The social sector in Morocco and the signs of rapid transformation

The rapid urbanization, and control demographic growth, and develop the role of the nuclear family, and the growing needs of unsaturated, as well as the high rate of hope in life, the most important social changes taking place in Morocco, and the most prominent and influential in the options menu.
The fact that these changes result in unexpected consequences and implications can be monitored through population growth and demographic structure and through the distribution of the static-Majali, and also, at the level of meeting the needs of this population.
The existing estimates in the field of demographic growth are looking forward to a population of 33.5 million people, Morocco
2010. An increase of 7.5 million, compared with Navarre census in 1994. It is noted that the pace of population growth will remain strong (1.5% on average), despite the apparent contradiction in the demographic growth, which will be the average number of children per woman in 2010 when less than two children Mon 
The result of this equation is the growing decline in the proportion aged less than 15 years, and the increasing size of the class to engage in viable economic activity (from 15 to 60 years old), as well as increasing numbers of elderly (60 years and above). This imposes on us under Tahibna to fight the challenges of globalization and its requirements have to think about the needs of the population and search for ways and means of more effective to satisfy those needs.

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