Socialization of the child and the role of family and community formation and raising the level of education

Can describe the process of socialization as the process that formed the criteria for the individual and the skills and motivations, attitudes and behavior to conform with those that society deems desirable and advisable to cycle the current or future in society.
Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, known as the process of community which is the formation of individual consciousness and feelings and behavior and its relations to become a member of an active and interactive and consistent and productive in society.
Dr Hamid Zahran state authorities have access as the process of teaching and learning and education, based on social interaction and aims to acquire the individual child Vrashida old manbehavior, standards and trends suitable for the roles of particular social, being able to keep up with his group and social harmony with them and gain the social character and facilitate his integration into social life. Because it is the process of forming the social behavior of the individual is the process of entering the culture of the community in character building.
Characteristics of upbringing:
Of the most important characteristics of socialization as a process-based social interaction between the components of the social structure as it is the relative differ according to time and place, as well as different social classes within the same society and reflected in each layer of the subculture, as it varies from building social and economic order to another, and the advantage of being continuous process as the continued participation in the upbringing of new situations require constant by the individual himself and for himself so he could meet the new requirements and processes of interaction Olney is endless.
It is also    The process of human and social terms by which the individual acquires human nature that do not generate with him, but grow through the situation when the other life experiences shared. It aims to turn that child into an active member able to perform his roles represented by the social standards and values ​​and orientations. There are many groups and institutions that play a key role in the process of socialization - family - school - community comrades - Places of Worship - clubs, media and cultural media audio, written and video are all media inevitable and is imposed to the process of socialization where it overlaps the frame of the child and guide his life and formed in the early stages and despite the different roles in those institutions, but they all share in the formation of values ​​and beliefs of the child and his behavior so that tends towards the desired pattern religiously, morally and socially. These institutions not only their role on the early stages of life but continue its interference in the exercise of a long period of time and of course the most important of the family and school.
The major impact of the family in the child's life, especially in the first years of the Umrah are representing the world of the child and the overall impact significantly on the development of his personality and growth. This begins to influence the physical and emotional contact directly with the mother and child. They went out and sponsored by the saturation of its needs and also that the role of the father and the brothers have a major impact on the upbringing and development of social character. The personal site of parents and the child for his brothers and family status, economic and cultural links theca are all key factors, especially in the first years of life. The impact of the family affects the dimensions of the life of the child's physical and cognitive
Aslukih, emotional, and social, making a decisive impact in his life. The family moved to the child's values ​​and standards and determine the positions of various social issues and ideals, as well as the concept of law and allowed and forbidden all this is a child's identity and Antmaúth family is the main institution in the transfer of social inheritance is not about satisfying the needs of the material    But is character building and build a sense of belonging.
Should there be some variables or influences within the family led to inconsistencies in the performance of roles and influenced thus the process of socialization becomes the most affected by the changes Valtvkk family or separation of a parent and a negative relationship between them or between the children and the distinction between the roles of males and femininity and the resulting inequality of it all has an impact in guiding behavior as the low economic status of the family adversely affect the satisfaction of the needs of the child. And what was going through some of the communities of problems such as war, famine and political instability and deteriorating economic conditions and natural disasters is reflected negatively on the education and health services, cultural and other are all obstacles to true in the face of the process of socialization and for us in the Arab world, many examples of poor services provided to children as a result of the problems of the previous children of Iraq and the South Lebanese refugee camps in the occupied territories and Sudan are striking examples of real suffering to a large segment of Arab children as a result of going through their difficult circumstances. This situation is inhumane for our children contrasts perfectly with the principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989 and the agreement includes several principles, including:
1 -    Must protect the child away from all considerations of gender, nationality or religion.
2 -   Must help the child with respect for the family unit.
3 -   The child must be in a position to grow normally in terms of physical, moral, and spiritual.
4 - The child must be the first to receive aid at the time of need.
5 -   Should benefit the child to benefit fully from the means of prevention and social security.
This agreement is of particular importance because it is the first time in the history of international law defining the rights of the child within the binding agreement of the States that ratify it if the Convention sets standards to protect children and provide a framework for the efforts being made ​​to defend them and to develop programs and policies to ensure they have a future healthy and safe and can be classified as the rights contained in Convention to four categories: civil rights - economic rights - the rights of social and cultural rights.
