The status and role of teacher education and educational .. Not fix the situation without the reform of teacher psychological, social, physical, economic and cognitive

  The educational work and educational work of the complex and complicated at the same time that the message carried by mainly directed to the man himself and what makes things complicated is that the bearer of this letter is a human being as well as his background and has a personality and has a sense of emotions, was yesterday the future of this letter and then became a missionary to them. This is what makes the job of the teacher a difficult task and large at the same time because it is the leader of the teaching-learning process, he should know how he can deliver the message education to the student to take account of the character of the future as well as the reaction to the direction of the consignment   And because it is in front of everyone and not in front of the machine as is the case   In other sectors. Is the role of the teacher in the educational work as specified, or is it the situation? Can we really put the plan in advance where we define what should the teacher do in the classroom? Or is it the teacher arms by all means, and we have to Look at him as a man of war and therefore he should expect everything in the field? 
We are increasing as we look at the role of the teacher role to find really very difficult, several characters take on it: to be activated, jaw-Come on, educator, teacher, leader, painter, calligrapher, father, brother, judges, athletes, and in some cases (the first level students Elementary) to be a mother. More precisely, to be everything we want from our children and all that could be a future for our children, because the example and model for students is the school's best for him always is the image of a mentor or teacher. May affect the opinion of the teacher on the opinion of the parents of the child, how can we fix education without regard to this man is the leader who is everything, in fact, for education? There is no reform without reform of the status of teacher psychological, social, physical, economic and cognitive, this time in which we find today Mdersena position continues to deteriorate from bad to worse, have lost social capital (son capital social ), Where as previously mentioned social status has become particularly unbearable it is only "teacher" and a man, eggs and tomatoes and mind as reason children and became qualified in all the negative adjectives, what is the reason? We all know very well the reasons was, is and destroy the reputation of the man behind the education, but not this enough? Is there really aware and logic that insulted the scholars and holders of knowledge, who are ranked higher when Allah has ordered the Almighty need to seek knowledge, we know that the first Sura revealed to the teacher first Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him inviting him to read (Al-Alaq). Or is it meant actually born officials who their children are studying in foreign schools? And after the strikes of the eighties led by men of education?
The sociological situation of the teacher today and without any search fields, you may reprint it full of despair and alienation because of harassment of the teacher that we want to reform society and achieve its development. Decreased and thus the status of teacher education in general position. And many of the researchers emphasized on this fact, we find time actually bald Dr. Mohammed in the Journal of Education, the world number 6-7 1999, Page 202, said: "It is noticeable decline in recent years the status of the teacher in the Moroccan society in general and in the rural community in particular" The role of knowledge may decline because it is in the past, especially in rural areas as a source of knowledge where the next task of teaching is that reads and writes messages population as well as all correspondence next to al-Faqih, which cost aspect of religious, but the emergence of competitors to the teacher cognitive as the media, especially radio and television, dishes, concave, made ​​the status of knowledge of the teacher back significantly, but this changed society's perception of the direction of the village teacher, what about this new view, and disastrous?
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