Values ​​of the school as an institution for socialization and community values ​​as they really are kind and practitioner

From the Start The Hat to say that the school as an institution of socialization, are linked structurally and functionally Ocean socio - cultural year for the school; which there is a dialectical relationship between the school and the community, where the school operates on the upbringing and development of learners as knowledge and ideologies, values ​​determined by the society (the State) in his philosophy and choices educational engineer and build and control the programs and educational curricula and training .
But, is there is always consistency and compatibility between the values ​​of the school, which works to pass and construction of learners, and the values ​​of society as they really are kind and practitioner?
  Morocco's current school operates, through reform of the new educational system, to involve education on the values ​​in
Educational curricula and programs, and this Mangda already operative in the National Charter for Education and Training White Paper; where they are starting from education on Islamic values ​​and principles   Tolerant, and education on cultural identity and its cultural, moral, and civic education, education on human rights and democracy .
These are the values ​​of the school which aspires to build and planted in the personality of the learner, to be translated into representations and perceptions, and behaviors of community. But these values ​​do have a school effectiveness and credibility outside the walls of the school? (Sometimes even within the educational institutions themselves? !)
In fact, we find the Moroccan society struggling with several aspects of behavioral and value negative and contradictory ones, spread the values ​​of capitalist, liberal, savage, individualism and selfishness, alienation of cultural and consumer interests narrow, individual, child pornography, moral decadence in general ... We also note the near absence of the spirit of responsible citizenship and jealous on the present and the future of the country and the people, dignified not to Ntme national, as we see the rule of looting public money, low and destruction services, and public institutions, laxity of political and administrative, economic, dream of immigration and "Aharik," contempt and disdain for all that is national, burning the national flag, rampant chauvinism and discrimination of caste, spatial and linguistic ... and at the level of human rights and demand democracy, we still score some negative phenomena, Kaltlaab the will of the voters and deceive them in the elections, institutional and in some Alheiat political and trade union and community groups, the expansion of the cycle of poverty and marginalization, and degradation of the Agony of public services which guarantees the right to work, health, housing, education, dignity and decent living, in addition to the reproduction of forms of discrimination and lack of Alchwefahoallamsawah and inequities in many of the wheels of the institutions and how the functioning (corruption, impunity, violence, humiliation, nepotism and clientelism, unequal opportunities ...)
Yes, there are exceptions, and there are the efforts of a formal change in most institutions, including the school, in order to eliminate some of the manifestations of public corruption, including corruption, value system, but all these efforts remain insufficient, to the exacerbation of the phenomenon of corruption value-year, non-activation of Capricorn to the State right law and the values ​​of justice and true democracy and comprehensive. Whatever fondle school learners to positive values ​​and virtuous, the remaining values ​​of the community is crucial and dominant, which supports and ensures the effectiveness and credibility of the values ​​of the school; in one word, you must be values ​​of the school are the values ​​of society with its institutions of administrative, legal and cultural and media and political ... And Bavradh, especially the officials and the elite, to be a role model and example in ethics and values ​​of citizenship and virtuous young and old alike. Which made ​​the values ​​of the school values ​​are real and living in the community, not just ideals and Toboyat expire at the end of the lesson teaching values ​​in school and out of the private and public life .
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