Concept of adequacy in modern linguistics.. The ability of the speaker that the listener a perfect result from the implicit rules of an infinite number of sentences lead the process of speaking

Used the term "sufficiency" of the corresponding English term (Competence ) Which refers to two concepts: first: the ability: which lies at the individual and enable him to produce an infinite number of sentences. Second: Queen linguistic. Daweesh has translated the word (Competence (B) the adequacy) of the first book (Hectr Haemmerli) to an end, but mixed with as little Subaie this concept is the concept of another It translates the concept of (Proficiency) Pkmutai language proficiency And interpreted by the sense of competence as well, and translates the same word in the sense of efficiency. At the same time translates the concept of (linguistic Competence) Pkmutai language proficiency. The translator uses the word (efficient) as opposed to the word (Competence). The author argues that the ability or Cultural competence (Cultural Competence ) Is more important than knowledge of mind when it comes to teaching, the knowledge he meant the mental capacity or efficiency linguistics (Linguistic Competence ), Which is the closest it contrasts with the heart of his theory. According to the prevailing view in modern linguistic theory, the ability or efficiency linguistics (Linguistic Competence ) Is the embodiment or representative of the Queen of linguistic (Language Faculty ). Hence, we find that Hectr Haemmerli has been used (Linguistic Competence ) In the sense of knowledge and mental efficiency, competence and ability, and this latest problem in the translation of the term and moved into Arabic, which led to multiple and overlapping concepts. On the other hand, I find that Baker met Chomsky term (adequacy ) And genetic susceptibility (capacity ) The ability and translated Fihri (Competence ) And capacity (capacity ) Efficiency and capacity. The adequacy Vkablha b (adequacy ). This disparity in return for the term, the consequent problem of overlap in the concept. 
So we find that the linguists have discussed the concept of adequacy, which showed a range of theoretical and methodological approaches that reached to the formulation of templates can be said today that it settled in its final or almost theoretical. These approaches have ranged from description to explanation, which led to the refinement of scientific instruments that touch the phenomenon of linguistic knowledge in at least some aspects of the phenomenon is related to some aspects of linguistic creativity in general. Therefore, the search in the mechanisms employed by the adequacy of the speakers, for the production of the mark in the form of the performance of language is able to complete the process of communication between human beings, with the exercise of control by the basal, or the so-called linguistic knowledge. I put scientific hypotheses about a component is not observable a (sufficiently). And these become sufficiently in the eyes of linguists needs to be understood internally set of evidence to determine what it is. Were bilateral efficiency and performance, which is among the conceptual binaries that have been associated as little Muhammad al- theories of thought and language curricula. The distinction between bilateral Dossoser speech and language, social language and not in accordance with the speaker, but the production represents an unknown manner. The speech is an individual, a performance piece side executive produced by the individual. Chomsky has been met in the concept (of adequacy) and (performance) with Dossoser in concept (the language), and (to speak), in particular the shift from a fixed level in the language to the level of mobile. I knew the language he has competence (Competence ), A knowledge of the speaker in his own language, and speech performance, achievement, verbal (Performance), Which result from this knowledge from the words of verified in the positions of concrete. Chomsky and the difference between efficiency and therefore performance, promise a fundamental difference between the two teams, there is a performance has a direct reflection of the vulnerability, but reflected a number of under ideal conditions that are related to the Speaker and listener. Valkvaih speaker listener has the ability to produce the perfect, from the implicit rules, an infinite number of sentences lead the process of speaking. These tacit rules "efficient adequacy   Must give the full set of all infinite range of sentences and structural description of structural description Refers to how understood by the speaker the listener ideal ". and these rules are generating "system of laws can be used continuously for an unlimited number of structures", and the system of laws that divides "to the components the three main in the rules obstetric a - components of grammar and Alphenologih and semantic ". The performance of rhetoric, is to use real-time language within a particular context ... It is therefore a reflection of the adequacy of language, and its move from being forced to exist already. It is here we find that these bilateral linguists have been filled since Chomsky introduced to now, and therefore there is a difference between mental knowledge of the speaker, which is what he calls Chomsky care of himself (Hiscompetence ) And accomplished performance and the words, which he calls the (His performance ). The concept of adequacy when Chomsky does not align to align fully the concept of language when Dossoser, so that the language when Dossoser is not only a warehouse and a system grammatically no force in the mind. However, the language proficiency advocated by Chomsky and his followers were limited as mentioned some of them sufficiently grammatical Grammatical Competence   ; Prompting Hymes and Halliday to propose what they called communicative competence which includes knowledge assets of speech and methods, and taking into account the target audience, with the ability to diversify to speak, as appropriate, in addition to the conscious knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. According to this focused theory obstetric manufacturing to analyze the ability of speaker language to produce sentences never heard before and understand, and distinguished between language proficiency (Queen linguistic) and performance, Valkvaih language defined as tacit knowledge rules of the language in which it exists in the mind of speaker, language, a fact that potential behind verbal performance, which deviates in fact a bit about, which is heading in different circumstances to speak. While known as the verbal performance of the individual using this knowledge in the process of speaking. It is also a reflection of The Michel Zakaria for the adequacy of language, in which some deviations from the laws of language, and can be detected in his performance based on implicit knowledge of the rules of the language, enough to return to any particular language. It is here, and found the structure of deep and surface structure, and the authority of Chomsky in that it is impossible to come up with rules identical or similar to the adequacy of a native speaker of the language in the relations of meaning given only to the surface structure of sentences, ie the order in which they appear the words in the sentence.