The school is an important institution in society after the family a child out of the harmonious society the family to the community at large at least a homogeneous school. This widening in the social field and the variability of the characters with which the child experiences increased social support and sense of rights and duties and responsible, and to learn to deal with the ethics of others.
The school passed the directions of intellectual, social and emotional through the curriculum and books that do not transmit knowledge, but also shape the child and its orientation towards society and the nation, and provides the school in addition to this effort, the educational upbringing effort last through the exercise of power, order and patterns of relationships in the classroom and the educational system and comrades any it determines the form desired for the behavior of the image model student or naughty successful or failed, and so we note that the processes of education within the walls of the school contribute to make influential in the socialization process is a small community living where pupils where reconcile it between themselves as individuals and the society they live in. They are in this small community are trained in the collective work and responsibility, participation, and to obey the law and understand the meaning of right and duty. And dealing in the school based parity    A child takes as much as it gives the opposite treatment family characterized by tolerance and compromise and sacrifice.    The school therefore represents an important stage of the psychological stages of weaning of the child is committed to the template that drafted the home polite and amendment by a new behavioral patterns.
One of the main factors that affect school in the socialization of children a personal teacher is the source of power that must be obeyed, and the ideal that the child is the source of knowledge and therefore must    To be a teacher armed with the training of knowledge and moral and social virtues, because a significant impact in building the child socially and psychologically, in order to succeed in school as an educational institution to achieve its social and educational needs of the educational process is based on a set of basis elements can be referred to:
1 -   Educational goals and intended goals that seek to achieve the school note that each stage of education or the type of learning objectives that are consistent with the needs of the society on the one hand and to the capabilities of the learner on the other.
2 -   The needs of the learner.
A -   Body of knowledge, information and skills that the learner needs to acquire in order to reach to the level required by the educational needs of the educational stage that passed through.
B - a set of activities and programs of health, nutrition, recreational, psychological and social.
3 -    Teacher, a specialist in the delivery of information, knowledge and educational experiences of the learner, using the means and methods of technical communication check
4 -   Material resources are the means necessary for the educational process of building a book and means of certain laboratories - classrooms - playgrounds, etc. So should develop the concept of education than just a lesson and learning for a certificate to consider education as a human-centered being a member of society must be interest in him through the stages of learning aspects of psychological, social, moral, physical and mental health in order to achieve a balanced integration between these aspects. It also must go to achieve education for democratic principles, even confers attic of the humane and education becomes the right of every individual, regardless of its level of social and economic development. But if it was characterized education Ptkulaidah teaching and non-qualified teachers and inadequate educational services, other traditional methods and superficial content make this knowledge is not an investment career and thus lose all the elements of education based on the analysis and conclusion, criticism and interpretation, questioning, and thus the information becomes separated from life and its issues and does not give way to participate in the building knowledge.
In the Arab world, there does not deny the achievements in the field of education since the middle of the last century, but education in most Arab countries are still traditionally compared to the rest of the developed world.
Educational research has confirmed the importance of early childhood years in shaping the human mind and to identify potential future, which means focusing on pre-primary level. This type of education, low rate in the Arab world are almost non-existent in most of its countries. At the level of primary and secondary education has increased in the quantitative development    Enrollment has jumped from 31 million in 1980 to nearly 56 million in    1995 with the note to be deficient in the enrollment of girls in higher education and pre-higher education. More seriously, the outputs of education in the Arab world do not meet the conditions for development and the requirements of the labor market as evidenced by the spread of unemployment among the educated and the low wages for the majority of graduates. This fact imposes serious attention until the institution can serve the goals of socialization and finally, the responsibility of socialization because it is a collective responsibility relating to the child first and foremost of the Child and the Convention of 1989 defines a child has not reached all of eighteen. So responsibility is a collective responsibility of society, parents and educators, the state and its institutions formal and informal, because improving the situation of children requiring coordination and integration among all relevant institutions and put the interests of children a top priority because children who take care of them today are the heirs of the future must provide the elements of survival, development and protection to them and thus at least we have paved the way for the building society of the future considering that the rights of the Child is the first appeal that must be paid the conscience of mankind, and that obliges the international community to respect it. It is well established law that each right has a corresponding duty.Accordingly, The rights of the child it is only the duties to others, considering that interest children is the starting point to reach a comprehensive human development in this regard to remember that both our children in Iraq can not own notebook and pen and book.
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