Use appropriate teaching method

To teach a number of ways, and there is no way of these methods are valid for all cases, but there are several factors that determine when the method is more suitable than others. 
Select what suits you best roads in the light of the following criteria: 
1 - Lesson to be explained 
2 - the quality of students 
3 - You are your character and abilities as a teacher who provides a lesson. Remember that : Clear objectives and specific + = correct way studied successful . 
In general, to be successful on the lesson that the teacher : 
1 prepares students for study identified new objectives for them and its importance . 
2 - make sure the students' knowledge of the introductions to the lesson and the previous requirements, even if the work has a quick review of the best . 
3 - submit a new lesson . 
4 - throw questions to the students and Anaqchehem to see how their understanding . 
5 - gives students the opportunity to practice and application . 
6 - students assess and gives them immediate feedback about what they have achieved . 
7 - gives due . 
8 - Be creative and stay away from red tape : 
That your commitment to one way in all lessons, making your lessons is a chore (routine) is boring, your vision is sufficient for the coming season to send the students' boredom and laziness. Always try to deal with independently of each lesson in the way and style, and be creative in diversifying the methods of presentation . 
It is what is most boring in the hearts of the students initially monotonous for the lesson, as the word: "Open the book page ..!" Or start writing on the blackboard of the things that used by more teachers, try always to be the beginning of each lesson interesting, Once the question and once the story and time display means educational student activity and once .. And so on. All that was initially unexpected as I was able to stretch the students' attention more . 
Of the things that bring bored students, and make the lesson uninteresting sitting position students in the classroom. Valmatad of many teachers to be chapter row upon row, and change this situation from time to time to suit the lesson and the subject gives a bit of renovation to the environment chapter . 
Try as much as possible that each studied a different situation, it is once in the form of rows, and the other in a circle, and a third in the form of small groups .. Thus, although the performance of the lesson outside the classroom useful and helps to achieve its objectives, why sit in class? !
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