The roles of teacher and activation techniques employed by him in the process of teaching

So far, in the absence of practical examples of sufficient viable field models integrated with the requirements of reality and the needs of modern man in general, and human Moroccan nation Arab-Islamic in particular, aimed to find a man open on the perimeter of all its components, contributing actively to achieving the development of comprehensive, it may be the time has come to open the door to experimentation
Educational rational to give any opinion, in an attempt to establish a database, may allow the provision required that the existing models, models have been subjected to experimentation necessary to achieve the necessary quality of education and training system for the soul of the body of unnecessary and we are on the threshold of the third millennium.
In this general framework, has become a teaching competencies strategic choice, made ​​the attempt, which hovers around the most important roles of the teacher, and animation techniques in light of pedagogy skills, to Tlazmanma and complementarity, as the most important feature indicate the degree of importance on the level of performance Aldisdaktica and pedagogical, which is a modest attempt in any case , but believing that the teacher of the third millennium should be the other new mud, and he has to play new roles keep pace with the spirit of democracy and the spirit of the times, without compromising the fundamentals and values ​​of our religion, and national specificities.
General presentation:
Before talking about the most important roles that may play a teacher in the management and operation of the quota, education, various activities formative in the context of the tasks entrusted to him, it should be referred to the controversial relationship in force between those roles from the side, and the methods and techniques of activation on the other hand, is targeted at the end of the day Giving learners the capacity ([1]) specific, or developed, or correct, which serves the achievement of sufficiently qualified or ruler at the end of a class within a particular substance or group of substances, or the end of the training session, or wire course.
The empirical research of modern about power and leadership and methods of management, has made it possible for psychologists in recent decades, to identify three main methods for activation in terms of their characteristics, and overall results on the effectiveness and the behavior and production of the group, and each method, including the effects of very different on the group, and the consequent taking including any implications for the work of the group and the cost-effectiveness and progress toward its goals, which generally fall into one of the following three forms:
1 / authoritarian style or orientation:
In this method <activated confirms its role as a leader, he put all the directives and instructions, and believes in discipline and order, and the group is going according to plan developed by the group previously had not seen it, so do not be directing the activities and never a clear and consistent for the group. It imposes tasks, and distributes them, and have sub-groups> ([2]), as follows and monitors the achievements and He should work, and take appropriate action in a timely manner.
2 / democratic style:
A method that is enshrined in the National Charter of Education and Training, the appropriate pedagogy skills, where <is trying activated in this way merger of the Community directives of not only the proposals be the subject of consultation among members of the group, suggestions raised by stimulating and encouraging | .. | The cooperation is totally not identifies activated only much-desired goals to achieve, and then turn to a member of the group or in part, proposes a plan of action activated, and then how to participate in the democratic implementation of the plan> ([3]).
3 / messy style:
And only when activated to provide work <and leaves participants free to do exactly what they would like to do. It does not interfere at any level, not to participate in the work, and giving directions, or announce his agreement or disagreement, and answer the questions of how vague, and fails to automatically group> ([4]) and often abandon the group is also on the performance of as a result of failure of the task activated it.
Based on the above, the teacher who purports to perform reasonable, and to achieve good results at the level of success of his students in achieving the skills set, he must play new roles keep pace with the spirit of democracy and fragrance that continues to come and grow during the beginning of the third millennium, all countries of this world at all levels , including the world of education and training.
May find it difficult some of these roles, and some go the other to say the impossibility of implementation on the ground the practical field, but the reality and practice, confirm it from the roles that drawer for all teachers in performing their daily tasks regularly, and perhaps the origin of the difficulty that has been subjected to some of them, due mainly to the new invitation for the transition from education that Morse Bdgmaúah years a number inside the classroom, and sure enough the centrality of the teacher as the owner of the knowledge, as opposed to passive learners, and limited its role in the reception and absorption machine in preparation for the exam only; to become a learning course on the centrality of the learner and the effectiveness, and through his help, the duration of a minimum of knowledge, skills, and other than that it is a sign of notification to access the knowledge of self, in other words help them build a multi-disciplinary competencies enable it to do so;
Add to that the mixing observed at the level of representing many of the teachers of the nature of pedagogy skills Knsag tutorial, pattern runs primarily on capacity development as an area of ​​functioning of the classroom, in addition to the rule of tendencies of the majority towards the trend fragmentary, and some believe that we have moved from the entrance to the goals, to the entrance of another independent, a entry skills, and are thus excluded any relationship between the two entrances, and those are some of the confusion that occurred citizen where the bulk of the men working the field of education so far as we see at least.
