Weakness of the Arabic language between the psychological factor and the lapses of the educational system in the Arab World

There is no doubt that the psychological factor has a big role in the spread of weakness in the Arabic language, it has entered into a horrified that the Arabic language is difficult, many, many rules with different views, and that the Arabic writing, including problems constitute a major obstacle, and cause a grave for the poor people in the use of correct language. Perhaps the complexity of life in this day and age, and accompanied by steadily rising prices, increased interest in people wanting to provide their power, and collect the pension, is another factor of general factors in the weakness of the Arab language Arab, as they no longer have time for frequent visits to libraries, hard for their money to buy books , and the acquisition of Almkaroouat, and illiteracy, and the prevalence of slang obvious reason for the poor people of the Arabic language, and with all the tireless efforts of governments to combat illiteracy, the percentage of illiteracy is still high. One reason is the scarcity of a good teacher, has become an important teaching of Arabic in various
Phases of the study, teachers assigned to the unqualified. The media contributes to weaken the existing language, where a lot of bother with the Arabic language, do not put in the work on their goals and improve Highness, in fluent sound. 
The authors who write in various topics in a language is weak, they offer their readers a model for Aasahm to raise their level of language, but their native language, which we are seeingweakness. (2)
The problem mainly lies in the learned Arab, many countries cut off the Arabic language, became some of the universities taught the Arabic language to non-specialists, and university student the Arab, who teaches history, or philosophy must be lenient with his language, because it is not taught in the jurisdiction of the Arabic language.
So, in light of the above Z seen that the problem with the basis of the thought of me, and a cultural identity for the Arab citizen, and his independent and self-consciousness. And our discovery of our identity and ourselves will be followed by attention to language. (3)
You also run the Arabic language the colors of abandonment, harassment and maiming of more children, it is in the following:
-      The foreign language is the language of university education in the scientific sections, in many universities in Arab countries.
** The dominant language in the health centers, hospitals, and hotels are foreign language with the majority of doctors, workers in these institutions and sites of the Arabs.
** The vast amount of crept into the vocabulary of the Arabic language, especially in the O intellectuals are unaware of the seriousness of this course.
-      Abandoned Alvsih linguistic and Alienation.
** Weakness of language teachers in general, and the Arabic language in particular, do not adhere to Balvsih in the course of their teaching, and use the local dialect and this is due to two reasons:
    The first is the lack of interest in fluent Arabic.
    Second: the unfamiliarity with its rules and assets, and the lack of curriculum chosen carefully, and the presence of gross errors and irregularities linguistic and grammatical evident in posters, paintings hanging on the facades of shops, and the presence of some of the names are alien to our language, and the celebration of morality popular poems, slang, she believes that newspapers are racing in the service of this type of literature and publishing, and promotion, and this shows the weakness of Altdhuqa level when some members of the nation. (4)
Based on the over must find appropriate solutions, to prepare more than j along with a university degree, The preparation of a good teacher for teaching methods, which must be sensitive to the data Pedagogy and Psychology, and appropriate to the realities of the Arabic language itself, and capabilities of students to be accepted, and promotion automatic, which traditionally Ministries of Education and Arabic to work it, in the lower elementary grades, the reason to make the students reach the upper stages are impaired in language and other lessons (5).
It must be aesthetic education, and democratic spirit to understand the language. The linguistic factor Palmagam linguistic guarded language, that it is consistent with the evolution of language, and introduces the emerging vocabulary of modern and sophisticated. (6) to get to the Arabic language, fluent, unorthodox pro-development, and modern developments.
(2) D. Ibumgla, Samih (modern methods of teaching the Arabic language) - Majdalawi House for Publishing and Distribution - Amman -1999 - Chapter X -
R (107-108-109).
(3) Abd al-Moula, Mohamed Alaa El Din (the point of view, in fact the Arabic language) - the civilized dialogue - p 1475 - 28/2/2006- r (1).
(4) Muhammad Ali, Mahmoud Ibrahim (Arab reality today) -2006 - PO (1-6).
(5) D. Ibumgla, Samih (modern methods of teaching the Arabic language) - Amman / Jordan -1999 - Chapter X - r (1).
(6) Abd al-Moula, Mohamed Alaa El Din (the point of view, in fact Arabic) - Al (1).
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