The student teacher relationship as a source of knowledge and a Fellow of the humanitarian

 Before going into the show the student teacher relationship must first define the concept of the relationship was intended by that concept, which is characterized by inclusiveness and not necessarily, Through the relationship is based all, they indicate the meaning of the relevant Association of whatever nature. If the teacher is the leader of the teaching-learning process, the student is the raw material and fundamental to this process as without it there can be for the school  To work and therefore, the role of the teacher is not complete without linking a good relationship with the student, how is the relationship of the student teacher?
The student does not look to the teacher as a source of knowledge, but also looking it from the humanitarian side, and thus the nature of which must be depriving the relationship with the teacher his student is a human face is primarily based on human values ​​and high ethical and to communicate the horizontal and not vertical as in the traditional methods. The teacher has to be surrounded by
Level of mental and psychological development of students, as well as the composition of knowledge without losing sight of their living conditions and surroundings, and the climate of his family Kamikanezmat active and influential determine the level of student within the department, and the extent of harmony or isolation in relation to his friends, then the ability of students to represent the content and software ruler. And because the relationship with the teacher the student based on power On the subject only, and the relationship that the student is less humane than the value of the teacher, resulting in negative consequences, including poor productivity and poor communication as well as a sense of student aggressive   And thus drop out or drop-out study. This is the more closer to the teacher of the students and is interested in their affairs and try to includes them the concerns of chapter and all the small and large related group section, but results were positive and high achievement and participation continues to increase because the student in this situation feels its responsibility and role within the group to which he belongs. 
That is not enough to worry about the teacher how to teach the material and how communicated to him, but must take into account the relationship psychological and social conditions between the group of the season, and he must know as well as the nature of the group and their characteristics and their social and psychological world to identify the motives and incentives that drive individuals to specific positions and the actions of private Kaltanah for example, or reclusion or isolation. It is not enough for the teacher to carry him to the department's portfolio filled with references and Aljmamat but it is necessary to carry with compassion, kindness, love and transactions humanity first before the knowledge and experience that are dealing with human beings at the age is the need to. and here I remember what Socrates said about one Tlamivth: "What I told him that? as long as Aihbna."
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