Types of disciplinary sanctions applicable to public officials

The disciplinary punishments applicable to the employee, whether formal or legal text of the specific exerciser 
In this regard, it should be noted That the disciplinary board is qualified to decide on the disciplinary files of these two categories of staff only

Penalties applicable to officials:

We select Chapter 66 of the Dahir No. 1.58.008 of February 24, 1958 as a platform
General Of the Civil Service disciplinary punishments applicable to the public official. However, theThese sanctions are not in all cases can be implemented only

If there is some Conditions. There is also a Aqhobtin can manage without having taken adviceDisciplinary Board, but after the observance of the terms

To illustrate it will be - as follows - the definition of the sentence and determine the conditions taken or proposed 


A Is a procedure for warning the employee, and take in the minor offenses committed by The latter.The aim of this procedure is to pay the employee not to undertake such However, these acts and will be subjected to more severe penalties; 
For a management can not take this penalty only after the inquiry officer for the acts attributed to To him and see Dfoath; 
A This penalty is taken by the administration reasoned decision (Form No. 3 printed ) And is communicated to the employee with a receipt notice (Form No. 4 printed .)


A Is to make the most of the alarm. Comes in second class in the hierarchy of sanctions has Have a negative impact on the status of the employee taking into account by Administration to grant the point for upgrading .... etc.; 
Administration issued a rebuke of the death the same qualities and conditions issued by the death warning.

Deletions from the list of promotion:

A Lead to the death is finishing on the name of the employee from the list of promotion in rank Draw a year in which the resolution was adopted, and specializes in the proposal of the Council of the death penalty Disciplinary; 
A Does not propose the death penalty only in cases where the employee is restricted in the fee schedule for promotion the year of the penalty decision

Algahqrh P:
A intended to reduce the rank of the employee directly to the lower level, and suggests by the Disciplinary Board; 
A Does not propose the death penalty in a situation that can result from change Algahqrh The status of an official employee of the trainees Kgahqrth second order level to the First .

The decline of class:
A Result in them landing the employee from the original grade to lower grade without incurring them out of the framework, and suggests by the Disciplinary Board; 
A Do not take the death penalty except in the case where the employee component of the frameworkSeveral degrees and be in a higher degree with a minimum degree of the decline can be .

Isolation of the arrest is the right retirement:

A Consequent deletion of the death penalty on the employee of the wire, with the possibility of : 
- Either the benefit of the pension if he meets the conditions set forth in the Civil Pension Law; 
- Or recover the amounts deducted from his salary for retirement if you do not Fulfills the requirements, which enables him the right to pension . A Proposed by the Disciplinary Board .Insulation combined with the arrest of the right to retirement : A Result in the death penalty depriving the employee of the right to benefit from the pension believe Recovery of the sums deducted from his salary draw a pension; 
A Proposed by the Disciplinary Board . The temporary exclusion for a period not exceeding six months with deprivation of all the taxi with the exception of family allowances : A result of this punishment depriving the employee of his salary for the duration of exclusion of the death with the exception of family allowances; 
A proposed by the Disciplinary Board .

The inevitable reference to retire:

A The resulting penalty to refer the employee to retire as inevitable. Required in the Version of this punishment that the employee meets the statutory requirements that mandate the right In retirement; 
Proposed by the Disciplinary Board.
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