The use of modern equipment in the learning process

It has become the use of modern devices, especially computers and televisions, CDs and hanging reflector and other intensive in recent years they have become our current so-called era of sound and image par excellence, so that we note their presence the great among the community through various means such as televisions and computers through the World Wide Web (Internet) .
Interestingly is a great demand for children to follow these methods and their use, and therefore must be employed in the educational process, because they address the imagination of the learner, whether at the level of vision or hearing, and grabbing his attention, because it does not require him great effort, these tools enable the student to expand his knowledge of knowledge is greater than has to offer education based on the traditional narrative has been confirmed by many of the writings of educational, including the National Charter for Education and Training on the need to use this
Technologies, especially those with modern technology in teaching and training ...
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