Reload this school of Morocco and the rehabilitation of physical and financial and human

In the current historical stage of Morocco, the official discourse of the draft depends modernist democratic society as a strategic choice to engage in the dynamic of reform and change deeply traditional social structures, in order to win bets development, progress and historical affiliation to the new global human culture and contemporary .
This is what wavered, at least in official discourse, this official discourse, we find the modernist reform is also echoed in the school's new Moroccan .
If modernity, in its concept and its authority Bank, mean what you mean, denial and violation of the tradition and maintain the stillness that characterizes the structures and social systems, cultural, political and economic, in that it had to devote to the values ​​of rationality and science, a trend comprehensive humanitarian give
For a person / citizen / individual value of the moral and existential centrality, which, as well as, the dismantling of the relations of traditional community-based chauvinism tribal, ethnic, family and class ... and for the construction of contractual relations strong controls and legal legitimacy, and the values ​​of citizenship, and respect the rights of individuals and groups, and the establishment of institutions subject Alolaoua T. traditional and absolute power of the individual and groups; in one word, is to adopt the culture and values ​​of human rights and inclusive democracy; and that modernity is the substitution of a relative, historical and humanitarian replace the absolute and the Bible ... It is also a devoted and planting of new technologies as a mode of living and production ...
To what extent the school is working on a Moroccan Damaj this modernity in its education, its systems and in cognitive and relational and physical, in order to update the community and its functions?
The level of discourse on formal education, we find a great ambition to modernize the public school of Morocco, are also found in the body of the National Charter for Education and Training White Paper, but there Bonn Sha Sa between rhetoric and reality :
For example, at the level of the contents of the letter is included in school programs and textbooks, we find a marriage between the two hybrid of tradition and modernity to the extent ontological contradiction between them, where the adjacent values ​​of reason and science, and historicism and humanism with the values ​​of the absolute and sacred and no-mind sometimes !
At the level of structures Ela Iqah, organizational, managerial, we find sometimes the absence of the spirit of democracy and participation and rational governance in the management, planning and organization, often prevails, but Rtjalah and making the bureaucracy dumped in the hierarchy, and monopolize power normative and operational activities, and the rule of patriarchal culture, instructions and loyalty s charismatic, and chauvinism family and patronage Alsaasih and mercantilists, and personal relations, and lobbying ... All this despite the rhetoric
Official calls on the values ​​of modernization, democracy, and the horizontal bar, transparency, equality and equal opportunities and participatory decentralization and devolution .... but sometimes, and although there are some forms of involvement in the "measure" subject of education, it may not exceed the protocols form Lalla meetings and submit reports and recommendations that may not leave their shelves of some officials!?
We also find the level of infrastructure, material and technical, semi-sovereign spaces, buildings and tools the traditional work, whether it's facilities and educational service, Obalosaúl and multimedia educational and teaching aids, where still the majority of our schools is the walls of the barren and chalk and a blackboard orphans! Despite the efforts by the few and limited change in this area, remain insufficient to the needs of large and real ambition for the rehabilitation and modernization of the Moroccan School .
How we are entering a society of modernity and democracy, and the information society, knowledge, and our school is still to a large extent, toiling under the weight of Altkulaidanih, cognitive and relational and organizational?! Despite the passage of half a decade for education and training and considered Tani national priority after the territorial integrity, many of the actors and those interested in knocking alarm moribund public school (low level of education and value system, the fragility of infrastructure, strikes in a row, imbalances Tdberia, Characteristics of the only frameworks and structures and financial provisions, reducing the positions of Finance, the near absence of supervision and continuous training ... there is no update for a school assembly of Morocco without working on rehabilitated physically and financial and human first, then work willful and serious to consecrate the values ​​of modernity and citizenship in the field and procedurally and behaviorally. It is not enough that we adopt a discourse of modernity to make schools and communities modernists, and rhetoric, while jumps on reality and Echtzelh rhetoric slogans get broken, making the community a victim of modernity are damaged and the formality is not only .
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