What is expected from professional examinations in the present moment?

Received in recent years the phenomenon of professional examinations for the frameworks of the Ministry of National Education in general and teachers of primary education in particular, has received considerable attention are in the various reactions that come from the candidates to pass these games after the announcement of final results, where we note variation evident in these responses produce two groups, team first describes the results of these examinations objectivity and opinion question of success or failure is attributed to the extent to which the candidate's understanding of the topics the exam and thus she replied to questions and method of drafting the subject of this answer and systematic analysis is al-Faisal in the success or Rsoppe, the team second question the credibility and those for their issue is not related have to answer exam questions but not in substance or in terms of methodology in relying on the data difficult to question the validity in general, making them ask more than
A question mark on these exams. If the feedback from the exam was passed Ahafahm chance of success, as well as certificates to some of substantive success was their ally, this form of variation and difference ,....
It has had to put these tests into analysis and criticism and therefore everyone is invited from the Gaza guardian and active educators and social partners to study this phenomenon by reading all its dimensions and put them under a microscope to find out the kinks in it. From this standpoint, I thought I someone who follows these exams for eight years that I set some of its features through the following: 
1 - professional examinations for professors primary education, considering in terms of subject matter means that the latter can contribute significantly to the professional advancement of a man of education in our country as long as required from the candidate's always the questions that stemmed from his experience the process of personal and in that weave real relationship between what is theoretical and what is applied and practical, this positive aspect is calculated for these tests. 2 - conditions and atmosphere with which these tests can not absolutely say that it is worthy of a man of education, especially the phenomenon of fraud that would not be exaggerating if I said that it has become a general phenomenon and has become the norm, and without exception , and here I would like to emphasize that the responsibility first lies with Mr. competitor who allowed himself to fall into the quagmire that dignifying for him, and also Much of this responsibility is borne by the sector trustee, who in my opinion, Mama wanted to limit or eliminate this phenomenon will not be executed means so, and the reality of experience confirms this, there Mrakzamthan where the phenomenon is limited if not non-existent, while we find other aggravated the phenomenon and this is due of course to the conviction of each center through his administration, frameworks, and his will to fight all types of fraud and then do their responsibility in this aspect . And if we want to fight fraud in Nashitna behooves us to begin to fight fraud adults and particularly those adult educators and education. 3 - We all know that the dates for these exams are usually in the month of December (this year will be scheduled in October), but the announcement of the Results and regulations are not successful, but during the summer holiday   Any month of July or August, an event that has kept the results to the very month of October. We wonder Is it possible that are kept the results of the exam vocational It is a test like the rest of exams for all that time and it is known that the papers editorial is the completion of correction by the end of Fberajrigariba can clean two months at the latest estimate lull in keeping dots professional and amend regulations, information and complete all the remaining actions and thus advertising results in April Kogel to some extent remains acceptable, but the case on what he, the delay unjustified and which makes no sense is no longer acceptable and the Amstssaga 0.4 - if the only criterion - according to legislation and school laws regulating the exams - in resolving the success or failure is the points obtained in examinations in addition to the point of administrative, professional, and if the results of these examinations and regulations successful in its current form, they lack the points obtained through the game, the regulations that includes the names of successful and numbers Tagerhm addition to the numbers testing of the prosecution to which they belong, Ovisa area of all these information and narrows the points obtained? If we consider all the above stated objective, why not be announced regulations backed by successful Almjtakizn dots for the match and in detail.
These were some of the features of professional examinations for teachers of primary and discern from which the reality of these games will not play a real role in the promotion of physical and professional practitioner education only if the revised comprehensive review, starting the process of developing nominations and passing through the cross match and ending with the announcement of the results. In order to achieve these games results and objectives of the real line with the requirements of the National Charter for Education and Training and the contents of the emergency program which makes both the student and professor at the heart of interest in the educational system, all of the above will not be achieved in my opinion, however, adhere to the following: - create a climate education real to pass these exams as befitting a man of educationthrough completely eliminate the phenomenon of fraud that can not be accepted at all because of their serious repercussions on our educational system as a whole. - to be announced Altaataúj on dates set in advance through the notes of the Organization for these tests and that those dates might be acceptable, logical and to be respected. - to be adopted the principle of objectivity in the grant point professional, whether management point or point of inspection and that their norms true, taking off from work within the department through the assessment covers all aspects of the teaching-learning process - that is given to the point of professional account first and be allocated a larger proportion of the percentage point of the exam, and this consideration is What will add to the other entries in improving the professional performance of the men by education and rehabilitation for those who perform the task of teaching all the efficiency of the other. 
These were some problematic professional examinations as well as some suggestions that can be elaborated and revised by the Minister in charge as well as various social partners during the study days in the direction out of these games from being present in order to become a specification more scientific and objective and thereby achieve their real ruler to it.
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