After all this, and to shed some light on the models of the new roles required of the teacher in the light of pedagogy skills and teaching units and this is ample room for discussion and experimentation Aldisdaktica paper proposes the following some of them, but not limited to briefing and knowledge first, in the Horizon attempt to field testing, in the absence of these in the form of practical teaching, and most important of these roles and ways of activation as follows:.
1 / instructor designed and engineered to the learning process
If the teacher pre-designs studied the Jma of preparation, focus on the steps and stages of basic and their contents, in other words, focus on education planning, it is today calling for the development of performance that the process of designing a comprehensive and general Msart learning as well, and preparing file for every unit of study units of the decision, to work on the vision and innovation and positions stimulating and exciting times, and even provocative in the limits of capacity and Altmthleeh class Salutation, and propose mechanisms for simplification and guidance, and preparation and organization of space to learn, and the formation of working groups, in light of the requirements of competence or skills to be achieved, and should have a probabilistic conception of how to measure the status of failure as well; is designed and port in the same now, which does these tasks from the course and based on it.
It may include file Aldisdaktica referred to, along with Jmamat lessons, all documents, papers, and tools related to the means of education, from Chwevat, and illustrations, and texts written on the chip, for example, clippings and news, Mbianat, or statistics, etc., which can be invested in addressing the vocabulary units of study assessments.
2 / teacher stimulus
Of the most important roles in a pedagogy of teacher competencies, activation:
And we mean all the ways and methods and means or media that will stimulate learning, and move it to the fullest extent possible, through the approach to methods of stimulating and lure the learners to participate in the learning and activities, The teacher is directed to the helm Altalmat ordered through the lesson of the unit of study, or through the unity of the whole .
Activation and educational tutorial is to guide the learning paths in order to achieve the required competence or skills, the successful activation may lead to the discovery of a constructive capabilities of learners, can be invested and used to reach beyond competence, a Altmher.
This should not be considered as the stimulus on the importance of teaching aids just put forms in front of pupils beginning of the quota, and waiting for their response to say that the stimulus has borne fruit, but the teacher must realize that the stimulus meaning <the creation of the conditions surrounding makes students ask themselves questions, and then become problem and the search for solution to a personal matter for pupils, not just a response to the request of the teacher> ([5]).
3 / teacher facilitating the learning process
If the capacity of tools for translating skills, as is now the same tools in the link between the components of different subjects, educational and wires, the extensional nature that could form the subject of a call by the learner at every moment, as long as they have become integrated into the experience of the strategy.
If so, the most important roles of the teacher in the light of pedagogy competencies is exploration, explore the capacities of his disciples, native of the syndrome, and work to correct the wrong ones, or promote the proper, or developed for the better, which helps the learner to use and harness them to achieve competence, or skills targeted at any moment of his life of study and public.
More than this, which should be emphasized here is that the teacher in the light of this pedagogy, the binding to enable learners to work tools, methodologies and techniques, methods, strategies, and all that would help the learner to good to play its role in the process of learning fully, and even facilitated in the face, enabling them to pass through it, and trained them so Tstdmj experience within the process, and thus make them available for use in front of him when he called it a farewell circumstantial.
4 / teacher directed learning process
Of the most dangerous and the most important roles of the teacher in the light of pedagogy skills, there is a direct learning of his disciples, so as not to deflect or deviate from what was planned and sketched them in advance, it is directed at the helm Talmat his disciples, is responsible to achieve and consolidate with, by taking all measures, means and reasons to ensure strengthening those Altalmat, and the proper functioning of a verification, payment of all the unwanted stimuli, or confused, and promote the positive, and when acting in the management of error with the proper disposal.
5 / teacher GDP
It is an ingredient of the items scheduled as a whole, and a resident of each unit of study and the achievement of skills associated with them, and each resident is a lesson in each module separately, diagnostic, and progress, and in total.
It is in all that lives Talmat his disciples, and evaluate competencies and the extent achieved, and monitors the difficulties and obstacles that may prevent achieved, and to assess the contents of study as a whole, reflected in the vocabulary of the units assessed by levels ascribed to teaching, he is researcher in this account, as well as being tested.
In general, the issue of evaluating efficiencies Multi vast and creamy, and not offer the domain appropriate to put forward, and we though we see the sticky Certainly the subject before us, we are in favor of customized paper special importance, and that is what we will be soon, by Allah's leave.
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