Care of individual differences.. Neutralize the role of individual differences and prevent them from controlling the degree of achievement and excellence

Means (care of individual differences) here: to neutralize the role of individual differences, and prevent them from controlling the degree of achievement and excellence; and thus equal to most of the students in the level of performance required.

To achieve this result takes care of the book and the teacher the following three facts:

1- tribal information: individual differences among students are the differences in the degree of mastery of tribal information, and this should not be learning a new move to ensure equal before the students in the degree of mastery of his information tribalism.

If then no one has the equality of the degree of mastery of new learning is possible; For this purpose, begin each training module in the book:

A)- A range of preliminary activities, focusing on tribal and stirred information, and help to master.

B)- Test measures the extent to which tribal students from tribal knowledge and skills, and gives an indication of their knowledge of new topic.

Based on the results of the teacher decides to learn fast enough, and whether students need additional training, or are they poised to move to a new topic.

In reference to teacher's guide how to draw plans of training in the light of test results and activities of tribal primaries.

2- Speed: individual differences among students are the differences in speed of learning; must be equal to the time available to learn and the time required to learn all of the individual students.

Any should be given each student enough time to master the learning; For this approach, the language skills:  

A- Is allocated for each adequacy of time longer than a share or two portions of the time required for implementation; taking into account the students at least the speed of learning, and provides in the book the teacher a range of activities and exercises additional can be used for students, higher-speed, or when even students in the proficiency before the end of the time allocated for adequacy.

B- Each unit will include training a number of self-tests, reveal the extent of student progress in mastering the skill, and help the teacher to identify students' learning speeds, and whether some of them still need to re-training.  

C- The adequacy of each small group of core activities (llama), which students can at least focus on the speed mastered the skill of the target, and finds evidence for the teacher in the statement of such activities, and how to activate it.

D- Adopt the method of continuous assessment. And when the time allocated for the calendar longer than the time allocated for training.

The student who was unable to master the skill at the right time can continue to learn and practice them individually, even if you mastered the request of the teacher re-evaluate and improve the degree.
3- focus and perseverance: the individual differences among students are the differences in the amount of time spent by the student's concentration and perseverance to learn.

The outstanding students are the ones who spend longer periods of focus on learning, and thus improve their learning and performance.

Converge, while periods of wandering and dispersion of students vulnerable; and thus reduce the level of achievement.

To overcome this problem, the approach provides the linguistic skills of the following solutions:

A- The textbook used in the presentation of the material, and training activities, different types of representations take into account the patterns of intelligence and details of different students, so that each student find a representation that suits him and helped him to focus (representations of verbal, visual representations, representations of motor....).

B- End of each lesson or group lessons focused educational homogeneous material, based on   Method (programmed instruction), students can at least be relied upon perseverance to understand the subject.

C- Each unit ends with a number of training activities and the closing summary, and activities (the nation) that focuses on the fundamental aspects of skill, and students can have the least capacity to persevere to intensify its focus upon the mastered skill.

D- Find a teacher in the handbook guidelines will help him to raise the motivation to learn, and help him solve the problems of wandering and dispersion.
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