Sociology of Education and the study of social factors that affect the school for becoming members

Sociology of Education can be considered, in general, as a branch of the branches of sociology who studies education as a social phenomenon. Full of literature and sociology of education Nzkrmenha several definitions:
- Sociology of Education, examines the social factors that affect in becoming school of mines: the organization of the Layout / school system, Mikanezmat direction, level, socio - cultural parents, Astdmaj values ​​and social norms by the learners, output format educational. (Pédagogie:dictionnaire des mot clés ... 1997 ).
- Sociology of Education, in general, depend approach a sociological study of educational, but within the Anglo-Saxon, which is the prevailing limit phenomena educational systems of education in the first level, The study of other institutions in the hierarchy of legal secondary, as far as their relationship to the school and education (a series of educational training , number 3).
- Sociology of Education, or approach sociological Educational ... that transform theories and laws sociological reality into the educational and education, through study and analysis of educational models and methods, techniques and educational methods, issues and problems, or problems that consist in educational institutions including regular and irregular. This is done study sociological through process of analyzing the interaction of elements within the educational coordinated social; In the framework of macroscopic theory of universality, is aware of the various relationships in the process of interaction between the components of the structure or pattern that exist within the educational phenomenon (Abdel Karim Gharib, 2000, adapted).
- An approach to the sociological phenomenon of the educational approach based on the rules of the sociology of the methodology in the study and analysis of social conditions and circumstances surrounding the situation or unframed Education (Educational series configuration, the number 1, Edition 97-98)
·        Areas of sociology of education:
There are several areas operate around the sociology of education, a variety of areas and the ever-increasing, making the question of precisely defined and comprehensive difficult. So just this selection of the most important fields:
1 - the input (les entrées ) And we find:
- Students: The focus of the study on the factors here Aelovesiqih, psychological, mental and social, such as age, sex and level of intelligence and social origin, culture ... where it comes to the psychology of the pupil and pupil Psosjuloggio (approach Seko - sociological)
- The board of teaching and management: The focus here is on professional and political variables, such as the level configuration, and pattern selection, and positioning in the social structure, and trends of political and trade union ...
2 - the output (les sorties ) And is linked to teach the moral order and knowledge, and the pattern of pedagogy and evaluation rules ...
- To teach the moral order and knowledge: hierarchy of knowledge, divided into horizontal (science, literature, science or pure science applied), the explicit or implicit rules that govern the moral order (value system) and in knowledge, the consequences of this hierarchy at the level of identity formation for school learners.
- The pattern of pedagogy is concerned with here, how teach the content, technologies and education (media teaching aids) and the use of time, which reflects in part the social significance of educational material, and the nature of relations between the teacher and learners, and the structure of power within the section ..
- Calendar and the rules associated with the underlying phenomenon or interested Bastafa and the selection of individuals.
There are other areas concerned with the sociology of education, such as studying the education systems and analysis, school organization and its relationship to the labor market, search the social origin of students and its relationship to collecting and scholastic success, school failure, equality and equal opportunities and the failure of education, democracy, education ...
As an example, we find that some of the topics Alsosiotrboih that interested in France are: cost-effective school in relation to the privileges cultural barriers Alsosioaqtsadah and cultural rights when the child / learner, the effect of the living environment on the language of the students, harmony and dissonance between the educational systems and social needs - economic group, descent / social origin of students and improve academic, social classes and structures of the intellectual to the public school, the democratization of education and inequality between regions, the implications of social and economic realities and political structures, education and the curricula and methods and the preparation of teachers. (a series of educational training, the number 3.2001).
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