Updated scientific methods and study and pay attention to the rearing by education

Still calls Tatar and coming in demand for developing and updating curricula the scientific and academic prevailing in the Arab and Islamic countries, most recently those issued from the top of the official Islamic namely the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which called for to keep up with our curricula with the changes of life and its developments amazing fast and like there to call for change and modernization in terms of Think a religious purpose pruning the curriculum of impurities ideas of extremism and religious violence or lead to them, and there are calls called quickly begin development of systematic education for the necessities of a purely economic aims to meet the market needs and requirements of national production through the provision of skills and qualified national cadres for that and other points of entry and the reasons given by the owners of these calls for renewal of scientific and academic knowledge.

Is the development of the teacher? But in spite of the multiplicity of these justifications and the different facets of it gathered on the importance of the change in the content and the same technique does not address any of the Haz last linked to education as if it has nothing to do whatsoever with education or educational level, the most important moments of the other, in my view that not been addressed only occasionally and briefly is the values ​​and the supervisor of the implementation of this curriculum and I mean that (the teacher) talk about this subject and focused and detailed at least equal importance is the need for curriculum development.

Teacher Qualifications and efficient both in scientific, cultural and psychological is able alone to achieve the goals and objectives education through the application of and commitment to healthy and conscious approach to the subject was, but he has the ability and potential to complement these deficiencies and gaps that may relate to educational materials and seminars across the culture and capacity of stimuli scientific Unlike the teacher losses that capacity, which may make it worse and compounding of these shortcomings and gaps, and thus be a disaster for the entire educational process.

This on the one hand and on the other hand we all know and this is what confirms it policy of the state through the Ministry of National Education that the school before they are a place for the collection of scientific and knowledge are the station and educational guidelines complement the march of parents in the upbringing of the child and raise him on the foundations and pillars of the religious and the right foundations, as well as directed at the stage of puberty and adolescence and finally at the university level the senses and the maturity and completeness of the intellectual and mental development.

This means that the educational goals and behavioral introduction to her sister's education. One of the main educational methods and the most influential and achieve the desired results provide a model and example supposed presence in the personal (the teacher) in front of the student values ​​the good and moral virtues that are dropped on the ears of the student daily from the mouths of teachers multi will not find an attentive ear, mind and conscious and Hadma them unless finds compliance with this Ethics mentor in the person first, he will not see the feasibility of honesty in modern example, or discipline in daily attendance, or strict adherence to the dates of school quotas, etc. of other ethical ideals, if found contrary to the teacher before the students.

I can say for sure, saying that many of our schools today lack many of these models role models that deal with the matter the education and then in the way of dealing with the student out of a sense of parental responsibility towards him in the care and guidance is not out of a sense of sufficiency of responsibility functional purely confined to just the delivery of information whatever kind to the mind of the student without attention other educational factors.

University education to develop a must.. so I think before talking about the need to develop the curricula of educational stages of the first three or in parallel, at least has to be emphasized and the focus on the importance of qualifying the teacher and prepare well in all respects, especially the psychological which is then specialized scientific or public, which Review calls for the same university curricula and teachers' colleges, which serve as breeding and preparation of educational professionals through education in order to update and develop the other, and focus on the development of educational tools in the process of building a teacher and rehabilitation. 
Where is the oversight role?

It is very important and before I conclude recalling the need for supervision and control ongoing by the Ministry and departments of education sub-by supervisors and mentors and by activating the school administrations in this regard does not exceed the teacher curriculum decision for students and strict adherence to what is the theme for it, what we hear between time to time and the other on the exit of some teachers, the limits of the curriculum and launching his subjects far from it and in particular the religious curriculum of their importance and seriousness to go into by non-scientists and specialists in one hand, and the sensitivity of the situation in which we live and the possibility of exploiting some of the followers of the deviant thought extreme Almnglghlin among these the noble profession of promoting and preaching extremist views and ideas between our students on the other.
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