Tonic herbs and vitamins for immunity.. Weakened immune systems lack a lot of vitamins and minerals. Strengthen the immune system by increasing the number and quality of white blood cells

Aldoaam of the most important for good health and strong immunity is proper nutrition based on all that is natural and fresh, organic and free from contaminants and also support: 

weak immune certainly lacks many of the vitamins and minerals and availability of all the complementary and supporting the work to take additional doses to each of:

Its effectiveness and its uses
Vitamin C 
Strengthens the immune system by increasing the number and quality of white blood cells. 
Antioxidant and the body needs for tissue growth and repair. In the performance of the functions of the adrenal gland 
And the integrity of the gums. 
The backbone of the immune system.
No problems up to 5000 mg per day.
Side effect of excess doses of softness in the stool only.
No warning of long-term use.
Activates and strengthens the immune system and activates the healing of wounds 
Maintains the integrity of the senses of taste and smell 
Protects the liver 
An antioxidant , a necessary element for the growth of the prostate gland and genital
Do not address the total quantity of zinc exceeding 100 mg per day.
Found in egg yolks, fish, meat, whole grains

Its effectiveness and its uses
Alaakinasaa or Coneflower Purple Coneflower)
Activates certain types of white blood cells and has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-virus, and benefit the immune system and the lymphatic system. Useful in cases of colic, colds, flu, and other cases of infectious diseases. Also useful in the treatment of snake bite.
Warning: Do not use those who suffer the sensitivity of the plants of the family of sunflowers.
Jawldensel (buttercup Murr Goldenseal
Works as an antibiotic, cleans the body and has anti-inflammatory effects and anti-bacteria, increasing the effectiveness of insulin, and strengthens the immune system, stimulates the colon, liver, pancreas and spleen, organs, lymphatic and respiratory systems. Cleans the mucous membranes and resist infection and improves digestion and regulates menstruation. It also reduces uterine bleeding and reduce blood pressure and alerts the central nervous system. Useful in the treatment of inflammation and ulcers, infectious diseases, and illnesses that affect the bladder, prostate, stomach, and Almhill. If used in the onset of symptoms, it halts the progress of cases of colds and flu.
Better trade-off between Jawldensel Alaakinasaa and herb in the treatment of illness and disease are   advised to use alcohol-free conclusion. 
Warning: Do not use more than one week and not during pregnancy.And must be used under medical supervision in the case of suffering from cardiovascular disease, diabetes and glaucoma.
Rids the body of the HH and protects against infection by strengthening the immune system. Lowers blood pressure and improves blood circulation. Lowers levels of blood fats. Helps in the treatment of atherosclerosis and arthritis, asthma, cancer and circulatory problems, colds and flu, digestive disorders, heart disease, insomnia, liver disease and inflammation of the sinuses and nasal ulcers and fungal infections (Aalcandara) is useful in all diseases and all infections were almost
Garlic contains many sulfur compounds, which earns a wonderful healing properties.There are supplements which nihilism smell. The best is the sum of its preparations chives (such as Kyulak Kyolic) 
Has no risk of long-term use.
May increase the blood thinners.
Cat claw
Cleans the intestinal tract, increases the activity of white blood cells, and acts as an antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory. In addition, it is useful in the treatment of intestinal disorders and viral infections. It may help patients with AIDS, arthritis, cancer, tumors and ulcers.
Warning: Do not use during pregnancy.
Alastrajls Astragalus
Tonic works to protect the immune system Asaúd adrenal gland function and digestion. Activates the metabolism, causing an automatic discharge of sweat, stimulates healing and produces energy to fight fatigue.Increases durability. Useful in the treatment of colds and influenza, and HIV-related problems, including AIDS, cancer and tumors. Effective in the treatment of chronic lung weakness.
Warning: should not be used when there is high fever.

Where do I find?
Can be purchased from the GNC stores Ermal may also be found in some pharmacies and can be purchased from Internet sites.
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