from all sides, has led to osteoporosis in the fundamental values ​​and standards in society, as the changed view of children, adolescents and young people to many of the issues on the family and society, such as (authority of the father, marriage, free girls, the functioning of women ...)
2 - not least the role of the school from the family's role in the process of integration ... The access to the school in the sixth or seventh year of age an important event in the life of the child, Entry to school is an emotional break-like weaning, weaning, and this requires emotional effort, it should be borne by child for compatibility with the school system. The child will find himself obliged to be present on a regular basis with the peer group, and he has to establish relations with the social interaction with children who do not quite look alike, do not always Etwadon with him ... and this experience is not easy on the child-centered itself.
Saejreb child for the first time in his life and compromise emotionally neutral for him, and he has to make a place for himself in the middle school without being given the love of parents for the first time he has to cope with the pressure of unavoidable, and has never suffered, for the first time will find the same object multi-center groups, nor has the usual Balhano for parents.
Thus, children suffer the first year of primary or elementary school from a lack of appetite, sleep disruption, and underweight as a result of the effort they manifest their agreement with the air during the new, joining the group, department and school.
It features access to the school the discovery of social life, for the first time and regular and ongoing, will enter the child to the community and belongs to a group of peer homogenous with age and physical and mental abilities, and made ​​available to the child the opportunity to establish relations of interaction with these objects that uniformity. Starting from the seventh year, will play a peer group, even more important in a child's life more than family, and concern will be to continuously look for his friends to compete with them, and asserts his personality in their midst.
In the midst of this self-centered group punctured buoyancy me, and harmony will be established procedure, and the child can engage in dialogue and cooperation with his friends, and so find the emotions (heterosexual) fertile ground for open. Studies have shown that children in sixth and seventh half tend automatically to the group, and they seem unwilling to play with others from the middle of the sixth year.
In the center, the school confirmed the social psychology research on the importance of group dynamics, as a successful way to integrate the child in his group and the mitigation of Tmrkzh self, it aims to educate by stimulating mass participation of all children.
Here, the teacher plays an important and essential role in the integration of the child with his peers and to enable compatibility with them, according to the conditions maintained by the group, the teacher's ability to deal with the child as an alternative to the father or mother   Is an important figure in the growth of small, it serves as example or model for the young, they represent, and Antbon personality, pupils often trends to substitute for their parents in other directions deriving from teachers.
So it seems the role of a great teacher of psychological and social aspects as well as educational aspects, in order to integrate the child in the group, it creates an atmosphere that educationally and psychologically sound in the classroom, through the interactive relations between him and the students each other.
In the context of the integration of the student within the group, the teacher should understand the psychology student, and improves the treatment, so that this treatment is characterized by ridicule or rebuke, the new position requires a lot of accuracy in the transaction, and a lot of intimacy and closeness and openness in speech and communication.
3 -   If we move from the framework of integration of external and made ​​clear the importance of adapting the individual with the group, to the framework of integration procedure which was intended by the text of consolidating all energies possessed by the individual, and care since infancy, any pre-systematic study, we note that most psychological studies emphasizes the importance of care in these first six years.
The psychiatrists agree that these years play a major role in the formation of personal and construction, in these years, develop the language abilities and emotional problems appear, and the adoption of social relations in the priorities of infrastructure.
Based on these views supported by the experience, the 50 ℅ of the mental development of the child until the age of seventeen depends mainly on the achievements and experiences acquired by the child in the first four years of his life, while consists of 30 ℅ of mental development between the age of four and eight.
Thus we find that children of school age ie between the regular seventh year and seventh sessions, but rather seek to complement the 20 ℅ only of the process of mental development of the personality, and the importance of education in the early years. The growth of the child in such a critical stage needs a lot of attention because it is characterized by the rapid growth phase, and unique as the period in which the capacity.
A child at this stage is unable to distinguish between itself and other objects, hardly defines itself in time and space, it tends to blend with the surrounding world, so do not distinguish between the voice and the voices of others around him, and highlights the positioning of self in all the actions of the child and his behavior.
If we look at the stages of sleep in the school or pre-school, both in the framework of integration of external or internal, we note the importance of educational responsibility entrusted to the teacher, in terms of strengthening the child's personality and the development of language abilities, mental, emotional and social development.
As well as in passed the stage of positioning the self and its transfer to the stage show has the potential to link with others in the work and discussion and play, to be able to understand and dialogue, and present evidence and evidence to demonstrate his point, and this is the stage of integration and collective cooperation, which helps the school achievement of various colors.
There is no doubt that the teacher's knowledge of individual differences in intelligence and personality, those who would pave the way for him to understand children's capacities and aspects of emotions and tendencies. The mean individual differences that the unique characteristics of each student for the last, in terms of physical and mental qualities and moral and moods, and mental differences are the most important aspects of individual differences. Out of this topic to understand the differences and characteristics and factors, the teacher can solve many of the psychological and educational problems of children and be able to overcome the difficulties that arise from the merger.
Conclusion: It is clear that education in the family or at school trying to integrate the child in the group and society, in the family tries to parents adapt the child to the social milieu in which they live, so he can understand the systems of society and culture and integrates the .. Within the school we referred to the role of school in the output of the child from self-Tmrkzh, and the role of the teacher in accustom the child to integrate through the methods of the group dynamic. We conclude finally that the integration of the child in the group can not be done in the absence of proper socialization, and in the framework of the objective conditions that Athomps customs and traditions and elements of the local environment, national, and that the Aataty only through the awareness of parents and teachers, and understanding of the integration process and its objectives .
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