Takiiem tests of the level of the pupils and teacher

The test is said to measure the performance of the officer and the teacher-level grades for students.And the work of testing knowledge of rules and scientific basis in terms of development and selection of questions and types of controls of each type, and misses some of the teachers most likely that a series of questions to test enough students in your course as long as the . 
· Hopes these rules : 
1. Put to the test target 2. Select the time allotted for the test and select the number and quality of the questions accordingly. 
3. Analyze the subject 4. Place the questions so that there is proportionality between the questions set and parts of Article . 
5. Mark the questions are very clear and free from any confusion or mislead, and remember that the test is true that measures are designed to measure ! 
· Questions of substance or essay? ! 
Use the substantive questions if you want to measure the ability to remember facts, and if the time to correct the questions short . 
Controls the drafting of the substantive questions : 
Questions "right" and wrong 
1. Do not place the sentence verbatim text of the book, but prepared a formulation so as not to be the answer to build a thousand words does not understand . 
2. To avoid expressions of vague or non-specific . 
3. To avoid the public expressions and formulas, such as: "always" or "all" or "never" ... etc., as they often suggest that the words wrong . 
4. Must be answered one, specific and conclusive . 
Multiple-choice questions 
1. Preferably three or four options . 
2. Must be correct in terms of options Alaarabah, so it is not the word express evidence of the box (This is not intended to measure the language ability !) 
3. Avoid placing the words: "All of the above" in the options, if the student's knowledge of the wrong choice demonstrates the error of this option . 
4. Stay away from phrases exiled or methods of the exception, because it confuses the student's understanding . 
5. Must be close and logical options . 
6. Mark out the words (first part) includes one issue only, and ruled out any information that is not necessary . 
Questions link 
1. Preferably the first menu items more than the second list 
2. Should not be linked to the item in each list only one element of the second list, in the case of otherwise warned his students . 
3. Mark link by numbers or letters and not by drawing lines . 
Questions to complete the vacuum 
1. Mark sentence containing signs and indications, determine exactly the desired word 
2. Do not give more than Fragan in the sentence, as this makes it mysterious . 
3. Mark the vacuum in the last sentence, if possible, so to be more clear . 
Use essay questions if you want to : 
1. To evaluate the student's understanding of key terms important in the decision of what . 
2. To know the student's ability to compare and balance between the events, concepts, objects or linked . 
3. To measure creative ability and imagination of the student . 
Controls development of essay questions 
1. Select the length of the expected answer in words or the page, so that the student's perception of the length of answer expected . 
2. Put a model of the correct answer and distributed by the stairs carefully, so that the patch be more objective . 
3. Give enough time to answer . 
4. If you are held accountable for spelling or grammatical errors, or on-line students may know in advance . 
· What about oral tests? ! 
You may need the oral tests in certain subjects to measure verbal skills such as reading aloud, and say aloud that the silent reading comprehension, and intended to have this test in writing . 
When test mode make sure that the goal of it, and make sure the educational or skill that you want to measure. Some teachers think that the difference between the oral test and written test is that the student speak in the first answer in the second written by the writing, and this is not true, the difference is that the test measures the verbal skills, verbal, and dumping Kalmhadth and intonation, and so on. Is not correct, for example, that ask the student to test the oral English language that spells a word from the keepers, as these skills in writing . 
· Sponsor the following rules in the oral tests : 
1. Start easy questions to remove what may happen in the same student from tension . 
2. Fateh student after the response of the peace and salute Atefh some encouraging words, and more of them if I saw him awe exam . 
3. Avoid the exam the student in front of his colleagues, especially the shy student .
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