Skills and capacities to build appropriate language Arabic curriculum

In building Arabic language programs for six years of primary education, was invoking a range of considerations, and adoption of a number of general principles imposed by the specificities of the learner stage, and the nature of the material, and Disdaktic components, and the desire to enable learners to skills and language abilities appropriate for this e phase, and in what following all those principles and considerations:
-   The principle of "units" so that the integral program for each year of the past six to eight units, take the implementation of one of three weeks, of which first and second weeks to provide new lessons, and the third week of the calendar and support, and after the implementation of two two, comes a week for evaluation and support, benefits from its activities all pupils, and then last week to support the private benefit of its activities have remained a language of   Need to   Y to you, and empowered, in this week Phippachron parallel activities, so
Was to provide sufficient opportunities for the application of pedagogical mastery;
-   The principle of "complementarity" between the internal components of the Arabic language, and takes this integration are the two basic levels: the level of construction for the shares of different structural components of the material through three weeks of the unit, and the level of the field around which the various classes of the Unit;
-   Adopt the principle of "30 Minutes" to share the language, in the first and the second as the most appropriate for young learners who can not concentrate for long. In the four years of the wire medium, the same principle was adopted for the reading class, while the remaining components of the structures and the exchange and the establishment of ... Has adopted the principle of "45 Minutes" to share the language, so as not to overshadow the implementation of the lessons quickly, and the lack of focus, and to meet the lesson all its methodology, and in so doing all the objectives of procedural, but come the application of the principle of "share animated" imposed by the hierarchy of the shares of the language;
-   Adoption of the principle of "Alastdmar" in passing phenomena programs stylistic and compositional, and morphological and only the final meters. And that in the first and second, the principle of "permission" to those phenomena, language, and the rules regulating the use in the four years of the wire medium, provided that this statement itself, ranging from awareness-raising and palpability Valakedzab to the consolidation and deepening, to incorporate the same linguistic phenomenon in the two consecutive years or more . That the phenomenon is being processed each year at a certain level, narrows in the first, and gradually widened in what followed;
-   The principle of "lifting" the number of shares of construction in the past two fifth and sixth to six shares in the unit instead of four. Walsh, E j, which raises the chances of training learners to write the editors of eight construction Ye   Topics in the whole school year - which is currently in place - subject to sixteen;
-   The principle of "mitigation" programs in the number of paragraphs, without prejudice to the achievement of the values ​​and competencies identified for this phase. This reduction, which is one of the elements that contribute to the possible adoption of pedagogical mastery.
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