As for Ivandomski has put enough on it, "a system of rules and principles which are represented mentally, which enables the speaker to understand the sentences alive, and enable sentences to express ideas; as linked to votes fingerprints. Belongs to the adequacy of the speaker grammatical abilities structural, semantic and Alfonologih, which requires conformity expressions with as expressed in the language-specific, also includes provisions for good casting formal and semantic, and reference expressions, and uniformity of semantic and multi-semantic, and the degree of deviation ", indicating that this system which is sufficiently represented in the structure of the mind and shows the sense of achievement.This calls for enough to say that tacit knowledge in, and performance use of language in concrete situations.As well as acquired enough knowledge, performance did verified my words. This also means that the performance is the way to have enough; not sufficiently aware only of acts of linguistic performance. And then I came back enough to build an ideal default, at the time that the performance result of linguistically and realistic. This raised the problem of discrimination Auissa between linguists and scholars of psycholinguistics, is the problem of determining what facts should be taken into account when determining competence, and those events that should be excluded, in that it is appropriate occurrences of. And therefore associated with the concept of the ability of the speaker enough capacity to produce an infinite number of sentences, and linked with the knowledge and tacit rules, and associated with the system, which can be speaker of the sentences they live. In addition to other engagements will be announced later. And looked razor to the language proficiency of the starting points: first tenet: that it "means, on the one hand, Astdkhal rules of the Arabic language, in its voice, and formats morphological, and patterns of their camel, and throughout the Oarebha, and the implications of wording that the figures used, and methods in the statement, and the provisions drawn by the written, It means, on the other hand, the ability to install an unlimited number of sentences in Arabic and in accordance with those rules. The starting point the second: it is "the ability of communication is reflected in the faces of the functionality of language, and Taatmzar in reading in Arabic reading aloud, going on according to the rules developed, transparent inequalities meanings, move away from the monotony, and discover in reading the silent Mahh, and hearing the alert, and expression of oral Petite normal spontaneous convincing, and the expression written OK to serve as a straight on the rules of all the Arab. In addition to the ability to use the dictionary to achieve different kinds of semantic and control buildings, and to investigate ... Thus we find Moosa had given enough linguistic dimension and dimension Mrasaa Tmthleea, meet on the achievement of communicative function of language. Not only that but also the motives and mechanisms to achieve the dimensions of competence sought at the individual level and university level, and presentation to explain the concept and its applications in linguistics, education, and the mechanisms employed, said Musa as well as the structure of the standard is published in the dimensions of five, are:
1 Dimension I: to benefit from the knowledge of the modern tongue; given the terms of the language is a system form a coalition of the levels of integrated organically interrelated.
2 Dimension II: benefit from the knowledge of the tongue education; given the terms of the language is a tool of communication.
3 Dimension III: The systematic requirement to stimulate the learner to seek knowledge from various sources.
4 the fourth dimension: the requirement applied based on the employment of vocabulary in the questions require a private mental smartness.
5 fifth dimension: the investment potential of some students who save queens creative "construction." And thus enable the razor functional manner to get out enough of the reality within which mental performance piece. And between the faces of their application in teaching Arabic.
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